Democrat party anoints their leader...

In a telling moment for anti-democratic action, the Democrat party anointed Kamala Harris for President. She didn't get a single primary vote. She won no primaries. The average Democrat party member had no say in her selection. Like royalty of old, and dictators who hold pretend elections (Maduro most recently), Harris was anointed by the party leadership--like some politburo or Communist central committee--to be the Democrat party's presidential candidate.

Of course, the Democrats brought this state of dictatorial affairs on themselves having run Joke Bribem for reelection. I guess the leadership figured they could hide his deteriorating health, complete lack of mental acuity, and other issues until November, but that failed. So, they went with plan B, a brazen anointment of Harris as Queen or King, or whatever of the Democrat ticket. Not a scintilla of democratic process involved.
Trump dick suckers are still upset they can't run against Biden.
Trump dick suckers are still upset they can't run against Biden.
Brandon was YOUR guy in dozens of praise posts by you.

Heels Up Harris is the same mental midget as she was 35 days ago. She just has the propaganda machine behind her now.
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Just a reminder.

People vote for president in the general election.

A political party, not the people at large, chooses it's candidate
They don't have to have a primary at all to get their candidate on the ballot in every state.
There are other ways.
Small, obscure parties have their candidates on the ballot without primaries.

The only reason the primaries are binding is because the major parties themselves make them so with their rules...
rules which can be suspended at any time. They can choose to have an open convention. They can choose to have
a preliminary vote as the Democrats did when Biden decided to withdraw.

The fact that non-party members who have no intention to vote for any Democratic nominee are talking about it
as if something scandalous took place is a joke. Mind your own fucking business.
Brandon was YOUR guy in dozens of praise posts by you.

Heels Up Harris is the same mental midget as she was 35 days ago. She just has the propaganda machine behind her now.
They all threw him away just as quick as Kam and company did...
In a telling moment for anti-democratic action, the Democrat party anointed Kamala Harris for President. She didn't get a single primary vote. She won no primaries. The average Democrat party member had no say in her selection. Like royalty of old, and dictators who hold pretend elections (Maduro most recently), Harris was anointed by the party leadership--like some politburo or Communist central committee--to be the Democrat party's presidential candidate.

Of course, the Democrats brought this state of dictatorial affairs on themselves having run Joke Bribem for reelection. I guess the leadership figured they could hide his deteriorating health, complete lack of mental acuity, and other issues until November, but that failed. So, they went with plan B, a brazen anointment of Harris as Queen or King, or whatever of the Democrat ticket. Not a scintilla of democratic process involved.
Isn't it fascinating that the self proclaimed defenders of democracy have a candidate that not a single person voted for. Shit even the psychopath Hume knows it's all bullshit.
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Kamala Harris wasn't democratically chosen.

Mind your own fucking business.

Yeah but you mongrels murdered an unarmed woman in good blood in the process of pretending to stop an imaginary "coup".

In a telling moment for anti-democratic action, the Democrat party anointed Kamala Harris for President.

Hey, Nifty,

Looks like the MAGA morons really are upset that they are going to lose.

Great. I'm hoping they are in major misery. No group deserves it more.
All this represents is conservatives who hate what has happened. A month ago, Trump was coasting to a victory over an incumbent who had simply gotten too old to run again.

The right wanted this to be a protracted, difficult process. They wanted there to be infighting among Democrats, and uncertainty.

Instead, the Democrats seamlessly moved on to the #2 on that ticket. The party is absolutely stoked about it, and Trump is now losing in the polls. All conservatives can do is shout "coup" at the clouds.
Hey, Nifty,

Looks like the MAGA morons really are upset that they are going to lose.

Great. I'm hoping they are in major misery. No group deserves it more.
I would always prefer to lose for doing the right thing than to win for being a low life lying leftist donkey humping piece of shit. The supposed party of "democracy" has a candidate that no one voted for. To normal people that's hypocritical at best and evil at worst but to low life lying leftist donkey humping pieces of shit it's just another day.
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I would always prefer to lose for doing the right thing than to win for being a low life lying leftist donkey humping piece of shit. The supposed party of "democracy" has a candidate that no one voted for. To normal people that's hypocritical at best and evil at worst but to low life lying leftist donkey humping pieces of shit it's just another day.
You MAGA morons have not done "the right thing" from the day that moron Trump came down that escalator.

And the American Right has not done "the correct thing" (which is what I think you meant)...for at least 6 decades.

Go hump a couch, Moron.
In a telling moment for anti-democratic action, the Democrat party anointed Kamala Harris for President. She didn't get a single primary vote. She won no primaries. The average Democrat party member had no say in her selection. Like royalty of old, and dictators who hold pretend elections (Maduro most recently), Harris was anointed by the party leadership--like some politburo or Communist central committee--to be the Democrat party's presidential candidate.

Of course, the Democrats brought this state of dictatorial affairs on themselves having run Joke Bribem for reelection. I guess the leadership figured they could hide his deteriorating health, complete lack of mental acuity, and other issues until November, but that failed. So, they went with plan B, a brazen anointment of Harris as Queen or King, or whatever of the Democrat ticket. Not a scintilla of democratic process involved.
I thought we were not a Democratic Country and you liked it that way?
Biden told America in July of 2020, that his primary criteria for picking his VP candidate was that it would be a Black Woman.

Well, some argue that she is actually of Indian Heritage, and not really African Black, but I know no-one who argues that she is not a female POC. She meets the criteria set for her selection.

She certainly supports BLM, the Floyd Rioters, the special status, legal rights, racial preferences, and even cash payments based on skin-tone which is popular among the Democratic Voting Base.

Kamala was not hired to address border issues, and so she didn't.

Kamala was not hired to address inflation and economic issues, and she cannot.

Kamala is exactly what she was hired to be, a female POC advocate for special preferences, legal exemptions, and cash payments to POC.

In a telling moment for anti-democratic action, the Democrat party anointed Kamala Harris for President. She didn't get a single primary vote. She won no primaries. The average Democrat party member had no say in her selection. Like royalty of old, and dictators who hold pretend elections (Maduro most recently), Harris was anointed by the party leadership--like some politburo or Communist central committee--to be the Democrat party's presidential candidate.

Of course, the Democrats brought this state of dictatorial affairs on themselves having run Joke Bribem for reelection. I guess the leadership figured they could hide his deteriorating health, complete lack of mental acuity, and other issues until November, but that failed. So, they went with plan B, a brazen anointment of Harris as Queen or King, or whatever of the Democrat ticket. Not a scintilla of democratic process involved.
This is old, Trump tried selling that bullshit weeks ago and it fell flat

Harris was voted the candidate by the elected delegates, by withdrawing, Biden freed his delegates to vote as they wanted, and they voted for Harris, unanimously, nothing “anti democratic” about that
You can argue, that in 2024, what America needs is someone who has the ability to deal with International Conflicts, Domestic Economic Problems, toxic lithium battery wastes, revitalizing American Heavy Industry and the Border Crisis...

And therefore, in the current situation, a person primarily selected to be a Black-largess-advocate is not the solution.

But you cannot argue that Kamala is not what the Democratic Party Voters selected her for, special stuff for Blacks.

Biden froze during the debate in a mental fog. The party knew that could not be allowed to continue. He would lose the race to the felon and jeopardize the country. If he won, he may not have been able to govern. They did the right thing for the party and the country. Biden accepted the evidence and did the right thing. If he chose to, he could have run.
It was no plot to remove Biden. Worried Dems expressed their viewpoints to Biden and he was convinced.
Oh, horseshit.

It was all done on the up-and-up.

You just have problems with people doing the right thing...and since Joe Biden withdrew from consideration late in the process...the convention HAD TO choose someone...and they chose the person they supposed most likely to defeat that disgusting duo being run by the GOP.

If you don't like it...TOUGH!
No, it wasn't, any more than with the Hildabeast's nomination. As for liking it or not, that part is irrelevant. It's YOUR party that is putting up what amounts to royalty for President.
