Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons

Syrian Civil War started in 2011. Russia did not enter the war until late 2015.

When Assad was on the verge of losing.

That's 4 years unaccounted for. At most assad let out a couple thousand. There are 100,000 of players in Syria.P

90% of Russia and Assad's 'war' was against the rebellion, and not players like ISIS.
He launched what many consider to be an illegal strike against Syria, he's upped the ante in the Korean peninsular tremendously, appointed HR McMaster and James Mattis to his administration, has Elliot Abrams and John Bolton in his ear, and went to Saudi Arabia and bent over.
Syrian strikes were minor.i t did seem to quash the use of chem weapons,but since the Syrian war is one giant war crime I don't put a lot into it.
At least it wasn't dithering "redline"

Lil Kim has upped the ante' not Trump. How he handles this is key to our national security since we are talking about real threats to the homeland. Im waiting and seeing. I addressed the "neocons in his ear"already.
When he starts acting like a neo-con, i'll call him out on it.

He went to SA to repair the damage done to US/saudi/sunni relations by Obama's fecklessness, and sanctions on Egypt. Obama's chilly reception in Saudi Arabia hints at mutual distrust

At the same time he's resisted neocon attempts to push him towards aggression against Russia .. but he's pushed himself into a corner where he's going to have to show his hand on Russia. He'll have to sign the latest sanctions or further expose himself.
it's a veto proof sanctions bill -Trump has no choice but to sign

Who knows what Trump is other than non-presidential and not to be trusted.
save me from 'persidentialism' like Hillary's corruption
By trashed, you mean you had to endure a black man as president.

A large part of 'MAGA' was to restore America's standing in the world. So much for that plan!

And you.

No, I mean Obama TRASHED America. He loathed this country with every fiber of his being.

Good fucking bye, POS.
When Assad was on the verge of losing.
we went over this before.
and you keep moving the goal posts everytime i knock down your dim understanding of Syria. most of the gains were consolidation in western/NW syria.
the Regime retreated to consolidate. Yes most of Russian air wasn't used against ISIS,
but it was used against the Islamists, and the FSA. Does Russia have a legit role in Syria?
It's their long time client state. They certainly have as much of a reason to be there as we do in Afghanistan

90% of Russia and Assad's 'war' was against the rebellion, and not players like ISIS.
Does that also apply to you & the lying, cheating students & workers, pussy grabbing & bankruptcy etc MF that you voted for??
Hillary was in government before she ran for POTUS- lets stick to government.
The courts will settle Trumps business dealing
RT source. no freaking out.
interesting look at the existing ABM in Romania and the one under construction in Poland.
actual NATO please just read it now and freak out later.
Moscow rejects NATO claims ABM site safe for Russia

he newly inaugurated anti-missile site in Romania certainly poses a threat to Russia’s national security, the Kremlin said in response to NATO claims to the contrary.

READ MORE: 5 reasons why US antimissiles in Europe threaten Russia

“We have been saying right from when this story started that our experts are convinced that the deployment of the ABM system poses a certain threat to the Russian Federation,” presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday.

"Measures are being taken to ensure the necessary level of security for Russia. The president himself (Vladimir Putin), let me remind you, has repeatedly asked who the system will work against?", Peskov said.

The response comes after NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg reiterated the site is not a threat to Russia.

this system is directed against threats coming from outside the Euro Atlantic space,” he said at a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the remote Deveselu airbase in southern Romania.

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said the system was “purely defensive, not directed against any nations and cannot be used in an offensive operation.”

On Friday, the US will start construction work on an ABM site in Poland due to be ready by late 2018.

The US and NATO have been arguing for decades that the plans to deploy an anti-missile shield in Europe would not compromise Russian security.
The AEGIS Ashore system deployed in Romania is a less ambitious incarnation of the ABM system, which replaced the initial project envisioned by the Bush administration. The shield is designed to protect Europe from a possible missile attack by Iran, the alliance says.

Russia remains unconvinced. While it doesn’t dispute that its strategic nuclear arsenal would not be compromised by the Romanian site if a global nuclear war were to happen, Moscow says it would be a significant factor in a smaller-scale conflict that doesn’t involve hundreds of missiles fired by each side.

The alleged defensive nature of the system is under debate as well. Long-range radar, part of the AEGIS antimissile system, can be used to spy on missile tests and aircraft in Russian airspace, providing the US with additional intelligence.

Moreover, the system uses a vertical launching system to fire missile interceptors, which was derived from the naval version of AEGIS. The same launchers are used to fire Tomahawk cruise missiles from US guided-missile destroyers. Moscow says the Romanian site could easily and secretly be converted into a cruise missile base that can attack targets on Russian soil.

The Romanian deployment is perceived by the Russian military as a violation of the spirit of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which Moscow and Washington signed in 1987. The US under President George W Bush unilaterally withdrew from another Cold War treaty, which banned it from developing a national antiballistic missile in the first place, so Moscow is suspicious of American intentions.

Russia has suggested on many occasions signing a legally-binding deal, which would address Moscow’s concerns with US antimissile plans in Europe, but Washington has rejected the idea.
RT source. no freaking out.

Why would anyone freak out that you use RT (Russian state media) as your citation source? People only freak out when something surprising occurs. You having RT as your browser homepage is the LEAST surprising thing in the history of the universe.
No, I mean Obama TRASHED America. He loathed this country with every fiber of his being.

Good fucking bye, POS.

By trashing America, you mean he paved the way for Trump to claim having a successful economy, authorized a 50/50 chance raid that killed Osama Bin Laden, had ISIS on the verge of defeat in Iraq, provided healthcare (even with GOP sabotaging efforts) to millions of Americans, had zero legit scandals, and fostered a sense respect, dignity and family values in the White House.

Obama wasn't perfect, but he wasn't an corrupt, fetid, orange-faced, jiggly-titted anus who spewed bullshit from his rank mouth-hole.
By trashing America, you mean he paved the way for Trump to claim having a successful economy, authorized a 50/50 chance raid that killed Osama Bin Laden, had ISIS on the verge of defeat in Iraq, provided healthcare (even with GOP sabotaging efforts) to millions of Americans, had zero legit scandals, and fostered a sense respect, dignity and family values in the White House.

Obama wasn't perfect, but he wasn't an corrupt, fetid, orange-faced, jiggly-titted anus who spewed bullshit from his rank mouth-hole.

No, I mean he trashed America, verbally, economically and every way possible.

So great to have someone who is proud of this country, doesn't racebait and conduct class warfare.

This is how is should be, someone who has our backs. Not a hate-filled racist pitting one American against another.
Why would anyone freak out that you use RT (Russian state media) as your citation source? People only freak out when something surprising occurs. You having RT as your browser homepage is the LEAST surprising thing in the history of the universe.
hypebolic bleating.
Considering I've handed you your ass consistently, you should take the opportunity I present to see the controversy over AMB systems-or at least familiarize yourself why we pulled out of the ABM treaty.
In other words -do some research or a change
sorry I called you a neocon-you are not.I realize my views on Russia/US relations are not MS.
I think there is a much better Path forward then the hysterical Russiaphobia infecting our foreign policy..

But that shouldn't devolve into name calling,and for that I apologize
Proposed new US sanctions against Russia are an extremely unfriendly act and sad news for Russia-US relations, the Kremlin has said.

France, Germany and the EU also criticised the sanctions amid concerns that the measures could affect European businesses. Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European commission, warned the EU would hit back “within a matter of days” if the sanctions damaged European economic interests.

Juncker expressed his fury at the failure of Washington to work with the EU on the issue, saying: “America first cannot mean that Europe’s interests come last.”

The House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly in favour of imposing new sanctions on Moscow and requiring Donald Trump to obtain lawmakers’ permission before easing any sanctions on Russia.

The sanctions package, which also targets Iran and North Korea, “tightens the screws on our most dangerous adversaries in order to keep Americans safe”, the House Speaker, Paul Ryan, said after the bill passed on Tuesday by 419 votes to three.

It will go before the Senate before Trump faces the tricky choice of whether to veto the bill, which has been opposed by the White House.

“Right now we can say that this is rather sad news from the point of view of Russia-US ties and their further development,” Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, told a conference call with reporters. “This is no less disheartening from the point of view of international law and international trade relations. But let’s now wait until it becomes a law.”

On Wednesday, the Russian deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov, told the Interfax news agency that the latest US sanctions move left no room to improve relations in the near futureand will take relations between the two countries into “uncharted territory”.

“This is already having an extremely negative impact on the process of normalising our relations,” Ryabkov said. US-Russia relations were entering “uncharted territory in a political and diplomatic sense”, he added.

Moscow had initially hoped Trump would work to repair a relationship that has slumped to a post-cold war low, but has watched with frustration as allegations that it interfered with last year’s US presidential election and concerns over Trump associates’ Russia ties have killed off hopes of detente. Russia denies the meddling accusations.

Jared Kushner confirms Russia meetings but insists: 'I did not collude'

Moscow has repeatedly warned the US it will retaliate against what it sees as hostile moves, and Ryabkov made clear Russia was growing tired of showing restraint.

The Russian foreign ministry said this month that too many US spies operated in the country under diplomatic cover and that it might expel some of them in retaliation for Washington’s expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats last year.

That warning reflected rising frustration in Moscow over the Trump administration’s refusal to hand back two Russian diplomatic compounds that were seized at the same time as the diplomats were sent home.

The particular concern in Brussels, however, is that the measures could affect a pipeline project to transport Russian gas into Germany. There are also fears that European companies would be hit for their involvement in the maintenance and upgrade of pipelines in Russia that feed the Ukraine gas transit system.

Under the proposed law, sanctions would be imposed on any company contributing to the development, maintenance, modernisation of the Russian Federation’s energy infrastructure.

Juncker said: “The EU is fully committed to the Russia sanctions regime. However, G7 unity on sanctions and close coordination among allies are at the heart of ensuring the full implementation of the Minsk agreements.

“This is a core objective that the EU and the US share. The US bill could have unintended unilateral effects that impact the EU’s energy security interests. This is why the commission concluded today that if our concerns are not taken into account sufficiently, we stand ready to act appropriately within a matter of days.”

If the US fails to take the EU’s interests into account, and declare that the discretionary powers would not be used against European companies, the commission is likely to either seek arbitration at the WTO or rule the US laws as unenforceable on EU territory.

The EU’s executive said it was raising its concerns “via all diplomatic channels with the US and its counterparts”.

Many Russian politicians believe Trump’s political opponents and Congress have reduced the US president’s room for manoeuvre on Russia to almost nil. Ryabkov told Interfax the new sanctions bill was the “brainchild” of US congressmen who hated Russia and wanted to box in Trump.

Despite initially opposing the bill, Trump appears to have few options in the face of near-total consensus in Congress. His spokeswoman, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said the White House was “reviewing the House legislation and awaits a final legislative package for the president’s desk”.

Trump has faced accusations that his administration sought to reassure Moscow that sanctions imposed by the Obama administration dating back to the Moscow’s 2014 annexation of Crimea from Ukraine could be lifted.

The bill also includes fresh sanctions against Iran and its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which stands accused of supporting terrorism, and North Korea, for its missile tests.

Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, said Tehran would respond in kind to any breach by the US of the 2015 nuclear deal. “If the enemy steps over part of the agreement, we will do the same, and if they step over the entire deal, we will do the same too,” Rouhani said at a televised meeting.

The Iranian parliament’s national security and foreign affairs committee said it would hold an extraordinary session on Saturday to discuss its response.
Hillary was in government before she ran for POTUS- lets stick to government.
The courts will settle Trumps business dealing

Why?? Cause that is convenient for you?? Since you know what a POS he is personally.........

The POS he is personally is openly & flagrantly, blatant, glaring, obvious, overt, naked, barefaced, shameless, brazen, audaciously being an ASSHOLE
Why?? Cause that is convenient for you?? Since you know what a POS he is personally.........

The POS he is personally is openly & flagrantly, blatant, glaring, obvious, overt, naked, barefaced, shameless, brazen, audaciously being an ASSHOLE
because I can't refernce his business dealings to mkae judgments of guilt.innocence, nor are they germane as POTUS except for the one's w/Russian collusion
because I can't refernce his business dealings to mkae judgments of guilt.innocence, nor are they germane as POTUS except for the one's w/Russian collusion

That might be true if he did what all the recent leaders did, BUT HE DIDN'T & YOU STILL VOTED FOR HIM......... He is running his business & now his family of low lives are pimping his status-FUCKING DISGUSTING.....:palm: