Democrats Continue To Spew Lies About The Contents Of Project 2025

Big Lie has never been refuted, it is a Big Lie, and you, plus the others, have been schooled so many times on the Big Lie one would think you’d have enough smarts to not even regurgitate it again, ever
Your big lie that Fascism is somehow a "right wing socialist, collectivist, authoritarian" system has "never been refuted?" I've refuted it half a dozen times in this thread alone.

Sure, you continue to ignorantly lie, that is your nature. But your Big Lie was defeated decades ago.
20 of the 37 contributors were in Trump’s administration, stupid fuck.

First off, I don't believe you. You Communists lie about everything - always. Secondly, Trump has been out of office for nearly 4 years. No one at Heritage is on the Trump campaign team or employed by Trump.

Thirdly, I have not read the thousand page document, nor have you. You are just spreading propaganda from the Little Goebbels of your filthy party. You have no idea what is in the proposal.
First off, I don't believe you. You Communists lie about everything - always. Secondly, Trump has been out of office for nearly 4 years. No one at Heritage is on the Trump campaign team or employed by Trump.

Thirdly, I have not read the thousand page document, nor have you. You are just spreading propaganda from the Little Goebbels of your filthy party. You have no idea what is in the proposal.
You can always look it up, bitch. But you lazy cocksuckers never do.

The shitstains that contributed to this piece of shit document were IN HIS ADMINISTRATION, fucktard, whether you want to admit it or not.

I have not read the entire document, but the parts I have read are MAGAts wet dreams. Slash and fucking burn. But, be sure to get that “Christian” element in there for the evangelicals.
Actually you didn't. You provided links to Marxist hate sites that in no way support the lie your party is telling that Trump wrote Project 2025. He didn't. Trump is agenda 47, which is the Republican platform.

What it is is that you Communists are desperate and have gone full Heinrich Himmler with the demagoguery. Quid Pro is a disaster - so all you can do is slander and defame Trump.
Your big lie that Fascism is somehow a "right wing socialist, collectivist, authoritarian" system has "never been refuted?" I've refuted it half a dozen times in this thread alone.

Sure, you continue to ignorantly lie, that is your nature. But your Big Lie was defeated decades ago.
Fascism isn't socialist. It's right wing authoritarianism.
The Nazis were socialists, Creep, like DEMOCRATS.
You cannot blame YOUR problems on conservatives.

It is DEMOCRATS that:
* try to dictate you what you can buy or sell, including lightbulbs, toilets, washing machines and other appliances, energy types, automobiles, and even weapons.
* try to dictate how much someone must be paid and how much something must cost (price controls).
* take your wealth by force to give it away to the unproductive and the criminal (after taking a fat cut for themselves first, of course!) other words, theft.
* try to interfere with the authority of parents over their kids, and encourage kids to mutilate and disfigure themselves.
* encourage the delinquency of children by exposing them to sexually deviant behavior, teaching it as "normal".
* encourage racism and bigotry, including hatred of Jews.
* support slavery.
* discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
and banker bailouts actually make the whole system bullshit, amirite?
It's funny how democrats go berserk over a think tank brochure, believing it will become the law of the land. Stupid people..... :rolleyes:

It's a bit larger than a brochure!. It's a book they are trying to sell.
It's general gist is to reduce the bureaucracy in the federal government, and return that power to the States, where it belongs.

You might say it's goal is to dismantle much of FDR's New Deal, Johnson's 'Great Society' BS, and the increasing bureaucracy of the federal government since then.

For example, it advocates eliminating the EPA (which has not cleaned up a single thing nor prevented any pollution), and the Dept of Education (which has not educated a single person). This part I agree with, as these two agencies are unconstitutional.

One agency that was NOT mention in Project 2025, but is nevertheless just as unconstitutional, is the BATF, which should also be eliminated.

I realize, of course, it won't happen. Government agencies, like governments themselves don't have a profit motive. They must justify themselves as 'solving a problem' to get tax money from people. Of course, they never 'solve the problem', because that would remove their justification. Even if they have to manufacture 'the problem', so they can 'solve it', they will do so.

Once a government agency is created, you couldn't blast it out with dynamite. Oh, Congress might move it around and recombine them under a different name, but that agency is still there.

The United States is broke. They do not have enough gold to pay for the debt, and they cannot collect enough revenue to pay for the debt.

All they can do is continue to print money (making everything higher priced, including what the government purchases) to try to keep the party moving along. More and more people are seeing this, and more and more people are searching for a different currency besides the Federal Reserve Note.

The debt is currently about $35 trillion and growing rapidly. It went from $28T to $35T since 2020, when Biden was installed, the largest increase in the history of this nation in a four year period. This is caused by Democrats and RINOs in Congress.

The largest budget item is Medicare/Medicaid. Behind that comes Social Security, then the military, then the INTEREST ON THE DEBT. Yes...that's only for SERVICING the debt, not paying the debt itself!

Annual revenue is about $2 trillion (about half of that is income tax, with the other half split primarily between payroll taxes and taxes on corporations), but they spend about $6 trillion in the same period.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that this is unsustainable. Collapse will come. It's only a matter of time. It can be semi-controlled, or more likely, uncontrolled. Those sucking at the federal teat will be hit hardest, but it will affect everyone. Congress still thinks it can print it's way out of it's problem.

(sources: Federal Reserve, OMB, US Treasury)
what's wrong with it?
An interesting question, and one that is not simple to answer, due to the length of the book and the many arguments it presents.

There are some things right in the book, and some things that are just too aggressive, and could never be implemented on any practical scale.
In many ways it has the right ideas, but I think it's already too late to implement some of them, and many of them will never get past Congress.

It is better to be more specific than simply asking, "What's wrong with it?".