Deranged trump posts”what gives her the right to run for president”

Right, Lesion. But it's just fine to call anyone who isn't in thrall to the #MalignantMango a "communist," right? Cry some more, Beulah. Your bitter tears of desperation season our mugs full of delicious Schadenfreude. :laugh:
Legina has been exhibiting unusual behavior lately. I suspect diaper rash. While it's entirely possible that I'm responsible for being the impetus for this rash, more likely it's just his crappy selection of adult diapers.

Trump’s businesses took in more than $160 million from international sources during his presidency.

Trump wasn't in charge of his businesses while he was President you dumb dope.

Trump didn't take a salary while he was President you dumb dope.

Trump's net worth declined while he was President you dumb dope.

Meanwhile, every Democrat President in recent memory entered the white house with literally nothing and left as multi-millionaires, you dumb dope.

Trump brazenly violated the “emoluments” clause of Article 1, Section 6, and the “appropriations” clause of Article 1, Section 9. The foreign emolument section states that, without congressional assent, neither the president nor other office holders can “accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

No, he did not. But you, being the dumb lying leftist dope you are, will parrot whatever bullshit the DNC feeds you.




You're the perfect example of what is meant by stupid and ignorant. But alas, dumb, lying dopes like you don't know they are dumb lying dopes.

Biden never lies? Harris never lies? No wonder you vote Democrat, you're really that fucking ignorant and stupid.

You've been lied to and gaslighted for three and a half years and now want to bitch about being lied to? Dumber than mere dumb.
Trump Dummy thinks, like most MAGAts, that two wrongs make a right.

It will be 2020 redux.
Wrong again, you poorly informed, uneducated lying leftist dolt. It will be a 2016 redux.

Will Democrats refuse to accept his re-election again as they did the first time? Will they claim he is "illigitimate" like last time?

One thing we do know, Democrats are not merely cheaters, but the ultimate election deniers.
Sure, if you're a dumb motherfucker who can't read the long list that was provided you because you've got Trump's dick so far down your throat that it scrambled whatever brains you had.
Did that long list come from the DNC you mindless, leftist lemming liar?

You need to extract your head from Bidens asshole snowflake. :laugh:
Yes, he did. He never recused himself from his businesses, and did not put them into blind trust, etc.. He ran them directly and via his sons.

Patently false, you lying cumdumpster
So, his sons were running his businesses. Got it. God you're a stupid fuck.

You don't seem to mind that Hunter was running Biden's grifting operation. Why is that?
He doesn't need to have been 'impeached' for any of those things for them to be violations of the Constitution, you dumb cumfaucet. If I shoot you in the face and never get charged, does that mean I didn't murder your dumb ass?
So, you don't need any proof, evidence or efforts to charge Trump with anything, it's just because the DNC says so.

You are one dumb, empty headed, triggered moron.
They may not be puckering as much though when that power has evaporated with a Trump loss in November. Although of course he will try to drag it through the courts for years or until he drops dead, whichever comes first.
It will be amusing to watch leftist mental cases when Trump wins big in November.
Trump Dummy thinks, like most MAGAts, that two wrongs make a right.
You sad caricature of a serial lying leftist halfwit, that wasn't my argument.

But because you are a dishonest, thread trolling hack with the mental capability of a centipede, I'll explain my post to you; it was illustrating the glaring hypocrisy of leftist halfwits whining about liars while supporting and voting for them.

Now run along. Adults are trying to have a discussion.
How did Trump use the Constitution as toilet paper? Be specific.
Attempted to overthrow the election. Kept 'acting' officials in place well past the 210 days allowed. Violated separation of powers by putting large steel tariffs into place. Violated separation of powers by taking military funding and putting it into his border wall project. Illegally banned bump stocks in his anti-gun-rights crusade. Illegally bombed Syria without informing Congress or asking for operation, another violation of the separation of powers. Illegally violated first amendment rights of citizens by blocking Twitter users while using his account as an official public office platform. Then there's the various unconstitutional covid things he pushed as executive orders.

Any other dumb questions to reveal your ignorance?