Democrats Continue To Spew Lies About The Contents Of Project 2025

Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025. None of his administrative staff he had while he was President has anything to do with Project 2025.

The purpose of Project 2025 is to severely reduce the size of government (essentially to begin to nullify FDR's New Deal and all the bureaucracy created since then) in a controlled manner before it falls apart in an uncontrolled manner. It's purpose is to return the federal government to it's constitutional limits, and return that power to the States, where it belongs.

It is not authoritarian. It is the exact opposite. It is also too aggressive. This is why Trump doesn't like it. It has some interesting goals, but I too think it is too aggressive. People are just too tied to the federal government.


The federal government is not far away from an uncontrolled collapse. Already, people are searching around for another currency. So far, searchers seem to favor either precious metals, particularly gold and silver (still the only legal currency, according to the Constitution), with a smaller number favoring Bitcoin (which I don't consider practical to implement).

Worse still, dollars abroad are coming home like crows. In addition, since Biden was installed, the dollar has been devalued by 34% so far (source: Federal Reserve).

Those depending on the federal government will suffer the worst, should the collapse take place. All will suffer, of course, since it will inevitably result in civil war...America's first (the so-called Civil War was actually a war between two nations and was not a civil war).
Not true, for beginners, Stephen Moore, who Trump nominated for the Federal Reserve and advised Trump co-authored the Project 2025 framework. In addition, several others who served in Trump’s administration were leading contributors; Gunasekara, chief of staff at Trump’s EPA; Pendley, Bureau of Labor Management; McNamee, deputy director of Energy Dept; Candeub, Commerce Dept; Cuccinelli: Homeland Security; Dearbrorn, Depty Chief of Staff, plus an array of other Trump loyalists

Again, you never even read the damn thing, like most of the cult, you stay away from primary sources and wait for the talking heads to tell you what they say

Rest of your post is just a regurgitation of Fox/AM talk radio rhetoric
You are the one who needs to educate yourself;

{When brought within the orbit of the State, Fascism recognizes the real needs which gave rise to socialism and trade unionism, giving them due weight in the guild or corporative system in which divergent interests are coordinated and harmonized in the unity of the State.[39]
[The state] is not simply a mechanism which limits the sphere of the supposed liberties of the individual... Neither has the Fascist conception of authority anything in common with that of a police ridden State... Far from crushing the individual, the Fascist State multiplies his energies, just as in a regiment a soldier is not diminished but multiplied by the number of his fellow soldiers.[39]}} Benito Mussolini

Fascism is, was, and always will be a form of socialism.

You lying, Marxist academia lying, the DNC press lying, changes nothing.

Your Big Lie is easily refuted, as I've done here.

You chant a mantra fed you under and appeal to authority and imagine yourself educated - celebrating your ignorance as your proof of just how erudite you are.
Big Lie has never been refuted, it is a Big Lie, and you, plus the others, have been schooled so many times on the Big Lie one would think you’d have enough smarts to not even regurgitate it again, ever
Not true, for beginners, Stephen Moore, who Trump nominated for the Federal Reserve and advised Trump co-authored the Project 2025 framework. In addition, several others who served in Trump’s administration were leading contributors; Gunasekara, chief of staff at Trump’s EPA; Pendley, Bureau of Labor Management; McNamee, deputy director of Energy Dept; Candeub, Commerce Dept; Cuccinelli: Homeland Security; Dearbrorn, Depty Chief of Staff, plus an array of other Trump loyalists
Trump isn't and wasn't the EPA, Federal Reserve, the Energy Dept, Homeland security, etc. Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025.
Again, you never even read the damn thing, like most of the cult, you stay away from primary sources and wait for the talking heads to tell you what they say

Rest of your post is just a regurgitation of Fox/AM talk radio rhetoric
I have read it, Anchovies. I even described basically what it proposes, and why neither Trump nor I really support it.

FOX News is owned and operated by Leftists. I don't listen to FOX News.
Democrat officials have launched a disinformation campaign about the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, misattributing policies nowhere to be found in the project and falsely linking them to former President Donald Trump.

The project is a policy roadmap for a future Republican administration created by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, and outlined in a nearly 1,000-page document highlighting long-held conservative priorities. The left’s fearmongering campaign comes amidst panic in the Democratic Party, which has fractured over Biden’s cognitive decline and abysmal election polling.

“[Project 2025] is a dangerous takeover by Trump and his allies to pass his extreme MAGA agenda,” Biden recently said on X, including a video that claims the project “would allow employers to stop paying overtime for millions” and “enact a national abortion ban.”

The claims are massive distortions of the project’s actual policies. The outline, in reality, suggests “calculat[ing] the overtime period over a long number of weeks” with the goal of giving workers greater flexibility in their schedule.

A national abortion ban is nowhere to be found in the policy outline, which insists conservatives should “recogn[ize] the many women who find themselves in immensely difficult and often tragic situations.”

The project encourages “complying with statutory bans on the federal funding of abortion” and notes that “alternative options to abortion, especially adoption, should receive federal and state support.”

The Biden campaign has doubled down on efforts to attribute the project to Trump, even creating a webpage that calls the policy plan “Trump’s Project 2025.” Trump has repeatedly distanced himself from the think tank’s policies.

“I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal,” Trump posted on Truth Social. “Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”

The website, nevertheless, insists that Trump plans on “reinstating and expanding [the] racist Muslim ban,” “arming teachers,” and “raising the retirement age.” It also claims Project 2025 will put “families’ access to IVF treatments … in jeopardy” and “cut Social Security.”

Not one of these policies is contained anywhere in Project 2025.

Other Democrats have participated in the fearmongering.

“They’re going after IVF,” Democrat Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed on MSNBC in February. “They also want to control … what they call recreational sex. … This is so clearly a patriarchal theocracy.”

Project 2025 makes no mention of in vitro fertilization (IVF) or “recreational sex.” Mentions of “God” and “Christian” are limited to religious freedom, tax exemptions, work as “service to God,” and “God-given individual rights to live freely,” contrary to AOC’s claims of theocracy.

Celebrities on the left have joined in the misinformation campaign as well.

Hollywood actor Mark Hamill, a longtime Democrat fundraiser and Biden supporter, spoke out against Project 2025 in a recent post, writing, “With fear for our Democracy, I dissent.”

The actor included a graphic of Trump with a laundry list of goals supposedly outlined in the project, including ending no-fault divorce, banning African American studies, banning contraception, banning Muslim immigration, cutting social security, raising the retirement age, and court packing.

Project 2025 responded with an enumerated list of 30 “myths vs. facts,” clarifying Hamill’s more misleading claims.

Mandate for Leadership calls for LOWER taxes for ALL Americans. Individuals spend their money in more productive ways than the government does,” the post noted, debunking the assertion that Project 2025 calls for higher taxes for working-class people.

Mandate for Leadership’s plan would not eliminate the FDA or the EPA, and NOAA’s functions would be transferred to other agencies, the private sector, and states and territories,” the post clarified about misleading claims on government agency policy.

But regardless of the facts about the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, Democrats and their supporters will continue to lie about the policy plan’s substance and inaccurately link the plan to Trump in an attempt to derail his presidential campaign.

So they have to create another bogeyman and hope that sticks.
Keep talking about and condemning lying and liars, Volsrock. That should work really well with Trump as your candidate.
*yawn* Another word gamer.

The word 'propaganda' first appeared in the English lexicon around 1622, stemming from the Latin 'propagare'. First used by the Catholic Church as part of Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, referring to a committee of Cardinals tasked with spreading the Faith. In 1790, this word was extended to mean political 'spreading of the Faith (or a political idealogy). It game into heavy use during WW1, and again in WW2, to spread political idealogy by any means necessary as 'The Faith'.

You provided Holy Links to fake news articles, designed specifically to 'spread the Faith', or your political idealogy. They are NOT news.

Holy Links are not a proof.
What "fake news articles" are those?
Nope. I provided links
Actually you didn't. You provided links to Marxist hate sites that in no way support the lie your party is telling that Trump wrote Project 2025. He didn't. Trump is agenda 47, which is the Republican platform.

What it is is that you Communists are desperate and have gone full Heinrich Himmler with the demagoguery. Quid Pro is a disaster - so all you can do is slander and defame Trump.
Not true, for beginners, Stephen Moore, who Trump nominated for the Federal Reserve and advised Trump co-authored the Project 2025 framework.

So the blatant lie that Trump is behind it has been beaten down to "wul twump knows some of the people"
In addition, several others who served in Trump’s administration were leading contributors; Gunasekara, chief of staff at Trump’s EPA; Pendley, Bureau of Labor Management; McNamee, deputy director of Energy Dept; Candeub, Commerce Dept; Cuccinelli: Homeland Security; Dearbrorn, Depty Chief of Staff, plus an array of other Trump loyalists

How nice, none of these currently work for Trump or are part of his campaign.

Again, you never even read the damn thing, like most of the cult, you stay away from primary sources and wait for the talking heads to tell you what they say

Rest of your post is just a regurgitation of Fox/AM talk radio rhetoric

Failing badly in the polls - you communists do what you always do - smear, slander, distort, and lie.

First you flat out lie about what Project 2025 contains - then you lie that it is connected to the Trump campaign - all in desperate hope that you can distract from the failed Biden presidency and the mentally degraded Biden - who was dumb as fuck to start with.