Dems smack Obama for Gitmo fumbles

TuTu Monroe

A Realist
What????? Obama doesn't have a plan????? How shocking!!!

posted at 2:55 pm on May 8, 2009 by Ed Morrissey

Politico reports that Democrats on Capitol Hill are fuming over Barack Obama’s incompetent handling of the Guantanamo Bay detention issue. They’re shocked, shocked to find that a man with no executive experience made promises that now look almost impossible to keep, and that have left them twisting in the wind with constituents not thrilled to have al-Qaeda terrorists in the neighborhood:
Now Democrats are ganging up on President Barack Obama’s plans to shut down the Guantanamo Bay prison. Or rather, the president’s lack of planning for how to shutter the prison and how to handle the detainees.
“They say, ‘We’re going to close Guantanamo.’ OK, fine. How are you going to do that? That’s the question,” Rep. Neal Abercrombie (D-Hawaii) told POLITICO Thursday. “They should have had that worked out from the get-go.”
“There’s this vague game plan that now we’re going to leave Guantanamo,” Abercrombie said. “It’s allowed it to become a political football.” …
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who supports the Obama plan, admits that there’s no clear answer yet on Guantanamo: “The issue is, how are we going to close it?”
And House Appropriations Committee Chairman Dave Obey (D-Wis.) has told the White House that “when they have a plan, they’re welcome to come back and talk to us.”
Maybe they should have had a plan before making the promise. It’s not like they haven’t had time; Obama’s been making that same promise for over two years, as a candidate and then as President. He had access to intelligence and military briefings, as well as the luxury of hundreds of advisers.
Given the priority Obama gave this in the campaign, Democrats can be forgiven for their anger over Obama’s complete fumble of this issue. It appears that Obama thought he could simply dump the detainees in other countries and that he’d find our allies more than willing to set terrorists free in their countries. After getting an almost-complete snub from Europe (France agreed to take one), Obama seems lost.
The most interesting part of this story is the extent to which Democrats are willing to go public in rebuking their President. Abercrombie almost sounded eager to get his objections on the public record. Reid and Obey at least don’t mind it. That tells us that even Democrats realize that Americans don’t want Gitmo detainees in the US, either in prison or released altogether, as in the case of the Uighers. And that they’re willing to critcize not just the policy but the embarrassing executive performance of Obama makes that message even more powerful.
However, Obama’s their candidate. For the belated realization that a person’s first executive job shouldn’t be in the Oval Office, Capitol Hill Democrats get the Captain Louis Renault Award.
What????? Obama doesn't have a plan????? How shocking!!!

posted at 2:55 pm on May 8, 2009 by Ed Morrissey

Politico reports that Democrats on Capitol Hill are fuming over Barack Obama’s incompetent handling of the Guantanamo Bay detention issue. They’re shocked, shocked to find that a man with no executive experience made promises that now look almost impossible to keep, and that have left them twisting in the wind with constituents not thrilled to have al-Qaeda terrorists in the neighborhood:
Now Democrats are ganging up on President Barack Obama’s plans to shut down the Guantanamo Bay prison. Or rather, the president’s lack of planning for how to shutter the prison and how to handle the detainees.
“They say, ‘We’re going to close Guantanamo.’ OK, fine. How are you going to do that? That’s the question,” Rep. Neal Abercrombie (D-Hawaii) told POLITICO Thursday. “They should have had that worked out from the get-go.”
“There’s this vague game plan that now we’re going to leave Guantanamo,” Abercrombie said. “It’s allowed it to become a political football.” …
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who supports the Obama plan, admits that there’s no clear answer yet on Guantanamo: “The issue is, how are we going to close it?”
And House Appropriations Committee Chairman Dave Obey (D-Wis.) has told the White House that “when they have a plan, they’re welcome to come back and talk to us.”
Maybe they should have had a plan before making the promise. It’s not like they haven’t had time; Obama’s been making that same promise for over two years, as a candidate and then as President. He had access to intelligence and military briefings, as well as the luxury of hundreds of advisers.
Given the priority Obama gave this in the campaign, Democrats can be forgiven for their anger over Obama’s complete fumble of this issue. It appears that Obama thought he could simply dump the detainees in other countries and that he’d find our allies more than willing to set terrorists free in their countries. After getting an almost-complete snub from Europe (France agreed to take one), Obama seems lost.
The most interesting part of this story is the extent to which Democrats are willing to go public in rebuking their President. Abercrombie almost sounded eager to get his objections on the public record. Reid and Obey at least don’t mind it. That tells us that even Democrats realize that Americans don’t want Gitmo detainees in the US, either in prison or released altogether, as in the case of the Uighers. And that they’re willing to critcize not just the policy but the embarrassing executive performance of Obama makes that message even more powerful.
However, Obama’s their candidate. For the belated realization that a person’s first executive job shouldn’t be in the Oval Office, Capitol Hill Democrats get the Captain Louis Renault Award.

This was a campaign promise as were all Obama's promises, he never intended on keeping it and wont, Obama is out for himself.
Yeah, he made over 500 campaign promises and sure fooled a lot of gullible people.

He didn't have to fool to many , with most pissed at the Republicans and Hillary being what she is, what else did people have to vote for?

And further more he had what was it 92% of the black vote ( some didn't even know his running mate) 85% of the Hispanic vote all cause he wasn't white ( or at least 100% white) and of course he had die hard Dems that would of voted for the devil as long as he ran Dem.

Come on they all do it, lie like a rug to get in office, and how many promises are kept?

But Obama , Obama wanted to be known as the first Black president and is, what comes from here is anybody's guess
If he doesn't keep that one, it will help the opposition score points.

Yes it will , but if that was the only one he doesn't keep there will be a spin put on it as to why he couldn't, I hate to say it but the American people don't have much of a memory , and will have forgotten all about this and most any campaign promises, people just don't remember or maybe just don't want to
Send them to Texas, Saudi Arabia, and Wyoming, then lock the gates which is what most of the people really want.
Yes it will , but if that was the only one he doesn't keep there will be a spin put on it as to why he couldn't, I hate to say it but the American people don't have much of a memory , and will have forgotten all about this and most any campaign promises, people just don't remember or maybe just don't want to

Yes, you're so right. Let's bring back the 8 years of Heaven on earth that the ever reliable and steady bush and the GOP gave us, ending just 3+ months ago. How can we ever forget those blissful, halcyon days?
Yes, you're so right. Let's bring back the 8 years of Heaven on earth that the ever reliable and steady bush and the GOP gave us, ending just 3+ months ago. How can we ever forget those blissful, halcyon days?

Never said they were perfect, in fact I think I said they are all full of shit, but honestly I would take another 8 with Bush before I would want a year with Obama.

What has Obama done different than GW, he is doing the same just on a much bigger scale

Everyone complained about the deficit when GW was in, look at it now, the war was no good, were still there and talks of other wars are already being thrown around.

I am sure Obama has done somethings different , I just haven't noticed them, and to think MCcain would of been Bush's 3rd term, LOL
Never said they were perfect, in fact I think I said they are all full of shit, but honestly I would take another 8 with Bush before I would want a year with Obama.

What has Obama done different than GW, he is doing the same just on a much bigger scale

Everyone complained about the deficit when GW was in, look at it now, the war was no good, were still there and talks of other wars are already being thrown around.

I am sure Obama has done somethings different , I just haven't noticed them, and to think MCcain would of been Bush's 3rd term, LOL

Not perfect? The understatement of the year. You make no note of the condition of the government/economy left behind by the bush gang for Obama to solve, then you jump on what MAY be his mistakes in the future. His naysayers are laughable in their desperation to avoid acknowledgment of that fact. He's even criticised for putting mustard on hamburgers.(the jerk Hannity) At least, with the grace of God, maybe Supply Side Economics and, hopefully, nation building will never be foisted upon us to suffer through again.
You prove your own point about Americans forgetting, and, as you say, maybe its because they want to, but for an understandable reason.
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This shit is hilarious. I guess there are still some Democratic pants-shitters that are afraid of Republican attack ads using 9/11 imagery and painting the Democrats as "weak on terror." Old habits die hard I suppose.
Not perfect? The understatement of the year. You make no note of the condition of the government/economy left behind by the bush gang for Obama to solve, then you jump on what MAY be his mistakes in the future. His naysayers are laughable in their desperation to avoid acknowledging of that fact. He's even criticised for putting mustard on hamburgers.(the jerk Hannity) At least, with the grace of God, maybe Supply Side Economics and, hopefully, nation building will never be foisted upon us to suffer through again.
You prove your own point about Americans forgetting, and, as you say, maybe its because they want to, but for an understandable reason.

So you want me to believe that GW left a large ( very large) deficit so the way to fix it is to double it in a month? And lets not forget when GW came into office he didn't walk into peaches and cream either, this economy has been sliding for years, yes it got a bit better when Clinton first came in office but by the time he left it was all F*** up, no it wasn't as bad as when Obama came in but lets trash GW in 8 years he drove it up, in one Month Obama doubled it.

As for forgetting your right I am sure I do, but I haven't forgotten Obama's promise to not raise taxes on families making less than 250,000 a year , He already broke that, him and Hillary argued about ending the war , Obama said 6 months is what he said we will see, as for all his other promises your right I can't remember all of them, LOL
So you want me to believe that GW left a large ( very large) deficit so the way to fix it is to double it in a month? And lets not forget when GW came into office he didn't walk into peaches and cream either, this economy has been sliding for years, yes it got a bit better when Clinton first came in office but by the time he left it was all F*** up, no it wasn't as bad as when Obama came in but lets trash GW in 8 years he drove it up, in one Month Obama doubled it.

As for forgetting your right I am sure I do, but I haven't forgotten Obama's promise to not raise taxes on families making less than 250,000 a year , He already broke that, him and Hillary argued about ending the war , Obama said 6 months is what he said we will see, as for all his other promises your right I can't remember all of them, LOL

bush left more than a deficit, he left the economy in a tailspin most economists describe as the worst since the Great Depression. Many economists said the entire system was in danger.
With monumental problems comes the need for monumental solutions. There are, of course, differences on how to solve the dilemma, however, very few would say doing nothing is the answer, save Boehner and Cantor, not to mention the famous economists, Limbaugh, Hannity, and Coulter.
Humbly, I and, I might guess, you also cannot conceive the size of the problems the country is facing. The existence, and yes, the size of the problem was not revealed by bush's people to us or the candidates until just weeks before the election and because ot its gravity, quick action was needed. It took bush more than a year to act on the recession he found himself in, it took Obama weeks. Were mistakes made? We don't know yet. Will mistakes be made? Probably, but that is the price for taking quick action on problems requiring quick action.
Which taxes have been raised on the middle class? I think 16 months was the number for ending the Iraq war.
So you want me to believe that GW left a large ( very large) deficit so the way to fix it is to double it in a month? And lets not forget when GW came into office he didn't walk into peaches and cream either, this economy has been sliding for years, yes it got a bit better when Clinton first came in office but by the time he left it was all F*** up, no it wasn't as bad as when Obama came in but lets trash GW in 8 years he drove it up, in one Month Obama doubled it.

As for forgetting your right I am sure I do, but I haven't forgotten Obama's promise to not raise taxes on families making less than 250,000 a year , He already broke that, him and Hillary argued about ending the war , Obama said 6 months is what he said we will see, as for all his other promises your right I can't remember all of them, LOL

Let me also add that the RW hubbub about deficits is quite amusing considering the fact that it was the great unmentionable during the bush years by the same sycophants who are the most vocal now. Not much criticism came from Conservatives when bush declared a war and, at the same time, reduced taxes. Nor do I find much criticism from the same people regarding the bush "Supplemental" budgets left out of official budgets in order to fool not only me but also his supporters who followed him quietly, even defensively.
bush left more than a deficit, he left the economy in a tailspin most economists describe as the worst since the Great Depression. Many economists said the entire system was in danger.
With monumental problems comes the need for monumental solutions. There are, of course, differences on how to solve the dilemma, however, very few would say doing nothing is the answer, save Boehner and Cantor, not to mention the famous economists, Limbaugh, Hannity, and Coulter.
Humbly, I and, I might guess, you also cannot conceive the size of the problems the country is facing. The existence, and yes, the size of the problem was not revealed by bush's people to us or the candidates until just weeks before the election and because ot its gravity, quick action was needed. It took bush more than a year to act on the recession he found himself in, it took Obama weeks. Were mistakes made? We don't know yet. Will mistakes be made? Probably, but that is the price for taking quick action on problems requiring quick action.
Which taxes have been raised on the middle class? I think 16 months was the number for ending the Iraq war.

16 Months is what he says know, when he was running it was 6 months, Hillary guaranteed 3, LOL,are the senators really that stupid that they vote on laws everyday but yet didn't know how bad a shape this country was in, if I remeber right that was the topic of most debates they had, I agree with the quick action but I also know that things done hastily sometimes blow up in your face, And again I will repeat either side will and does screw up, Obama just takes it a step further

I needed to edit I forgot the tax question, first we get 13 bucks a week in our checks that we will repay at the end of the year, cigarettes , yes I know I will hear allot of shit about this , but it isn't only the rich smoking , seems GW had a sin tax and so does Obama the one thing different I see Obama is doing different than GW was he will take his tax break back at the end of the year, Obama thinks everyone is stupid he started this by saying it would be much better for the economy if ya get a bit each week instead of a stimulus check, but he didn't tell us the money would be taken back at the end of the year
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