Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons

Alliance for Securing Democracy: We Need More of This

I am thrilled to hear that the German Marshall Fund has launched the Alliance for Securing Democracy, which will “develop comprehensive strategies to defend against, deter, and raise the costs on Russian and other actors’ efforts to undermine democracy and democratic institutions.”

“Finding out what happened in the 2016 election is important. But even more important is ensuring that we as Americans and Europeans are putting in place measures to secure our democracies today and in the future,” said Fly. “The Alliance for Securing Democracy will also engage the private sector, civil society, and members of both U.S. political parties to enlist their support in development and implementation of these defensive and deterrent strategies.”

The idea is to create a platform and repository of information about Russian political influence activities in the United States and Europe that can be the basis for cooperation and a resource for analysts on both sides of the Atlantic to push back against Russian meddling.

The project aims to be able to eventually map out Russian disinformation on social networks, cyber-efforts, financial flows, broader state-level cooperation and even Russian government support for far-left or far-right parties in other countries.
“In a perfect world, we would have a national commission that would be looking into exactly what happened, exactly what did the Russians do and what can we do as a nation to defend ourselves going forward and deter Putin from ever doing this again,” Morell told me. “We all know this is not going to happen, so things like the GMF effort are hugely important to fill the gap.”

I agree with all of that .. as I'm sure that millions of Americans on both sides of the aisle will agree.
you are massively butthurt over trump. I know your ego took a huge bitchslap last election, and no, you will never recover from it, so I get why you are salty. But again, read between the lines dummy, none of this alliance is even about trump. They were forming these groups before trump as a candidate was even in the works. The neocons were out in the wilderness and now democrats have welcomed them back with open arms and legitimization.

:0) You are indeed an idiot.
I have ZERO interest in your or Putin's (same same) thoughts on Russia.

You don't know what you're talking about, you're simply desperately covering for Trump .. as evidenced by you didn't have such Putin love until Trump gave it to you.

.. and in case you haven't noticed, Russia is a winning argument for democrats.

Poll: Just 6% Of Americans Say Russia Story Is 'Important'

Despite deluge from MSM, nobody cares

The question posed to those surveyed was "Which of the following do you see as the most important issue facing the country right now?"

So, 79% said, "Not Russia."

Just 6% said Russia — despite the nonstop coverage from the mainstream media on unsubstantiated allegations that Trump and his campaign team colluded with Vladimir Putin to swing the 2016 election Trump's way.

Nobody cares. In fact, the Russia relationship is just 2 points above "Other" and the combined "None of these" and "Not sure." As one-time adviser Van Jones called it, the Russia story is a real "nothingburger."
Poll: Just 6% Of Americans Say Russia Story Is 'Important'

Despite deluge from MSM, nobody cares


Majority Of Americans Believe Trump Acted Either Illegally Or Unethically With Russia

New poll: 54% of Americans think Trump’s dealings with Russia were unethical or illegal

After 2016 campaign, more Americans consider Russia a threat: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Americans Consider Russia as Greatest Threat: Survey

NEED MORE .. there's lots of it. ;0)
Alliance for Securing Democracy: We Need More of This

I am thrilled to hear that the German Marshall Fund has launched the Alliance for Securing Democracy, which will “develop comprehensive strategies to defend against, deter, and raise the costs on Russian and other actors’ efforts to undermine democracy and democratic institutions.”

“Finding out what happened in the 2016 election is important. But even more important is ensuring that we as Americans and Europeans are putting in place measures to secure our democracies today and in the future,” said Fly. “The Alliance for Securing Democracy will also engage the private sector, civil society, and members of both U.S. political parties to enlist their support in development and implementation of these defensive and deterrent strategies.”

The idea is to create a platform and repository of information about Russian political influence activities in the United States and Europe that can be the basis for cooperation and a resource for analysts on both sides of the Atlantic to push back against Russian meddling.

The project aims to be able to eventually map out Russian disinformation on social networks, cyber-efforts, financial flows, broader state-level cooperation and even Russian government support for far-left or far-right parties in other countries.
“In a perfect world, we would have a national commission that would be looking into exactly what happened, exactly what did the Russians do and what can we do as a nation to defend ourselves going forward and deter Putin from ever doing this again,” Morell told me. “We all know this is not going to happen, so things like the GMF effort are hugely important to fill the gap.”

I agree with all of that .. as I'm sure that millions of Americans on both sides of the aisle will agree.

you are buying into the surface hype, and not looking at the currents below it.

working as Rubio’s foreign policy adviser, Fly was the executive director of “the Foreign Policy Initiative,” a group founded by Kristol along with two other leading neocons, Robert Kagan and Dan Senor, who was previously the chief spokesman for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq. That group is devoted to standard neocon agitprop, demanding “a renewed commitment to American leadership” on the ground that “the United States remains the world’s indispensable nation.” In sum, as Vox’s Dylan Matthews put it during the 2016 campaign, “If you want a foreign policy adviser with strong ties to the neocon world, it’s hard to do better than Fly.”
Democrats’ new partner Jamie Fly spent 2010 working in tandem with Bill Kristol urging military action — i.e., aggressive war — against Iran.
^ "renewed commitment to American leadership on the ground" is interventionism

Democrat, Laura Rosenberger, served as a foreign policy adviser for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and chief of staff to two Obama national security officials.
^ there cannot be a worse pedigree then this
you are buying into the surface hype, and not looking at the currents below it.

^ "renewed commitment to American leadership on the ground" is interventionism

^ there cannot be a worse pedigree then this

COMPLETELY uninterested in your love for Putin.

This is an international effort to protect democracy .. which obviously you have no interest in.

Majority Of Americans Believe Trump Acted Either Illegally Or Unethically With Russia

New poll: 54% of Americans think Trump’s dealings with Russia were unethical or illegal

After 2016 campaign, more Americans consider Russia a threat: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Americans Consider Russia as Greatest Threat: Survey

NEED MORE .. there's lots of it. ;0)

some of our polls are old as shit

what americans think, and what they actually care about, are very different things. Americans don't care. And eventually once the fake news is over they will also see trump in the clear as well.

Majority Of Americans Believe Trump Acted Either Illegally Or Unethically With Russia

New poll: 54% of Americans think Trump’s dealings with Russia were unethical or illegal

After 2016 campaign, more Americans consider Russia a threat: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Americans Consider Russia as Greatest Threat: Survey

NEED MORE .. there's lots of it. ;0)

since when do what Americans think have any sway? Americans are Sheeple -you've said so yourself.

Consider the Russiaphobia being pumped out 24/7 on CNN/Fake news/etc. -
what else are ignorant Americans who couldn't find the Ukraine on a map supposed to think?

Do you remember the MS press coverage of Libya?
all the coverage was how glorious and humanitarian our interventionism was.
Why even post such tripe as "what Americans think" when they are being ginned up for (cold) war?
COMPLETELY uninterested in your love for Putin.

This is an international effort to protect democracy .. which obviously you have no interest in.

lol you are a neocon warmongering nationbuilder now. When do you want to invade russia you chump? What a sellout you are. How do you look at yourself in the mirror?
COMPLETELY uninterested in your love for Putin.

This is an international effort to protect democracy .. which obviously you have no interest in.
man you need to take the red pill. you are lost in a partisan fog with Russiaphobia as a chaser.

When you ad hom about "my love for Putin" and do not even see the neocon interventionism growing
in this morass of derangement -suckling onto your Democratic Party..I'm afraid you are lost good brother.

Majority Of Americans Believe Trump Acted Either Illegally Or Unethically With Russia

New poll: 54% of Americans think Trump’s dealings with Russia were unethical or illegal

After 2016 campaign, more Americans consider Russia a threat: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Americans Consider Russia as Greatest Threat: Survey

NEED MORE .. there's lots of it. ;0)

I'm sure there is, from fake news with biased polling methods.
some of our polls are old as shit

what americans think, and what they actually care about, are very different things. Americans don't care. And eventually once the fake news is over they will also see trump in the clear as well.

July 6, 2017
July 6, 2017
January 13, 2017
April 27, 2017

Which one of those polls are "old as shit"

Sure, we should rely on you to tell us what the American people think. :0)

Here, take this with you ..

Higher percentage of Americans want Trump's impeachment than wanted Nixon's as Watergate escalated: Poll
July 17, 2017
man you need to take the red pill. you are lost in a partisan fog with Russiaphobia as a chaser.

When you ad hom about "my love for Putin" and do not even see the neocon interventionism growing
in this morass of derangement -suckling onto your Democratic Party..I'm afraid you are lost good brother.

I can't make it any more plain than I already have my friend. I don't agree with anything you've said on Russia. NOTHING

You've lost all sense of responsibility for the health, safety, and security of your own country.

I find that incredibly weak and damn near dangerous.
COMPLETELY uninterested in your love for Putin.

This is an international effort to protect democracy .. which obviously you have no interest in.

You want Trump to collude with foreign nationals to meddle in the affairs of soverign nations and legally-constituted governments?
I can't make it any more plain than I already have my friend. I don't agree with anything you've said on Russia. NOTHING

You've lost all sense of responsibility for the health, safety, and security of your own country.

I find that incredibly weak and damn near dangerous.
you don't have to agree with me.
But you should wake up and see just how dangerous a course the neocons are charting, and now they are dovetailed into the democratic party. the alliance with McCain should have your hair on fire right about now

And it's not just on an ad hoc basis to go after Trump. It's an endemic tie into the HRClinton view
on interventionism/ unwanted sanctions - and mindless confrontation with Russia even in Syria.

We've gotten a cease fore there that HOLDS, because of 1 conversation with Putin/Trump
All the years of Obama pumping in money &weapons to Syria,just made it worse, while a small bit of cooperation
has paid dividends. Now lets see if we can expand that cease fire.

How the US Armed-up Syrian Jihadists
how the chaotic U.S. policy of aiding Syrian jihadists enabled Al Qaeda and ISIS to rip Syria apart
you don't have to agree with me.
But you should wake up and see just how dangerous a course the neocons are charting, and now they are dovetailed into the democratic party. the alliance with McCain should have your hair on fire right about now

And it's not just on an ad hoc basis to go after Trump. It's an endemic tie into the HRClinton view
on interventionism/ unwanted sanctions - and mindless confrontation with Russia even in Syria.

We've gotten a cease fore there that HOLDS, because of 1 conversation with Putin/Trump
All the years of Obama pumping in money &weapons to Syria,just made it worse, while a small bit of cooperation
has paid dividends. Now lets see if we can expand that cease fire.

How the US Armed-up Syrian Jihadists
how the chaotic U.S. policy of aiding Syrian jihadists enabled Al Qaeda and ISIS to rip Syria apart
Throwing gasoline on a fire to put it out.
you don't have to agree with me.
But you should wake up and see just how dangerous a course the neocons are charting, and now they are dovetailed into the democratic party. the alliance with McCain should have your hair on fire right about now

And it's not just on an ad hoc basis to go after Trump. It's an endemic tie into the HRClinton view
on interventionism/ unwanted sanctions - and mindless confrontation with Russia even in Syria.

We've gotten a cease fore there that HOLDS, because of 1 conversation with Putin/Trump
All the years of Obama pumping in money &weapons to Syria,just made it worse, while a small bit of cooperation
has paid dividends. Now lets see if we can expand that cease fire.

How the US Armed-up Syrian Jihadists
how the chaotic U.S. policy of aiding Syrian jihadists enabled Al Qaeda and ISIS to rip Syria apart


I stopped reading that post almost immediately. I have no interest in your Russian fantasy .. NONE WHATSOEVER.

I find what you're doing to be a threat to this nation and my family. You right-wingers have lost your fucking minds .. and that includes you aloysious.

I stopped reading that post almost immediately. I have no interest in your Russian fantasy .. NONE WHATSOEVER.

I find what you're doing to be a threat to this nation and my family. You right-wingers have lost your fucking minds .. and that includes you aloysious.
I'm neutral on the russia - trump thing. I already deferred to Mueller and team, it's in a post I made. But not on this democrat-neocon alliance. It reeks of desperation by both.
I didn't have to sellout to oppose clinton. so many liberals have sold out their ideals. it's very sad. I guess we finally broke you guys.
I didn't have to sellout to oppose clinton. so many liberals have sold out their ideals. it's very sad. I guess we finally broke you guys.

:0) Sure, that's why your team is considered the worst in American history with poll numbers to match .. that's why you knuckleheads were able to so easily repeal Obamacare.

Sure, you're the keeper of 'liberals ideals.' :0)