Democrats Continue To Spew Lies About The Contents Of Project 2025

Actually it was designed by people from his administration, and the heritage foundation are the animals who picked supreme court justices for tRump.
It was not designed by Trump or any of his administration, Creep. It was put together by the Heritage Foundation.
Lol, no. Learn some history. Hitler took over the party and kicked out all the socialists. He hated them.

They outlawed it, and executed many who practiced it.

They just kept the name.
Never did. Apparently you don't know what 'fascism' or 'communism' means. They are both forms of DEMOCRATS.

Fascism is government manipulation of markets (the Nazi way).
Communism is government ownership of markets (the Stalin way).

There is nothing 'far right' about the Nazis.

Hitler went after Stalin supporters because it competed against his own brand of socialism, a mixture of mostly fascism with some communism. Stalin advocated mostly communism with some fascism.

BOTH also supported slavery, that third form of socialism.

ALL socialism is based on theft of wealth.

Only capitalism creates wealth.
Only capitalism creates opportunities for all, rich or poor, young or old. It is not racist. It is not bigoted. It needs no government to 'manage' it. The market is self correcting.

Capitalism, fascism, and communism exist in every nation. Slavery exists in most nations (including the United States, although illegally).

Democrats WANT fascism, communism, and slavery.
Democrats think they are the Elite, just like the Nazis did.
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It was not designed by Trump or any of his administration, Creep. It was put together by the Heritage Foundation.

Pull the other one, Son. It's got bells on.
Never did. Apparently you don't know what 'fascism' or 'communism' means. They are both forms of DEMOCRATS.

Fascism is government manipulation of markets (the Nazi way).
Communism is government ownership of markets (the Stalin way).
You conservitatards have got to stop attacking education or everyone is going to end up as misinformed as you are.
Never did. Apparently you don't know what 'fascism' or 'communism' means. They are both forms of DEMOCRATS.

Fascism is government manipulation of markets (the Nazi way).
Communism is government ownership of markets (the Stalin way).

Read and educate yourself.

Pull the other one, Son. It's got bells on.
Quoting Fake News won't work, Creep. False authority fallacy.

Read and educate yourself.
No news agency nor encyclopedia defines any word, Creep. False authority fallacy.
I'll just yank one pillar out from under the tower of myopic, misleading and downright untrue babble from our pointy hooded friend:

Bottom line: you have a corrupt MAGA leaning SCOTUS that has gutted Roe v. Wade, so the little cretins behind Proj2025 would stretch that inch to a mile for making abortion virtually unobtainable beyond imminent death of the mother during pregnancy.

The eyelets in old Vole's hood only lets him see what he wants, limiting his thinking of ALL the facts.
Dude, nazis are autharitarian right wingers.


So regale us with how a system where the means of production is under the absolute control of the state, in which the state sets production levels, what products will be produced. in what quantity, and at what price they will be sold under a totalitarian dictatorship, where individualism is repressed - brutally - in favor of the collective, where individual rights are supplanted in favor of group privilege, where dissent against the party, the Reich, or collectivism is a criminal act, where religion is highly regulated, and doctrine determined by the state.

Sounds exactly like the democrat party.

Everybody knows this.

Just like everybody knows the world is flat and the sun orbits the earth..
Actually it was designed by people from his administration,

Actually, that's a blatant lie.

It was designed and written by the Heritage Foundation, a Libertarian Think Tank.

The Trump administration ended in 2021 when the democrats usurped the presidency.

and the heritage foundation are the animals who picked supreme court justices for tRump.


The lies Communists tell...
You conservitatards have got to stop attacking education or everyone is going to end up as misinformed as you are.

Typical exchange with a democrat:

democrat: Fascism is right wing
American: What makes it right wing?
d: Because it's fascist
A: Okay, but what makes fascism right wing?
d: because it's capitalist
A: Weren’t Mussolini and Hitler collectivists with the state controlling the means of production?
d: They were corporatists
A: So they sold stock in an exchange?
d: well, there were private owners
A: So there was no exchange or stock involved like a corporation would use?
d: greedy Capitalists pigs
A: but there was no stock for the public to buy and ownership was set by the party that ruled the government?
d: see - capitalists
A: Government controlling the means of production is capitalism?
d: Racist
A: isn't racism a collectivist concept? The denial of individualism in favor of group identity?
d: Racism is right wing
A: From the trail of tears, slavery, the Klan, Jim Crow, to BLM, haven't the democrats been behind virtually all racism in America?
d: Democrats were Republicans back then
A: That's just stupid. Back to fascism.
d: Fascism is right wing
A: Fascism holds that the state - the government, is supreme. Isn't that what democrats claim?
d: Republicans are fascists
A: Don't Republicans advocate for individual civil rights?
d: We need courts to make laws at the federal level to ensure rights for women by imposing law from the top
A: shouldn't people decide for themselves on a state by state basis?
d: You're destroying democracy

Read and educate yourself.

You are the one who needs to educate yourself;

{When brought within the orbit of the State, Fascism recognizes the real needs which gave rise to socialism and trade unionism, giving them due weight in the guild or corporative system in which divergent interests are coordinated and harmonized in the unity of the State.[39]
[The state] is not simply a mechanism which limits the sphere of the supposed liberties of the individual... Neither has the Fascist conception of authority anything in common with that of a police ridden State... Far from crushing the individual, the Fascist State multiplies his energies, just as in a regiment a soldier is not diminished but multiplied by the number of his fellow soldiers.[39]}} Benito Mussolini

Fascism is, was, and always will be a form of socialism.

You lying, Marxist academia lying, the DNC press lying, changes nothing.

Your Big Lie is easily refuted, as I've done here.

You chant a mantra fed you under and appeal to authority and imagine yourself educated - celebrating your ignorance as your proof of just how erudite you are.