Democratic Peace Theory


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From Wikipedia
The democratic peace theory posits that democracy causes peace, while the territorial peace theory makes the opposite claim that peace causes democracy. Other theories argue that omitted variables explain the correlation better than democratic peace theory.

Basically, democratic peace theory is democracies don't fight other democracies. Anyone believe this crap?
Realist know power wants more power through war. It doesn't matter what type of government one claims to have. Obama received a nobel peace prize then went on to start 6 more wars. It's rare to find a politician opposed to war, they'll get primaried by the establishment and removed from government.

It's disgusting watching all the so-called JPP democrats celebrating 2 ongoing genocides.
Realist know power wants more power through war. It doesn't matter what type of government one claims to have. Obama received a nobel peace prize then went on to start 6 more wars. It's rare to find a politician opposed to war, they'll get primaried by the establishment and removed from government.

It's disgusting watching all the so-called JPP democrats celebrating 2 ongoing genocides.

Does it matter to you that no one knows what you are talking about?
From Wikipedia
The democratic peace theory posits that democracy causes peace, while the territorial peace theory makes the opposite claim that peace causes democracy. Other theories argue that omitted variables explain the correlation better than democratic peace theory.

Basically, democratic peace theory is democracies don't fight other democracies. Anyone believe this crap?

I see no evidence that this is true.

Notice my current sig:
The American Empire has endlessly recited this claim as justification for our constantly running around the world brutalizing others.

"We are fighting for Democracy!"

Notice we dont hear that claim anymore for why we are at war in Ukraine.....the lie was too profound to maintain.......the Ukrainians are NAZI's and people still remember WW2.
The American Empire has endlessly recited this claim as justification for our constantly running around the world brutalizing others.

"We are fighting for Democracy!"

That assertion alone proves liberals are codependent on the talking points given to them by corporate media. Liberals lack the ability to think for themselves.
Notice we dont hear that claim anymore for why we are at war in Ukraine.....the lie got to be too profound to is the opposite of the truth....the Ukrainians are the NAZI's and people still remember WW2.

That’s right, RT, Pravda, TASS, and Tucker told “stevie” that, got to be true
That assertion alone proves liberals are codependent on the talking points given to them by corporate media. Liberals lack the ability to think for themselves.

In America now narratives are deployed based upon calculations that they will get the speaker what they want, not because the claims have any basis in reality.

Buckle Up...this gets punished in this particular Universe.