Democrats Continue To Spew Lies About The Contents Of Project 2025

Adolf Hitler was the darling of leftist intelligesia prior WWII. Time Magazine GUSHED about the brilliant Hitler who would save the working people crushed by the industrial powers in France and England.

But after the war, the support of Hitler by the radical left was an embarrassment. Plus the left was still enamored with and promoting Marxism.

So leftist academia did what the left does - they lied. The fascism they so dearly loved a few years prior was suddenly the product of their enemies, not them. In typical "blame the victim" mode, the Communists in academia declared without logic or reason that this form of socialism was from the "Right."
And they STILL do it today, blaming their problems on conservatives; just like they are trying to blame their assassination attempt on conservatives!
Dictionaries do not define words. That is not their purpose.
Encyclopedias do not define words. That is not their purpose.

False authority fallacy.
that is the purpose of dictionaries actully.

you just hate what words mean because you're so often wrong, especially about fascism and economics.
You can always look it up, bitch. But you lazy cocksuckers never do.

The shitstains that contributed to this piece of shit document were IN HIS ADMINISTRATION, fucktard, whether you want to admit it or not.

I have not read the entire document, but the parts I have read are MAGAts wet dreams. Slash and fucking burn. But, be sure to get that “Christian” element in there for the evangelicals.
Gomer, having another bay day?