Democrat party anoints their leader...

These poor bastards really are suffering, aren't they.

Kinda fun to watch it.

They do it so publicly.
Yes, it's pathetic, but in a way, it's funny to watch them come here to scoot around on their sore asses like a dog with worms!

These poor lost souls are the leftover OBAMA-HATERS, AND HILLARY-HATING SWIFT-BOAT ATTACKERS that have made themselves sick over their HATRED, RACISM, and SEXISM, and are now the most miserable of all the people in the USA.

Fate is one of those consequential things that eventually catches up, and can be a BITCH for the Deplorable Sore Losers, Haters, Racists, Sexists, Liars, Cynics, and Antagonists. Most of all, they never seem to learn from their mistakes and horrible decisions.

Well, we tried to warn them- BUT THEY NEVER LISTEN TO US!
Continue suffering about this.

It is fun to watch.
Most MAGAts are in a pot of misery of their own making. Either because they screwed themselves through stupid life decisions and are too cowardly to do what's necessary to correct course or that they are mentally ill and refuse to accept help for their condition.

In Terry's case, I suspect the latter since he's clearly deteriorated the past couple years which indicates early onset dementia or some other severe mental health issue.