Dems smack Obama for Gitmo fumbles

uh...what happened in 2006?

In 2006, the democrats won a razor thin majority in the House and a plurality in the Senate which prevented any significant action on the part of the democrats to change anything. Clearly, American voters realized the error of their ways in not giving the democrats a clear cut majority in 2006 and they rectified that error in 2008. Thank goodness.
What a load of road apples, Jeff

LOL I like that froggie

But as for conservatives now talking well Duh, LOL, just as Dems are not criticizing anything Obama does the Conservatives do the same.

In case y'all haven't seen, I believe both parties to be full of shit, but I do believe the right is a bit less full of it, IMO

The Deficit, well you can make the argument it is all GW's fault ( if that makes ya feel better) but the truth is this country has been run like shit for years cause of Party over Country, again IMO

But to try and say Obama is the Messiah LOL, be for real , he wanted to be the first Black president and he feels he has done so, the rest of the country can (in his words) get over it I won!!
Eric Holder was grilled about the renditions done in the Clinton administration. Uh-uh-err-err-uh-. It was funny to watch him stammer.

If you're referring to the go-around with Sen. Alexander, I watched it in its entirety and think Holder handled himself quite well. That said, it is obvious from Alexander's words that the GOP is fearful of any investigation regarding torture by the US. It happens that, even though his words were in the form of a veiled threat, I take his words literally and thus agree with him. If we investigate those responsible for concluding torture was permissable and carrying it out, then we should investigate ALL who knew. I agree. Let the chips fall where they may regardless of politics.
Using sports parlance, if we have to trade Pelosi's head for bush and Cheney's, Ill take the deal and give next year's draft choice! Investigate the matter top to bottom, take action, and bring this country back to the moral high ground. I'm sure you would agree.
uh...what happened in 2006?

Bush resigned?....... One could only hope.
For the first 6 years of his "presidency" bush felt the need to veto not a single bill coming out of Congress. Only after January, 2007 did he exercise his veto mandate and the Dems had no power to overturn them. Apparently in the 6 years before 2007, he was in support of every bill to come out of the GOP Congress, thus he also bears responsibility for his apparent sponsorship.
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LOL I like that froggie

But as for conservatives now talking well Duh, LOL, just as Dems are not criticizing anything Obama does the Conservatives do the same.

In case y'all haven't seen, I believe both parties to be full of shit, but I do believe the right is a bit less full of it, IMO

The Deficit, well you can make the argument it is all GW's fault ( if that makes ya feel better) but the truth is this country has been run like shit for years cause of Party over Country, again IMO

But to try and say Obama is the Messiah LOL, be for real , he wanted to be the first Black president and he feels he has done so, the rest of the country can (in his words) get over it I won!!

Obama has been in office for 110 days. One can disagree with what he has done, one can contemplate if he will be a failure totally or partially, but one cannot say that what he has done thus far in those 110 days has failed.
gw bush never vetoed a spending bill in the first 6 years of his "presidency", nor did he request balanced budgets or request sacrifices from his people to pay for a war he fostered. What part of the current economic situation is a result of failed bush administration policies? Start with Supply Side Economics and go from there.
Obama is not the Messiah, a title conveyed only by his detractors, nor is he the Devil which they would imply. He IS the first Black President and there is a certain part of the US population, not yet in the 21st Century, that should "get over it"!
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Why does the left always bring race into these conversations? Paranoia, anyone?

Obama has been in office for 110 days. One can disagree with what he has done, one can contemplate if he will be a failure totally or partially, but one cannot say that what he has done thus far in those 110 days has failed.
gw bush never vetoed a spending bill in the first 6 years of his "presidency", nor did he request balanced budgets or request sacrifices from his people to pay for a war he fostered. What part of the current economic situation is a result of failed bush administration policies? Start with Supply Side Economics and go from there.
Obama is not the Messiah, a title conveyed only by his detractors, nor is he the Devil which they would imply. He IS the first Black President and there is a certain part of the US population, not yet in the 21st Century, that should "get over it"!
Why does the left always bring race into these conversations? Paranoia, anyone?

No, reality, try it sometime. History is based on fact, not loss of memory. Maybe that is the paranoia in this case?
You should notice my post was a reply to Jeff regarding race, I made no mention of race before his post.
No, reality, try it sometime. History is based on fact, not loss of memory. Maybe that is the paranoia in this case?
You should notice my post was a reply to Jeff regarding race, I made no mention of race before his post.

You haven't learned by now that the truth doesn't matter to Blabba?
Bush resigned?....... One could only hope.
For the first 6 years of his "presidency" bush felt the need to veto not a single bill coming out of Congress. Only after January, 2007 did he exercise his veto mandate and the Dems had no power to overturn them. Apparently in the 6 years before 2007, he was in support of every bill to come out of the GOP Congress, thus he also bears responsibility for his apparent sponsorship.

no, the dems took the majority, so your 8 years is wrong:pke:
No, reality, try it sometime. History is based on fact, not loss of memory. Maybe that is the paranoia in this case?
You should notice my post was a reply to Jeff regarding race, I made no mention of race before his post.

I agree about the race issue and the 21st century,but I don't believe it is the whites , ( a small % I know have) but rather the blacks that have made this a race issue, the day after he won the election I was going up the NJ turnpike and had to listen to the blacks screaming all day it is our turn now , as I have said before there were many that didn't even know ol Joe was his running mate,so if you or anyone voted for him just cause of his skin color then they made it a race issue.

As a matter of fact I thought Obama was the one to vote for until I heard the audio of his book , heard his preacher , who Obama himself stated that he was his spiritual adviser , I started to think am I really wanting to vote for a guy that listens to a preacher that says God Damn the U.S., or a guy that thinks his own Grandmother is a typical white person, I wonder what I would be called if I said Rev. Al Sharpton is a typical Black person? I would be called a racist
no, the dems took the majority, so your 8 years is wrong:pke:

bush was "president" for only 6 years? (If only it was true.) He lost his veto and all other "presidential" power in 2007? A bit of fuzzy and very convenient math, no? With your math Clinton was President for 2 years.
bush was "president" for only 6 years? (If only it was true.) He lost his veto and all other "presidential" power in 2007? A bit of fuzzy and very convenient math, no? With your math Clinton was President for 2 years.

Yes, you're so right. Let's bring back the 8 years of Heaven on earth that the ever reliable and steady bush and the GOP gave us, ending just 3+ months ago. How can we ever forget those blissful, halcyon days?

I agree about the race issue and the 21st century,but I don't believe it is the whites , ( a small % I know have) but rather the blacks that have made this a race issue, the day after he won the election I was going up the NJ turnpike and had to listen to the blacks screaming all day it is our turn now , as I have said before there were many that didn't even know voted for him just cause of his skin color then they made it a race issue.

As a matter of fact I thought Obama was talledhe one to vote for until I heard the audio of his book , heard his preacher , who Obama himself stated that he was his spiritual adviser , I started to think am I really wanting to vote for a guy that listens to a preacher that says God Damn the U.S., or a guy that thinks his own Grandmother is a typical white person, I wonder what I would be called if I said Rev. Al Sharpton is a typical Black person? I would be called a racist

I have already been called on for replying to you on the race issue by two of your "friends". For some reason they think I, not you, initiated the subject, but their lack of objectivity surprises me not, it goes with the territory. If the 3 of you have a problem, I'll let you deal with it.
It is obvious why Pelosi doesn't want anyone or anything investigated! They are all so corrupt! I say flush!
I have already been called on for replying to you on the race issue by two of your "friends". For some reason they think I, not you, initiated the subject, but their lack of objectivity surprises me not, it goes with the territory. If the 3 of you have a problem, I'll let you deal with it.

I Brought it up it is right there in the thread, I felt it was important enough to talk about, as for friends tell me who are my friends here?

As for dealing with it , sure np. OOO well whatever :rolleyes: