Deranged trump posts”what gives her the right to run for president”

Link up to

Link up to this fake news. It's not her "slogan."
I would say it is a pretty stupid phrase to have attached to your campaign, especially from the party that calls their opposition Nazis. All we need now is coward and traitor Mr. Tiny Penis aka the snitch to come along and demand all Republicans be shot or hung.
Any of you asshats understand what you accuse us of doing, you have done first?
If she has a slogan at all, it's "when we fight, we win."

This is kind of scary this year. I've seen a few things about how that side has prepared for this election. It's different from 2020 - they have so many election deniers in positions of power now.

Observers Comrade, election observers. And yes, fraud is a going to be MUCH more difficult this time. it is not like 2020.

It could be chaos.

It will be - the election fraudsers have already said they will drag this out for a month to find ways to cheat.

We KNOW that Trump will not concede, no matter what happens.

Actually - it's your party that vowed to start a civil war if they lose.

That's fine. What's scary is all of the cultists who will believe him and do everything in their power to deny the will of the people.

Like you Stalinists did with your coup? The "will of the people" was Joe Biden - but you don't give a shit.
Yet, your empty head is still fully stuck in his asshole mental case. :laugh:

So grade school prattle is your level of argumentation. Go it, halfwit. :laugh:

I did. But alas, you're an empty-headed asshole with the acuity of a third grader who seems to enjoy being lied to and gaslighted which explains why you are stupid enough to vote Democratic.

What was your source dumbass?
you didn't cumdumpster
"Fight like hell" doesnt meant overthrow an election. When did anyone "try" to hang the vice president? The only person actually injured that day was an unarmed woman who was murdered in cold blood. Are you like the other leftist nitwit I talked to earlier that can only repeat what's programmed into them?
it does when you've spent a month telling your followers that the election has been stolen.

there were dozens of officers injured that day you lying cunt.
The way CNN and NBC (MSNBC) did with Nicholas Sandman after they slandered him?
Can you point to where CNN and NBC paid millions?

The estimate is they paid less than $100,000 to save $200,000 in lawyers fees to win at trial.
The settlement amount is confidential but they had no reason to settle for millions when they likely would have won at trial.
Here is an explanation of why the settlement wasn't millions. The key point is they settled before a deposition of Sandman which would have been used to calculate actual damages. Sandman wasn't damaged in a monetary way. He didn't lose a job. If anything he gained from the notoriety.