Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons

Yes, I supported Clinton against a clown .. and would do so again against the same clown .. but NONE of her wars.

YOU on the other hand support a fucking monster with a long history of wars that you support.

You think he's a fucking genius. :0)

One more time ..


Post where I've said I support limitless military spending Mr. Trump?

Trump’s budget boosts military spending, slashes programs for the poor

OMG. you can't support her with out supporting her wars!
She's shown no ability to learn from her past wars, and she wanted proximate no fly in Syria-which easily could lead to US AF warring in Syria

Putting in Clinton into the WH is -pure and simple- putting a neocon in the wh..
there is no way to tap dance around it.
are you insane? where do you see a "civilian uprising" -have you taken a look at the Syria lately?

The war against Assad was almost exclusively a civilian uprising and rebellion prior to Assad releasing thousands of Jihadis into the battlefield (FACT), thus giving people like you obfuscation when Russia stepped in to quell the "terrorist" problem.
militarization for it's own sake is a neocon agenda..

You don't even understand neoconservatism. It's not militarization for its own sake, it's a misguided and ultimately self-defeating attempt to expand America's influence through strategic alliances (e.g. Saudia Arabia) and by disrupting regimes that oppose America's sphere of influence (usually in the Middle East). You chalk up ALL military intervention to neoconservatism, even if it is done with a genuine humanitarian concern. Meanwhile, you bend over backwards to explain and justify and even ADMIRE Russia when they do the same (except they never do so out a humanitarian concern).

I don't know when military intervention is appropriate. A valid conversation could be debated on that. If your view is that it is never justifiable, even during a genocide, then I'd have to strongly disagree with you.
You don't even understand neoconservatism. It's not militarization for its own sake, it's a misguided and ultimately self-defeating attempt to expand America's influence through strategic alliances (e.g. Saudia Arabia) and by disrupting regimes that oppose America's sphere of influence (usually in the Middle East). You chalk up ALL military intervention to neoconservatism, even if it is done with a genuine humanitarian concern. Meanwhile, you bend over backwards to explain and justify and even ADMIRE Russia when they do the same (except they never do so out a humanitarian concern).

I don't know when military intervention is appropriate. A valid conversation could be debated on that. If your view is that it is never justifiable, even during a genocide, then I'd have to strongly disagree with you.

I do. When Russian attacks Canada. The U.S. just needs to standby, watch and laugh.
Canada is so beloved by the world that it could never happen. We don't have a putrid orange anus making us the international skunk.

Canada is the redheaded step child of the world. No one cares if they use it for a nuclear test site.
The war against Assad was almost exclusively a civilian uprising and rebellion prior to Assad releasing thousands of Jihadis into the battlefield (FACT), thus giving people like you obfuscation B]when Russia stepped in to quell the "terrorist" problem[/B].
Syrian Civil War started in 2011. Russia did not enter the war until late 2015. That's 4 years unaccounted for. At most assad let out a couple thousand. There are 100,000 of players in Syria.P

They were there long before Russia:

Salafi jihadi -Al Nusra /FSA / the Regime/ Hebbollah/Qods forces/foreign fighters/ISIS/Kurds/saudi prisioners/various brigades ( Shura) the top of my head
Canada is so beloved by the world that it could never happen. We don't have a putrid orange anus making us the international skunk.

After 8 years of being trashed by our own President, we don't give a flying fuck what 'the world' --read that, our inferiors-- think or feel about us.

Fuck them.
OMG. you can't support her with out supporting her wars!
She's shown no ability to learn from her past wars, and she wanted proximate no fly in Syria-which easily could lead to US AF warring in Syria

Putting in Clinton into the WH is -pure and simple- putting a neocon in the wh..
there is no way to tap dance around it.

:0) Unbeknownst to you, I'm trying to help you out. Seriously. You're making yourself look like a complete fool.

Clinton ran against a reality show host, ineffective clownish buffoon, and embarrassment to this nation .. whom YOU voted for. So your advice is that I shouldn't have voted for anyone with a chance to beat that abomination? That's your advice.

If you say Sanders .. he would not have beaten Trump. Republicans did everything they could to get Clinton out and Sanders in .. where they had research on him that would have killed his campaign. I've known some of it for years .. you didn't.

Additionally, when I discovered what was really going on in Libya, I was the first and loudest voice on this board standing against it. When I discovered the truth of the Viagra rape story, and Hillary Clinton's involvement, I was the first and loudest voice here against it. This was a war and atrocity that my side of the fence was responsible for .. yet I stood against it as firmly as I have the wars that your side is responsible for. Your bullshit about me being a neocon borders on the stupid.

Additionally, during the campaign Trump promised to increase military spending .. and YOU voted for him and that increase that YOU now try to use against me. :0)

Trump Promises Major Increase In Military Spending, Number Of Active Troops

I've clearly said that the US and NATO are so far ahead of Russia's military spending that they can maintain that advantage on current expenditures for the military.

Additionally .. Do you know why Russia and China are whining about our missile defense systems?

Why America's missile defense systems are the best in the world

We also helped design the Israeli systems.

I'm all for military spending increases in defensive missile systems.

Additionally ..

James 'Mad Dog' Mattis - Neocon
Michael T. Flynn - Neocon
John Bolton - Neocon
Elliot Abrams - Neocon

All have Trump's ear.

Return of the Neocons: Trump’s Surprising Cabinet Candidates

Seems you have no problem with Trump talking to neocons .. and you're the guy who started this thread about democrats doing it. :palm:

Your propaganda is confusing, illogical, and often borders on the silly .. but you seem to have no awareness of that.

An antiwar Buddhist who loves, admires, and supports a brutal dictator who oppresses his own people and who seeks security in war and the oppression of his neighbors.

No surprise why the Soviet Union will never rise again.

Putin is about as much a 'genius' as you are an analyst.
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After 8 years of being trashed by our own President, we don't give a flying fuck what 'the world' --read that, our inferiors-- think or feel about us.

Fuck them.

Who is 'we' Kemosabi? :0)

You are not indicative of what Americans think about Canada or the world.

Fuck you.
:0) Unbeknownst to you, I'm trying to help you out. Seriously. You're making yourself look like a complete fool.

Clinton ran against a reality show host, ineffective clownish buffoon, and embarrassment to this nation .. whom YOU voted for. So your advice is that I shouldn't have voted for anyone with a chance to beat that abomination? That's your advice.

If you say Sanders .. he would not have beaten Trump. Republicans did everything they could to get Clinton out and Sanders in .. where they had research on him that would have killed his campaign. I've known some of it for years .. you didn't.

Additionally, when I discovered what was really going on in Libya, I was the first and loudest voice on this board standing against it. When I discovered the truth of the Viagra rape story, and Hillary Clinton's involvement, I was the first and loudest voice here against it. This was a war and atrocity that my side of the fence was responsible for .. yet I stood against it as firmly as I have the wars that your side is responsible for. Your bullshit about me being a neocon borders on the stupid.

Additionally, during the campaign Trump promised to increase military spending .. and YOU voted for him and that increase that YOU now try to use against me. :0)

Trump Promises Major Increase In Military Spending, Number Of Active Troops

I've clearly said that the US and NATO are so far ahead of Russia's military spending that they can maintain that advantage on current expenditures for the military.

Additionally .. Do you know why Russia and China are whining about our missile defense systems?

Why America's missile defense systems are the best in the world

We also helped design the Israeli systems.

I'm all for military spending increases in defensive missile systems.

Additionally ..

James 'Mad Dog' Mattis - Neocon
Michael T. Flynn - Neocon
John Bolton - Neocon
Elliot Abrams - Neocon

All have Trump's ear.

Return of the Neocons: Trump’s Surprising Cabinet Candidates

Seems you have no problem with Trump talking to neocons .. and you're the guy who started this thread about democrats doing it. :palm:

Your propaganda is confusing, illogical, and often borders on the silly .. but you seem to have no awareness of that.

An antiwar Buddhist who loves, admires, and supports a brutal dictator who oppresses his own people and who seeks security in war and the oppression of his neighbors.

No surprise why the Soviet Union will never rise again.

Putin is about as much a 'genius' as you are an analyst.

Trump's neocon-ness should be judged by his actions.

As I've been harping on for over a week now, Trump cancelled our CIA support of the Syrian rebels/terrorists. Which means if there is regime change in Syria it will happen without US support.

I think that's pretty significant given our policy over the last decade. And it's the antithesis of 'neocon'.

Yet not a peep from the same folks who have been railing about neocons and regime change for years. Why is that?
Trump's neocon-ness should be judged by his actions.

As I've been harping on for over a week now, Trump cancelled our CIA support of the Syrian rebels/terrorists. Which means if there is regime change in Syria it will happen without US support.

I think that's pretty significant given our policy over the last decade. And it's the antithesis of 'neocon'.

Yet not a peep from the same folks who have been railing about neocons and regime change for years. Why is that?

You make a fair point brother .. however ..

He launched what many consider to be an illegal strike against Syria, he's upped the ante in the Korean peninsular tremendously, appointed HR McMaster and James Mattis to his administration, has Elliot Abrams and John Bolton in his ear, and went to Saudi Arabia and bent over.

At the same time he's resisted neocon attempts to push him towards aggression against Russia .. but he's pushed himself into a corner where he's going to have to show his hand on Russia. He'll have to sign the latest sanctions or further expose himself.

Who knows what Trump is other than non-presidential and not to be trusted.
Yes. The 'poll' is dated March 13, 2015.

WOW .. such ancient history.

I probably shouldn't have to tell you this .. but if you were just a tad smarter, you would have simply countered with your poll that demonstrates that Americans hate Canada. .. I know, I hate to talk to adults like children. :0)

More Americans Like Justin Trudeau than Donald Trump, New Poll Finds on Eve of Big Canadian Birthday
JULY 22, 2017


It's getting embarrassing for you. :0) I suggest you stop now.
:0) Unbeknownst to you, I'm trying to help you out. Seriously. You're making yourself look like a complete fool.

Clinton ran against a reality show host, ineffective clownish buffoon, and embarrassment to this nation .. whom YOU voted for. So your advice is that I shouldn't have voted for anyone with a chance to beat that abomination? That's your advice.
i wasn't advising you, i was criticizing you,because Hillary prosecuted/advocated/organized the world against Qaddafi. She was the "51%" reason ( Gates used the word 'voice) that swayed Obama. There is no doubt on this. even the NYTimes agrees

Hillary Clinton,‘Smart Power’ and a Dictator’s Fall
The president was wary. The secretary of state was persuasive. But the ouster of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi
left Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven.

if you say Sanders .. he would not have beaten Trump. Republicans did everything they could to get Clinton out and Sanders in .. where they had research on him that would have killed his campaign. I've known some of it for years .. you didn't.
I seem to remember sanders having better poll numbers against Trump.
One of the main reasons Hillary won was because of the corrupt DNC,and the superdelegates
without going back and doing a full postmortum, it's clear the deck was stacked against Bernie.

Bernie had the enthusiasm.Clinton's poll numbers were soft. One reason she lost was a known liar serial liar about her Emails explanation.
Aside from Libya there was Iraq, and Syria by Hillary. she is a known neo-con quantity.
Supporting her was an attempt to put a known warmongering neo-con in the WH.

Additionally, when I discovered what was really going on in Libya, I was the first and loudest voice on this board standing against it. When I discovered the truth of the Viagra rape story, and Hillary Clinton's involvement, I was the first and loudest voice here against it. This was a war and atrocity that my side of the fence was responsible for .. yet I stood against it as firmly as I have the wars that your side is responsible for. Your bullshit about me being a neocon borders on the stupid.
and I was right there with you, not just on the Viagra rape, but the fact the NTC had direct link to LIFG -a designated international terrorist organization.
Also there was the weapons flow to Syria. .
Knowing all this-living all this when we were digging into Libya- you chose to support a neocon for POTUS? Incredible.

Additionally, during the campaign Trump promised to increase military spending .. and YOU voted for him and that increase that YOU now try to use against me. :0)
increased military spending to create a stealth navy is mostly for China and worldwide power projection.
The F-35 is a big expense for the Pentagon.
Trump jawboned that costs down by about 6% ( next production run).
In addition Sequester literally robbed the military of readiness. So much of this increase of spending is needed to rebuild.
My quarrel with you is your advocacy of Cold War 2 spending in Europe; this idea that we should outspend Putin to win. It's one very real reason Putin is deploying tactical nukes- Iskander & SSC-8

Do you think it's going to cause the collapse of Russia like Cold War 1 spending caused the collapse of the Soviet Union? It wont. ( if you want reasons I'll give them to you).

What it does do is needlessly cause us to militarize which increase tensions when there is no evidence increased spending/militarizaion does anything to add to security..

Look what Putin just did under the Obama adm's increased spending ( European Reassurance Initiative).
Moreover look at the brinksmanship it involves:
This initiative will enable DoD to:

Continue conducting military exercises and training on land, in the air and at sea, while
sustaining a rotational presence across Europe in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve;

As we have done in Poland, deploy detachments of U.S. planners to augment the capability
of our Allies to design and host a broad range of training opportunities;

Increase the responsiveness of U.S. forces to reinforce NATO by exploring initiatives such
as prepositioning of equipment and enhancing reception facilities in Europe;

Increase participation by the U.S. Navy in NATO naval force deployments, including more
persistent deployments to the Black and Baltic seas;

Build the capacity of close partners such as Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine to enhance
interoperability to work alongside the United States and NATO forces, as well as provide for
their own defense.

do you get it? we keep militarizing border states, and the Black Sea- right next to Putin!
It's the SAME THING we did with NATO expansion!

I've clearly said that the US and NATO are so far ahead of Russia's military spending that they can maintain that advantage on current expenditures for the military.
no one is saying we not not continue to spend, the objection is beefing up NATO spending for a (costly) false sense of security.
And if we do spend we should look towards deal making with Putin. all this increased spending hasn't done anything to contain Putin, anymore then sanctions have helped change his behavior.

Trump's one meeting has caused the implementation of a cease fire in Syria - more progress towards peace then all the Syrian rebels Obama/CIA funded in his years in Office, while Hilary was advocating for arming the rebels too
Why America's missile defense systems are the best in the world

We also helped design the Israeli systems.
I'm all for military spending increases in defensive missile systems.
I'm good with ABM systems too. although the one in Romania is a threat to Russia ( since it could be fitted with offensive weapons as well) in this phantom response to Iranian ICBM's

Additionally ..

James 'Mad Dog' Mattis - Neocon
Michael T. Flynn - Neocon
John Bolton - Neocon
Elliot Abrams - Neocon

All have Trump's ear.
I don't think Elliot Abrams is in Trump's gov't?
When Trump starts to advocate neocon behavior like Clinton, or not wanting to talk to Putin like Obama -you may have a point. Now you don't . Trump has advocated getting long w/Russia

Seems you have no problem with Trump talking to neocons .. and you're the guy who started this thread about democrats doing it.
Trump is trying to figure out Afghanistan. He sure as hell isn't going to do a "surge" like Obama did, or Hillary promised.
The neocons have made inroads into your party, and have effected policy. They haven't with Trump as of yet despite the Russiaphobia from Dems
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WOW .. such ancient history.

I probably shouldn't have to tell you this .. but if you were just a tad smarter, you would have simply countered with your poll that demonstrates that Americans hate Canada. .. I know, I hate to talk to adults like children. :0)

More Americans Like Justin Trudeau than Donald Trump, New Poll Finds on Eve of Big Canadian Birthday
JULY 22, 2017


It's getting embarrassing for you. :0) I suggest you stop now.
Embarrassing doesn't begin to describe the ass kicking you and your ilk got back in Nov.

The Trump card revokes all your bullshit.
You make a fair point brother .. however ..

He launched what many consider to be an illegal strike against Syria, he's upped the ante in the Korean peninsular tremendously, appointed HR McMaster and James Mattis to his administration, has Elliot Abrams and John Bolton in his ear, and went to Saudi Arabia and bent over.

At the same time he's resisted neocon attempts to push him towards aggression against Russia .. but he's pushed himself into a corner where he's going to have to show his hand on Russia. He'll have to sign the latest sanctions or further expose himself.

Who knows what Trump is other than non-presidential and not to be trusted.

The Syria strike wasn't meant to get rid of Assad so much as signal to him that chemicals weapon use was a Red Line.

NK is a difficult case with no clear solution. Actually, NK is one instance where regime change wouldn't result in an Islamist terrorist haven. Diplomacy and military action both carry risks and there's reasonable arguments for or against both.

Under no circumstances should we have overturned the Libyan government. And helping other people get rid of Assad will have the identical result---so there's absolutely no sound argument for regime change in either case.

Trump should 'show his hand on Russia' [what's in Trump's hand nobody seems to know lol] if that means staying the hell out of Syria.