Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons

never said I am the keeper of liberal ideas. I said I didn't have to sellout my own principles to oppose clinton. You prefer neocon warmongering and nationbuilding to trump, why, because he hurt your feelings? lmao. you are a pathetic specimen of a man.

I stopped reading that post almost immediately. I have no interest in your Russian fantasy .. NONE WHATSOEVER.

I find what you're doing to be a threat to this nation and my family. You right-wingers have lost your fucking minds .. and that includes you aloysious.
I had no idea you were this far gone, that you've crossed the Rubicon into partnership w/neocon madness.
Put on the Bill Kristol T-shirt and tune into David Frum on MSNBC while McCain keeps telling you this is a war with Russia.
I'm sorry you went this way, and I hope you find your way back soon
I'm neutral on the russia - trump thing. I already deferred to Mueller and team, it's in a post I made. But not on this democrat-neocon alliance. It reeks of desperation by both.

With Trump at the helm, desperation is in order.

What could be the downside of an alliance to protect this nation and the world from foreign interference?

Democrats aren't going to become neocons, and neocons aren't going to become democrats.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend .. with reservation.
I had no idea you were this far gone, that you've crossed the Rubicon into partnership w/neocon madness.
Put on the Bill Kristol T-shirt and tune into David Frum on MSNBC while McCain keeps telling you this is a war with Russia.
I'm sorry you went this way, and I hope you find your way back soon

Dude .. you're become dangerous .. damn near traitorous. I'm serious.
lol annata is a traitor now according to BAC. BAC has gone from socialist to literally McCarthyism all because he got his little black feelings hurt :(
never said I am the keeper of liberal ideas. I said I didn't have to sellout my own principles to oppose clinton. You prefer neocon warmongering and nationbuilding to trump, why, because he hurt your feelings? lmao. you are a pathetic specimen of a man.

You're just fucking ignorant. Your bio sounds like a Monty Python ski.

Of course you didn't have to sellout your own principles because you don't have any .. not even the principle to debate with truth.

Where oh where do I support neocon warmongering? Is this a commission to engage in neocon wars .. or did you just make that bullshit up?

I won't hold my breath waiting for a sane answer.
Dude .. you're become dangerous .. damn near traitorous. I'm serious.

you're become brainwashed. you look at the surface and don't see the guiding hand of the "alliance" are the same folks who have been calling for "America leading on the ground" -WTF is that but interventionism?

No my friend. You and your ilk who have ginned up Russiaphobia over nothing -not even a "collusion" non-meeting
are the enemies of peace/sanity and detente'.

Your "resistance" did it for pure politics without even considering the geopolitical dangers.

You have now also let the dogs of war into your party, and welcomed them because of your unabated hatred of all things Trump.
Them dogs only run 1 way. Full bore into "confrontation"-war.
You're just fucking ignorant. Your bio sounds like a Monty Python ski.

Of course you didn't have to sellout your own principles because you don't have any .. not even the principle to debate with truth.

Where oh where do I support neocon warmongering? Is this a commission to engage in neocon wars .. or did you just make that bullshit up?

I won't hold my breath waiting for a sane answer.

you support them being folded into the democratic party. Again as the OP of this thread points out, they were doing this before trump even came along.

I never agreed with you but I used to have respect for your steadfast and incorruptible beliefs. But now you've just because a pathetic shill sellout, wanting to help neocons on their nationbuilding agenda. If I thought there was any decency left in you, maybe you'll look back on this someday in shame. You are very small now.
you're become brainwashed. you look at the surface and don't see the guiding hand of the "alliance" are the same folks who have been calling for "America leading on the ground" -WTF is that but interventionism?

No my friend. You and your ilk who have ginned up Russiaphobia over nothing -not even a "collusion" non-meeting
are the enemies of peace/sanity and detente'.
Your "resistance" did it for pure politics without even considering the geopolitical dangers.
You have now also let the dogs of war into your party, and welcomed them because of your unabated hatred of all things Trump.
Them dogs only run 1 way. Full bore into "confrontation"-war.


Tell that bullshit to comrade Grind.
you know even the way you shittalk these days reeks of insecurity. How many nights have you cried into your pillow because of the election?

waaaah trump makes me scurrred and unsafe my little black feelings were hurt waaaaaah lollllll
One of the most under-discussed yet consequential changes in the American political landscape is the reunion between the Democratic Party and the country’s most extreme and discredited neocons. While the rise of Donald Trump, whom neocons loathe, has accelerated this realignment, it began long before the ascension of Trump and is driven by far more common beliefs than contempt for the current president.


Nope. Rightwing posters are not allowed to constantly change their stories - one week, claiming Obama was an anti-American Kenyan-Marxist who was too weak to exercise America's military might - while the next week claiming Obama was the ultimate uber-NeoCon, intent on militarism and hegemony.

People who keep changing their story 180 degrees are lying their assess off. That's something we all know from everyday life experience.

The Iraq War Disaster would have never happened if the authorization to use force vote had been left simply to Democrats. Most D's in the House of Reps voted down Bush's authorization for war. I don't think you could find a national Democratic politician today who thinks the Iraq Disaster was a good idea. And you know what? I have heard very few Republicans express regret or contrition for the Iraq War, let alone admit it was a mistake. Which can only lead one to conclude that even today, with all the hindsight we have, Republicans would still support Invading Iraq, and still think the war was a great idea.
you support them being folded into the democratic party. Again as the OP of this thread points out, they were doing this before trump even came along.

I never agreed with you but I used to have respect for your steadfast and incorruptible beliefs. But now you've just because a pathetic shill sellout, wanting to help neocons on their nationbuilding agenda. If I thought there was any decency left in you, maybe you'll look back on this someday in shame. You are very small now.

It must really hurt to fear truth. Told you that wouldn't have an answer.

I'm not at all interested in the 'respect' of a fool. Please save that bullshit for someone who gives a fuck.

Absolutely they were talking about Russian interference before Trump because of what the Intelligence Community was saying about it.

The Intelligence Community confirms the Russian interference that you deny .. but there must be something wrong with me. :0) That's really cute.
you know even the way you shittalk these days reeks of insecurity. How many nights have you cried into your pillow because of the election?

waaaah trump makes me scurrred and unsafe my little black feelings were hurt waaaaaah lollllll

So racism is your way out of this, eh Mr. Pinkness? :0)
So racism is your way out of this, eh Mr. Pinkness? :0)

how is it racist to say you got your little black feelings hurt? you define yourself by your blackness with the very name you choose on here. It's a core part of your identity, and it's obvious you got your black feelings hurt. (not regular feelings, but those feelings that result in you being triggered like the precious snowflake that you are) Looks like I stung a nerve and now you are trying to change the conversation?
Nope. Rightwing posters are not allowed to constantly change their stories - one week, claiming Obama was an anti-American Kenyan-Marxist who was too weak to exercise America's military might - while the next week claiming Obama was the ultimate uber-NeoCon, intent on militarism and hegemony.

People who keep changing their story 180 degrees are lying their assess off. That's something we all know from everyday life experience.

The Iraq War Disaster would have never happened if the authorization to use force vote had been left simply to Democrats. Most D's in the House of Reps voted down Bush's authorization for war. I don't think you could find a national Democratic politician today who thinks the Iraq Disaster was a good idea. And you know what? I have heard very few Republicans express regret or contrition for the Iraq War, let alone admit it was a mistake. Which can only lead one to conclude that even today, with all the hindsight we have, Republicans would still support Invading Iraq, and still think the war was a great idea.
same old claptrap. same old line "Rightwing posters are not allowed to constantly change their stories"
I mean you could update that old saw for once? it's boring

OP is about how the neocons glommed onto the Hillary wing of interventionism,(then)
and how Russian hysteria (now) embedded them into their foreign policy analysis..

*say hello to David Frum et all on MSNBC*
I don't see how war mongering and nation building has ever protected us against foreign interference.

I don't either .. never have.

I fail to see this effort as warmongering in any way shape or form.

Please quote one warmongering quote from this group.

The IC determines the Russians have interfered in not only our elections, but elections across the globe.

What do you propose we should do about it?
how is it racist to say you got your little black feelings hurt? you define yourself by your blackness with the very name you choose on here. It's a core part of your identity, and it's obvious you got your black feelings hurt. (not regular feelings, but those feelings that result in you being triggered like the precious snowflake that you are) Looks like I stung a nerve and now you are trying to change the conversation?

Your continued reference to 'black' is exactly what it is .. but that's Ok by me. Thanks for identifying yourself. Never thought that about you.

Sure, proclaim that your absolute ignorance has struck a nerve. :0) I'm not complaining about it .. I'm thanking you for the awareness.

Thanks again.