Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons

I don't either .. never have.

I fail to see this effort as warmongering in any way shape or form.

Please quote one warmongering quote from this group.

The IC determines the Russians have interfered in not only our elections, but elections across the globe.

What do you propose we should do about it?
Alliance for Securing Democracy is just forming. It's impetus for action is the continued hysteria over "da Russians"

The warmongering is in the article..the composition of the group insures an uber-hawk reaction to anything they can pin on Putin.
Its board of advisers is composed of both leading Democratic foreign policy experts, along with the nation’s most extremist neocons.

Thus, alongside Jake Sullivan (national security adviser to Joe Biden and the Clinton campaign), Mike Morrell (Obama’s acting CIA director) and Mike McFaul (Obama’s ambassador to Russia) sit leading neocons such as Mike Chertoff (Bush’s homeland security secretary), Mike Rogers (the far-right, supremely hawkish former congressman who now hosts a right-wing radio show); and Bill Kristol himself
I don't either .. never have.

I fail to see this effort as warmongering in any way shape or form.

Please quote one warmongering quote from this group.

The IC determines the Russians have interfered in not only our elections, but elections across the globe.

What do you propose we should do about it?
I'll tell you what I don't propose to do and that is go to war against Russia in a useless effort to make them stop.
maybe interfere in other country's elections? Oh, we already have.
Still waiting for the quote
lol, don't hold your breath. I've got better things to do than dig up quotes . But I'll quote the OP:
The Democrat, Laura Rosenberger, served as a foreign policy adviser for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and chief of staff to two Obama national security officials. The Republican is Jamie Fly, who spent the last four years as counselor for foreign and national security affairs to one of the Senate’s most hawkish members, Marco Rubio; prior to that, he served in various capacities in the Bush Pentagon and National Security Council.

Fly’s neocon pedigree is impressive indeed.
During the Obama years, he wrote dozens of articles for the Weekly Standard — some co-authored with Bill Kristol himself — attacking Obama for insufficient belligerence toward Iran and terrorists generally, pronouncing Obama “increasingly ill suited to the world he faces as president” by virtue of his supposed refusal to use military force frequently enough (Obama bombed seven predominantly Muslim countries during his time in office, including an average of 72 bombs dropped per day in 2016 alone).

The Democrats’ new partner Jamie Fly spent 2010 working in tandem with Bill Kristol urging military action — i.e., aggressive war — against Iran
We all know hrc is a war and nation building advocate and the others are just plain insane.
and you telling me what we should do about Russian interference?
Obama did it best: "Cut it out." Other than that the same thing we do when China or North Korea hack our systems, whatever that is.
no not "anything is better then Trump"
full scale alliances with neo-cons ( and Hillary was the lead ex.but by far not the sole partner)
has brought them back from from the wilderness of Iraq/Libya..

Your party's insane hatred of All Things Trump has cause them to tie in with Kristol/Chertoff etc.

We saw this under Obama( Nuland's meddling in the Ukraine and Libya) - MSNBC puts on Kristol like he knows something besides warmongering,and you find yourselves in agreement with McCain and Graham.

And the perverse synchronization is hardening .The Democrats are the new home of the neocons

What planet do you live on?

You need to check your prescription....Srly.
Russian policymakers view their interference in the US electoral process as a form of retaliation against past US meddling in Russian presidential elections.

The Clintons feature prominently in these past cases of US interference in Russian domestic politics. Under Bill Clinton’s watch, the United States actively supported Boris Yeltsin’s retention of power. Clinton’s commitment to Yeltsin did not waver during the 1990s, despite widespread Russian public antipathy towards his economic policies and serious doubts about his competence to serve as president.
Russian policymakers view their interference in the US electoral process as a form of retaliation against past US meddling in Russian presidential elections.

the Euro-Maidan Revolution in Ukraine, have made Putin even more reactive to perceived US involvement in Russian internal politics. Former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul’s decision to redirect $50 million towards civil society assistance to Russia in March 2012 has been cited as smoking gun evidence for pernicious US interference in Russian politics.
McFaul is part of Alliance for Securing Democracy -see post 61
Does anyone honestly think this is about bill kristol being "offended" by trump? Or that Bill Kristol is mad about trumps mexican judge comments? Republicans have been using dog whistle politics for 50 years, now kristol is upset? Look deeper people. Bill Kristol is a great step to understanding how important it is for republicans to have perpetual war
I have known what Bill Kristol is for a long time, my opinion has not changed.
some of our polls are old as shit

what americans think, and what they actually care about, are very different things. Americans don't care. And eventually once the fake news is over they will also see trump in the clear as well.
Americans care about the investigation, in my opinion, they just grow weary of the coverage. It's like a week
before the elections, people are damn tired of the campaign ads.
Your continued reference to 'black' is exactly what it is .. but that's Ok by me. Thanks for identifying yourself. Never thought that about you.

Sure, proclaim that your absolute ignorance has struck a nerve. :0) I'm not complaining about it .. I'm thanking you for the awareness.

Thanks again.
I've seen it several times over the years, but his superior Boston whiteness has slipped out a lot more, lately. It's real subtle but it's there.
lol, don't hold your breath. I've got better things to do than dig up quotes . But I'll quote the OP: We all know hrc is a war and nation building advocate and the others are just plain insane. Obama did it best: "Cut it out." Other than that the same thing we do when China or North Korea hack our systems, whatever that is.

In other words, ignore the findings of the IC and just roll over and play dead.

Everybody does it so no big deal.

I'm looking for a better plan then that .. and all I expect from this alliance is what I expect from any alliance .. findings, that will be compared to other findings .. in order to craft a more perfect response then just playing dead.
I've seen it several times over the years, but his superior Boston whiteness has slipped out a lot more, lately. It's real subtle but it's there.

I tend to hold off before I apply the 'racist' tag. I wait until that thing undeniably reveals itself.

Too bad. I almost rather he kept that shit to himself .. but it's his call.
how is it racist to say you got your little black feelings hurt? you define yourself by your blackness with the very name you choose on here. It's a core part of your identity, and it's obvious you got your black feelings hurt. (not regular feelings, but those feelings that result in you being triggered like the precious snowflake that you are) Looks like I stung a nerve and now you are trying to change the conversation?

its racist to notice his racism.......
Your continued reference to 'black' is exactly what it is .. but that's Ok by me. Thanks for identifying yourself. Never thought that about you.

Sure, proclaim that your absolute ignorance has struck a nerve. :0) I'm not complaining about it .. I'm thanking you for the awareness.

Thanks again.

you are a political sellout and now want to use your distraction terms to derail the conversation. Wont change the fact you are a sellout with no principles, crying into your pillow at night.
In other words, ignore the findings of the IC and just roll over and play dead.

Everybody does it so no big deal.

I'm looking for a better plan then that .. and all I expect from this alliance is what I expect from any alliance .. findings, that will be compared to other findings .. in order to craft a more perfect response then just playing dead.
sounds like a war plan, be sure and clear it with your party's neocons