Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons

That from a fool.

Name the wars that I've supported.

I can name yours.
Cold War 2.0 / excess militarization as security. Your idea that some how tactical nukes are just another weapons system to counter is truly frightening.

it's your inability/lack of desire to reduce militarization without seeing the dangers,
in favor of simplistic kicking the dog sanctions,which are counter-productive to all involved
More irrelevant words.

Talking loud, saying nothing.

It demonstrates that Putin cannot keep up and cannot sustain his misadventures .. no matter how much he bleeds his own people .. which is something that a 'Buddist' like you doesn't care about.
so you are saying we can spend Putin into submission? show me any example of that working
Cold War 2.0 / excess militarization as security. Your idea that some how tactical nukes are just another weapons system to counter is truly frightening.

it's your inability/lack of desire to reduce militarization without seeing the dangers,
in favor of simplistic kicking the dog sanctions,which are counter-productive to all involved

Maybe you didn't hear me.


Is that hard?

Try this .. which one of us supported the massacre of Crimea?
You gave your own bullshit 'definition' which isn't a definition at all.
I c/p from a source on geopolitics. not a "bullshit def". you gave a static def.
like sanctioning some child in grade school is the same as applying international sanctions for relief.

geopolitical sanctions only have worth is they apply pressure towards a goal..and punishment by itself is not a goal.
It's just kicking the dog.
so you are saying we can spend Putin into submission? show me any example of that working

Get real.

You'll just post a bunch of meaningless gobbly-gook as an answer.

It's VERY clear what has been demonstrated about Putin's limited resources and what that means.

If you don't get it .. I'm cool with that.
I c/p from a source on geopolitics. not a "bullshit def". you gave a static def.
like sanctioning some child in grade school is the same as applying international sanctions for relief.

geopolitical sanctions only have worth is they apply pressure towards a goal..and punishment by itself is not a goal.
It's just kicking the dog.

Get real.

You'll just post a bunch of meaningless gobbly-gook as an answer.

It's VERY clear what has been demonstrated about Putin's limited resources and what that means.

If you don't get it .. I'm cool with that.

oh can't enunciate a point, then you tell me i don't get the point that you can't enunciate,
then you get smug/cool that your inability to enunciate is a winning's a c/P without bolstering your argument
oh can't enunciate a point, then you tell me i don't get the point that you can't enunciate,
then you get smug/cool that your inability to enunciate is a winning's a c/P without bolstering your argument

If you don't get it .. I'm cool with that.

You don't appear to have that capacity.
Misspoke .. Syria.

Were civilians killed in Syria?

Which one of us supported that?

How about the Ukraine?

Which one of us supported that?

I have no desire to get into a shouting match with you. I'm fine with discussions like we always do.

Your post is very unclear..are you saying I supported some war in Syria????
never did I support even arming "the rebels" there..
what part of "the Ukraine" are you talking about? Donbass? - hell no I do not 'support that.
While I understand Putin's desire to pull the east away from Kyiv, in NO WAY do I support the separatists!

In fact my argument is to leverage existing sanctions on Crimea into getting Putin's spetsnaz out of there.
Of course supporting the Russian separatist is more then hard power Russian troops,but that's the starting point
I have no desire to get into a shouting match with you. I'm fine with discussions like we always do.

Your post is very unclear..are you saying I supported some war in Syria????
never did I support even arming "the rebels" there..
what part of "the Ukraine" are you talking about? Donbass? - hell no I do not 'support that.
While I understand Putin's desire to pull the east away from Kyiv, in NO WAY do I support the separatists!

In fact my argument is to leverage existing sanctions on Crimea into getting Putin's spetsnaz out of there.
Of course supporting the Russian separatist is more then hard power Russian troops,but that's the starting point

Not shouting.

The bolded emphasis demonstrates that you cannot name a single war that I have supported.

Russia/Syria: War Crimes in Month of Bombing Aleppo

Let me take a guess on which one of us supported that? :0)

... AND, you were against the bombing of Libya, as I was .. but you have wet dreams of admiration over Putin's 'genius' is laying waste to innocent people in Aleppo.

.. got it Mr. peace-loving Buddhist.


first off if you are going to be consistent you should mention our hospital bombing in Kandahar, Afgh.
So condemning Putin means you should condemn the obfuscation we used to justify that.

but your terminology is simplistic..why would ANYONE support a war crime?
(and the annexation of Crimea was no war crime)

one can look to understand it,as part of the larger goal of a "scorched earth"policy Putin uses to finally exterminate the Sunni terrorists. But i need not support the tactics,because of the civilian collateral damage.

now think before you respond in a knee jerk fashion. I put it this way to you.

Does Putin has legitimate interests in Syria? -I think he does.
But that doesn't mean I have to support every tactic he uses.
Not shouting.

The bolded emphasis demonstrates that you cannot name a single war that I have supported.

militarization for it's own sake is a neocon's not just about wars. Cold war is still war.
It's about not seeing the danger of tactical nukes or tripwire wars,or the obscenity of war spending
toward no purpose but supporting the neocons
militarization for it's own sake is a neocon's not just about wars.
It's about not seeing the danger of tactical nukes or tripwire wars,or the obscenity of war spending
toward no purpose but supporting the neocons

In other words you cannot name a single war that I have supported, nor can you name a single neocon that I support.

Talking to them to listen to what they have to say is no more 'support' then talking to you and listening to what you have to say .. which of course I do not support.

You've lost all integrity dude. You can't even admit truth that's slapping you in the face.

.. gotta' get back to work.
In other words you cannot name a single war that I have supported nor can you name a single neocon that I support.

Talking to them to listen to what they have to say is no more 'support' then talking to you and listening to what you have to say .. which of course I do not support.

You've lost all integrity dude. You can't even admit truth that's slapping you in the face.
you find tactical nukes just another weapon system to counter . You support limitless spending on Cold War 2
and you supported a known neo-con in Hillary Clinton ( and of ALL people you should be the last one to support her warmongering)
you find tactical nukes just another weapon system to counter . You support limitless spending on Cold War 2
and you supported a known neo-con in Hillary Clinton ( and of ALL people you should be the last one to support her warmongering)

Yes, I supported Clinton against a clown .. and would do so again against the same clown .. but NONE of her wars.

YOU on the other hand support a fucking monster with a long history of wars that you support.

You think he's a fucking genius. :0)

One more time ..


Post where I've said I support limitless military spending Mr. Trump?

Trump’s budget boosts military spending, slashes programs for the poor
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