"Democrats Don't Like Their Families"

J. D. Vance on the stump yesterday:

"Democrats don't like their families, or they don't like other peoples' families. All I know is these sick fucks are ANTI-FAMILY! This is a big reason why you should elect Donald Trump and me."
News Flash, when ever have you seen the Family Guy Trump in a intimate setting with his wife or daughter Tiffany? I'll wait. And Vance is too busy sneaking into his wife's mascara to even know what a family guy is. The one's that talk about it the most, ie the GOP-igs, are usually the one's less likely to engage in family, let alone enjoy their families. Green cards come btwn the one's you love....LOL
1. in other words you can't prove anything.
2. in the immortal words of Abraham Lincoln, it's not to overthrow the government, but overthrow the men/women that would pervert that government. If they are implementing unconstitutional laws/policies, they aren't innocent, are they?
3. McVeigh had piss poor target selection. I PREDICTED the attack on Congress, but nowhere will you be able to prove I supported it. you have been lectured, many times, on my involvement with those groups and the reasons why I am no longer associated with them. you are free to believe your delusional lies about it if you need to, but they will still be delusional lies.
1. What's to prove? You have your opinion, I have mine and everyone else has there's.
2. Paint it however you like, but when you use violence and not legal means, then you are an enemy of the Constitution.
3. QED. I can see why you are no longer a Threeper or Oath-Keeper. Shit got real on 1/6. People died and people went to prison. The FBI will be hunting them down for years until the last one is caught, charged, tried and, if found guilty, sent to prison.
who wants to disband ice?

so you're the party of family values now?

or are you for sterilizing children?
Not me. Who?

The Libertarian Party supports Americans having personal liberty and freedom of choice. Those pushing to force Americans to do one thing or another are anti-personal liberty.

I don't support sterilizing children. That's something racist and antisemitic fuckwits and pedos would advocate.

Individuals are inherently free to make choices for themselves and must accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make. Our support of an individual’s right to make choices in life does not mean that we necessarily approve or disapprove of those choices. No individual, group, or government may rightly initiate force against any other individual, group, or government. Libertarians reject the notion that groups have inherent rights. We support the rights of the smallest minority, the individual.
Not me. Who?

The Libertarian Party supports Americans having personal liberty and freedom of choice. Those pushing to force Americans to do one thing or another are anti-personal liberty.

I don't support sterilizing children. That's something racist and antisemitic fuckwits and pedos would advocate.

Individuals are inherently free to make choices for themselves and must accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make. Our support of an individual’s right to make choices in life does not mean that we necessarily approve or disapprove of those choices. No individual, group, or government may rightly initiate force against any other individual, group, or government. Libertarians reject the notion that groups have inherent rights. We support the rights of the smallest minority, the individual.
libertarians turned into globalist transy dumbfucks.

they shouldn't consider doctors sterilizing children to be a form of freedom.

you're a dumbfuck yourself.
1. What's to prove? You have your opinion, I have mine and everyone else has there's.
2. Paint it however you like, but when you use violence and not legal means, then you are an enemy of the Constitution.
3. QED. I can see why you are no longer a Threeper or Oath-Keeper. Shit got real on 1/6. People died and people went to prison. The FBI will be hunting them down for years until the last one is caught, charged, tried and, if found guilty, sent to prison.
1. you choose to spew lies
2. when the legal system is stacked against you, just lie down and accept it?
3. you haven't been paying attention, have you?
libertarians turned into globalist transy dumbfucks.

they shouldn't consider doctors sterilizing children to be a form of freedom.

you're a dumbfuck yourself.
So what party should I vote for?

Who is sterilizing children?

Why the name-calling? Don't you agree that only racist and antisemitic fuckwits and pedos would advocate sterilizing children?
Not hating J.D. Vance, like not hating the pigfucking orangutan himself, is a very serious character flaw.

We can't hold people responsible for their mental illnesses--I doubt if a person chooses to be a sick fuck--

but we're mortally obligated to oppose and prevent the destruction of civilization for which they're responsible.

Much like Islamist jihadists and African war lords, the American Republican Taliban is a malignant tumor on civilization.
1. you choose to spew lies
2. when the legal system is stacked against you, just lie down and accept it?
3. you haven't been paying attention, have you?
1. I'm truly sorry to have triggered you so early in the conversation. What I'm curious about is whether you truly believe I'm the one who's lying or if you're just playing an ITG.
2. No. What do you propose I do? How is the legal system stacked against you? Did you steal from your employer, and they not only made you pay it back but locked you up for it? Did your ex "stick it to ya!"? What makes you think the American system of justice is stacked against you, me and the majority of Americans?
3. Wrong again, but I'm curious why you think I haven't been paying attention.

BTW, thanks again for admitting you quit the Threepers and Oath-Keepers just like you've previously admitted quitting the Marine Corps and disavowing your oath. It's a pattern of yours. :thup:
J. D. Vance on the stump yesterday:

"Democrats don't like their families, or they don't like other peoples' families. All I know is these sick fucks are ANTI-FAMILY! This is a big reason why you should elect Donald Trump and me."

I'm sure most democrats feel deep shame if they have children for not aborting them.
I'm sure most democrats feel deep shame if they have children for not aborting them.
By your logic, shouldn't you encourage Democrats to be childless regardless if it's by self-sterilization or abortion since that means they'd be gone in a generation and MAGAts could rule the planet?

Because you fucking lied about his couch - so that makes it part of his family...

Lies are the foundation democrats rest their entire reality on - lies are the greatest good. To lie for the party is to reach godhood.
Oh, so he hasn't told his family about the couch?