Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons

since you clearly didn't write this you are obligated by site rules as well as federal law to post a link.

I might point out two truisms to your clearly narrow mind;
politics makes strange bedfellows

and The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


.. they think it's alright to collaborate with Russians .. but alliances with AMERICANS of BOTH PARTIES will bring out the daggers .. and of course, racism.
Hey goof ball, we had to go into Iraq, and yes Obama did invade Libya, for no good reason. Unless you don't call assassinating their leader invading.

And interesting choices you mentioned in the 2000 election, do we take that to mean you voted Gore?
you yuk yuk, that alone disqualifies from most adult conversations. But you got our resident racist applauding you, so there's that
Obama called it "kinetic military action" so he could dodge the war powers act.
also it doesn't sound like regime change.

Hilary met w/the NTC's Jibril in Paris, knowing they had ties to AQ ( Libyan Islamic Fighting Group)
but didn't give a fuck as long as he promised "democracy" - a classic neocon move
Obama has left us no alternative than to chase ISIS down whereever they may hide, and to deal with whomever may be hiding or aiding them.

Trump is on it, sit back and watch an American President that means what he says operate
oh yeah.. and ISIS moved into Libya ( Sirte basin) because we destroyed it's government,
and plunged the country into expansive Civil war that exists to this day (ISIS taking advantage of the chaos)

More fine work from Hillary/Obama/NATO
ANYTHING is better than Trump.

I'm sure there a millions of Americans happy to see the formation of any group hostile to Russia .. thanks to Donald Trump.

After we get rid of Trump, we can discuss the makeup of this group.
You can shut your fucking piehole, Communist Black Asshole
anatta's only concern with neocons is that they are a political presence among Republicans that opposes the will of Putin. It has NOTHING to do with warmongering, because Putin himself has invaded nations and annexed territory, and has facilitated the barrel-bombing of innocents in Syria. And anatta has no problem with that, and in fact wants the sanctions lifted so that Putin can thrive with his annexed territory.
anatta's only concern with neocons is that they are a political presence among Republicans that opposes the will of Putin. It has NOTHING to do with warmongering, because Putin himself has invaded nations and annexed territory, and has facilitated the barrel-bombing of innocents in Syria. And anatta has no problem with that, and in fact wants the sanctions lifted so that Putin can thrive with his annexed territory.
telling me about barrel bombing in Syria is ridiculous when there are faction that eat the hearts of of their enemies.

( al-Nusra 2013) -so you can put a cork in that sanctimonious clap-trap.
Syria is one Giant War Crime by all the players

I want sanction NEGOTIATED - a much better idea then slapping on more that are counter-productive
and which Europe does not want. One simple idea is for Putin to stop supporting Russian separatists in Donbass; in return we lift Crimean sanctions, and recognize the results of the Crimean referendum.

It's just an idea, but i think it's practical and helps solve Ukraine. also helps ratchet down Cold War 2 hysteria

Nor do I excuse Putin's exercises that needlessly conflict with NATO.
But he way to solve this is with realpolitik -not sanctions between all the parties involved
telling me about barrel bombing in Syria is ridiculous when there are faction that eat the hearts of of their enemies.

Which has NOTHING absolutely NOTHING to do with anything I said. That there are evil people in Syria is not an excuse to barrel-bomb civilians, you fucking lowlife traitor.

I want sanction NEGOTIATED

So what does Putin give up during the negotiations? In the end, Putin gets a slap on the wrist, untold billions in sanction relief, and he gets to keep Crimea, gets to continue his hacking campaign, gets to keep his strategic proxy in Syria, etc., etc., and the US gets.... WHAT? A partner in the war on terror? God you are a fucking idiot.
Which has NOTHING absolutely NOTHING to do with anything I said. That there are evil people in Syria is not an excuse to barrel-bomb civilians, you fucking lowlife traitor.
Syrian Civil war is one of attrition -that's why most of the county is in rubble .
Assad has a shortage of bombs. It's why he uses barrel bombs.

If you had any clue about how "civilian" buildings are embedded with jihadists you wouldn't be bleating about "bombing civilians".
It's a nasty cauldron. There are no clean hands, and to pretend Assad is more evil then al Nusra or various jihadi is stupidly disengenuous
Do you just skim CFR magazine ? ( Foreign Affairs) because you consistently cannot put ideas in context

So what does Putin give up during the negotiations? In the end, Putin gets a slap on the wrist, untold billions in sanction relief, and he gets to keep Crimea, gets to continue his hacking campaign, gets to keep his strategic proxy in Syria, etc., etc., and the US gets.... WHAT? A partner in the war on terror? God you are a fucking idiot.
Europe gets Nordstream 2, we get to stop spending exorbitant amounts on Cold War 2
we cancel the European Reassurance Initiative deployments.

Europe gets a cooling of tensions,and a stable Ukraine ( the war in Donbass is bloody).
everybody wins when there is less military staging and tensions.
I suppose you are a neocon who can't understand peace dividends, but thankfully there are still some that do.

Russia is in the driver's seat in Syria, but if we find more areas of cooperation like the cease fire
we might get them to loose their hold on Assad.
But nothing happens anywhere with the status quo
Which has NOTHING absolutely NOTHING to do with anything I said. That there are evil people in Syria is not an excuse to barrel-bomb civilians, you fucking lowlife traitor.

So what does Putin give up during the negotiations? In the end, Putin gets a slap on the wrist, untold billions in sanction relief, and he gets to keep Crimea, gets to continue his hacking campaign, gets to keep his strategic proxy in Syria, etc., etc., and the US gets.... WHAT? A partner in the war on terror? God you are a fucking idiot.

So, ah, what is the great country of Canada doing about Russian and Putin? Care to put you money wear your wimpy, do nothing wannabe Canadian ass is?
Let me know when they start yelling for invasion & war.

Until then, pipe down. The irony of some of the pro-Iraq righties on this thread saying ANYTHING is too great to calculate.

Well Thing, Trump's recent move to stop supporting the Syrian rebels/terrorists should bring some cheers from the anti-war left. Didn't you say the other day you were anti-war?

Trump just insured we wouldn't get sucked into another one in Syria. And/or remove Assad by proxy with the inevitable same old radical Islamist murderous results.

Where are the kudos for Trump?
Syrian Civil war is one of attrition -that's why most of the county is in rubble .
Assad has a shortage of bombs. It's why he uses barrel bombs.

Assad's head would be on a pike if not for Russia intervention. He was losing the civil war.

And your list of what America gets out of allowing Russia to enrich itself via sanctions relief is hilarious. America gets nothing, Russia makes out like a bandit.
Assad's head would be on a pike if not for Russia intervention. He was losing the civil war.

And your list of what America gets out of allowing Russia to enrich itself via sanctions relief is hilarious. America gets nothing, Russia makes out like a bandit.

What happens after Assad loses the war?
Assad's head would be on a pike if not for Russia intervention. He was losing the civil war.

And your list of what America gets out of allowing Russia to enrich itself via sanctions relief is hilarious. America gets nothing, Russia makes out like a bandit.
i recall the FSA was pretty close to Damascus a year or so ago. Russia backed it's proxie. so did Iran, so did we.

You don't understand the concept of a "peace dividend"..
I gave one ex that i thought was pretty advantageous for all involved