Democrat wants felons to vote?


Of course they do; after all, felons are more likely to vote for the party who wishes to disarm the American sheeple , prevent the death penalty and release criminals to continue preying on the unarmed American sheeple!
Imagine actual felons who want to change may aspire to be this guy: Judge Mathis

"As a young man, Greg Mathis was involved with gangs, dropped out of school, spent time behind bars. Growing up as a gang member and heroin dealer in the mean streets of Detroit, Michigan, Mathis had done plenty of time in juvenile detention centers before age 17. All this changed when a judge gave him an ultimatum of: either get a G.E.D. or go to jail. At the same time, Mathis found out his mother was dying of cancer. Rushing to her side, he promised her he'd turn his life around and so did: he attended college; passed the bar and earned a law degree; became the youngest judge in Michigan’s history and then served as a Superior Court Judge for Michigan’s 36th District."

People who are legitimate felons that have harmed people should not bask in the benefits of civil liberties such as voting (unless there is some controlled stipulation of proving their worth) but those who have made poor choices in their lives I personally see no reason why they shouldn't vote. I think Judge Gregory Mathis has proven that with some guidance your typical criminal can change.

LMAO. Yep, and there isn't much criminal recidivism either right? ;)
If we don't want to restore them to full citizenship, why not just keep them incarcerated? It seems to me that to let them out of prison and then to keep them at arm's length, in the shadows, and out of the mainstream of life is a recipe for increased recidivism.

Maybe if we gave them $10,000 dollars for each year of their life they would use the money wisely and not revert back to their criminal ways? After all, money solves everything doesn't it?
It's a weepy agenda, comrade, so naturally that's a huge turn off to freedom lovers. If some states want to keep them out, then so be it.

I guess if some states want to enslave black folks, that's not a federal issue either? It's an issue of basic citizen's rights. If someone has committed a crime, they are punished by our society by incarceration and then, once they have paid their debt to society, they are allowed to return to society. TO continue to deny them the right to vote is a federal issue, imo.


Eric Holder urged states to repeal laws that prohibit felons from voting on Tuesday.

The Irony behind this post is epic.

The Left (assumed by post 2) says "what does it mean to pay one's debt to society if one is then forever forbidden from participating".

The Right I use to follow stated the exact same thing about guns in an attempt to show everyone is responsible until proven irresponsible.

I tend to think that you shouldn't be allowed to have a gun again if you used a gun in a crime before incarceration.

Voting though? Hard topic. To look at convicted criminals as "perfect" and "fixed" after they get out of jail wouldn't be very smart. I think that puts a lot of faith in our "correctional" system. For me, it would depend on the crime and how long that ban would last. Someone I know *cough* smashed a mailbox or two. Does that mean that person who did that at 16 years old wouldn't be able to vote when he or she was an adult?

The topic is clearly deeper than yes or entire purpose of being in politics..
as a literate person I would agree with you........however, very many liberals would disagree with you....

That sentence doesn't make sense because by "Liberal" in that sentence you would mean a Liberal amount of knowledge or a Liberal amount of Literacy. I'm sure you know what Liberal means though.
That sentence doesn't make sense because by "Liberal" in that sentence you would mean a Liberal amount of knowledge or a Liberal amount of Literacy. I'm sure you know what Liberal means though.

no, that would be a "liberal amount of literacy"......I'm referring to its polar opposite, a "Liberal's amount of literacy".......
The Commander thinks revealing the conditions under which felon voting rights should be restored is "trivial", doesn't he?

I want those who pay their debt to society to then be reintegrated into the process of participating in governing that society.

Can you explain exactly which voting rights you want to extend to felons and detail any conditions you feel would be appropriate?

all voting rights restored after the felon serves his or her debt to society. period.

Does your definition of the debt to society include successful completion of probationary periods, parole, payment of court-ordered fines, etc.?

are they debts to society?

Good question, Commander. Are they?

court ordered fines certainly are.... I am undecided about the others.

Make a decision, Commander.

I have absolutely ZERO need to decide anything so trivial as that.

The conditions of allowing convicted felons to vote are "trivial", Commander?

nothing I care to waste any further time contemplating, that's for sure.