Dems looking for Really Big Show in Denver

That works if you have two venues that are of similar size. But what do you do with the extra 50k people? Oops.... sorry about that, you shall have to sit in your car. No room for you in the Pepsi Center.

I am glad to see they have finalized this. I do hope for a nice two hour long thunderstorm at the appropriate time.

Send them all running from Mile High to the Pepsi Center. Then the headlines the next day....

'Dems afraid of nature'


Most wont show up if its raining, have you ever seen a football game on a rainy day? Especally a cold rainy day... Thus if you move it indoors, only those with an "indoor" ticket will get in.
Screw Denver. I had to wait three hours yesterday in your freaking airport because your weather is so spastic.
Screw Denver. I had to wait three hours yesterday in your freaking airport because your weather is so spastic.

Oh you should have had drinks with SF and Damo. Then they could have taken pics of you drunk in the airport bar and posted them. Damn! Why didn’t you think of that?
can you imagine the cluster fuk that would create if they tried to shift?

Yet one more reason to be avoiding downtown during the Dem invasion.

Lots of sour grapes! Man, you guys are pittafull hoping for rain...! If thats the best you got, Obama will win hands down, no matter how bad the rain.
Oh you should have had drinks with SF and Damo. Then they could have taken pics of you drunk in the airport bar and posted them. Damn! Why didn’t you think of that?

That's a great point. I only expected to have a 20 - 30 minute layover. That turned into 3 hours. If Superfreak was there I definitely would have beaten him up.
Most wont show up if its raining, have you ever seen a football game on a rainy day? Especally a cold rainy day... Thus if you move it indoors, only those with an "indoor" ticket will get in.

yes, at Arrowhead the stadium is still full. Real football fans show up regardless of weather. Even most of the lil pony fans show up for bad weather. But I can certainly see your point that Dems should be equated to fair weather fans.
Lots of sour grapes! Man, you guys are pittafull hoping for rain...! If thats the best you got, Obama will win hands down, no matter how bad the rain.

No sour grapes Alice. It would be comical to try to shift that many people in that short a period of time on the day of the event. It would be FUBAR.
I belive you would know the chances of rain more than 30 min's out.

The chances of an afternoon storm are usually right around 30-40% that time of year. They aren't usually long, maybe 20-30 minutes... but do you chance it on the night you accept the nomination for Presidential candidate for your party?
The chances of an afternoon storm are usually right around 30-40% that time of year. They aren't usually long, maybe 20-30 minutes... but do you chance it on the night you accept the nomination for Presidential candidate for your party?

I dont know, but if there is an alternate location available, and the chances are 30 - 40 %, and you would likely know a few hours ahead of time, and the rain is likely to only last 30 min's... I think I would chance it.

I chanced it with those odds on my wedding day. Ended up a beautifull day to be married on a golf corse.
I dont know, but if there is an alternate location available, and the chances are 30 - 40 %, and you would likely know a few hours ahead of time, and the rain is likely to only last 30 min's... I think I would chance it.

I chanced it with those odds on my wedding day. Ended up a beautifull day to be married on a golf corse.

Again, they are NOT likely going to try to move it the day of. It would create a scene of chaos on the day of the nomination. You either go with it or you don't. You don't try to move 20k people and send an additional 50k people home.
Again, they are NOT likely going to try to move it the day of. It would create a scene of chaos on the day of the nomination. You either go with it or you don't. You don't try to move 20k people and send an additional 50k people home.

We shall see. Ill bet the chance of rain is less than 30% and Ill bet the chance of rain lasting long enough tthat the speech could not start early or end late is even smaller.
whats the purpose? To look hitlarian with massive wide eyed followers?

Maybe they will seed the clowds like they are doing in China for the olympics.

Or maybe Obama had a talk with God, like Bush does about the war.
We shall see. Ill bet the chance of rain is less than 30% and Ill bet the chance of rain lasting long enough tthat the speech could not start early or end late is even smaller.

Then you clearly are pulling shit out of your ass rather than understanding afternoon thunderstorms are very common. Again, they do not last long, but what do you do with your crowd when/if it happens during someones speech? What if it occurs DURING Obama's speech? You think the general public is going to "stay tuned" during a rain delay????
Then you clearly are pulling shit out of your ass rather than understanding afternoon thunderstorms are very common. Again, they do not last long, but what do you do with your crowd when/if it happens during someones speech? What if it occurs DURING Obama's speech? You think the general public is going to "stay tuned" during a rain delay????

We shall see. Around here it rains most afternoons, but if it is not going to rain, you know it as the sky is clear. If it starts to clowd up around 3pm, you can bet it will rain from about 430 to 5.