Destruction of the modern Republican party!

Republicans caucus by secret ballot. It isn't like the Democratic caucus. Actually, I'm not sure why they even call it a caucus, if it's by secret ballot.
Most Caucuses are by secret ballot. We run ours that way.

However, that doesn't change that a caucus only brings the most activist of voters. Of the 2 Million people registered to vote in Iowa, there will be a bit over 200K of them that caucus, and that only because caucuses are a bit more important there. In contrast of a bit more voters registered in CO there will be about 40% to show up for the Primary about 20% in an off year.

Therefore flooding the caucuses with the Religious suddenly makes them overrepresented at caucuses. Hence the reason I tell people that if they don't want the party run by the Evangelicals they need to get to the caucuses here too. Otherwise the vast majority of delegates are from that group too and they get to select the Primary candidates.
I don't see why they still use caucuses.

IMHO, just do a nationwide primary. No delegates, and if there are delegates, just apoint them based on proportional representation lists. Whoever wins wins and that's that.
I don't see why they still use caucuses.

IMHO, just do a nationwide primary. No delegates, and if there are delegates, just apoint them based on proportional representation lists. Whoever wins wins and that's that.

Caucuses also decide who will be on the Primary ballot for their local/state elections. I've tried to explain this to you several times in this thread.

Iowa is a weird place that uses the caucuses to select their delegates for the National representation. The vast majority of places caucus to select things like, Central Committee members and delegates to assemblies up to the state level to select the candidates that will be on the Primary Ballot for the vote on the Primary.
I know that. And I'm saying that they shouldn't do that. It's antiquated.
It isn't. Before the delegates vote at the assembly (remember they are representatives chosen at the caucus) there are about 14 different Republican candidates for one seat at the county level. By the time the assembly is over there are two or three that will be voted on at the Primary. This culls the herd and makes voting manageable. Especially on a local level where often people have a hard time getting information on the stances of the candidates. If people feel overwhelmed they won't show up to the Primary either.
Funny, people in the Netherlands have no problem choosing from more than 40 parties...
You are talking parties now. We also choose from as many as that in many states, but that is a general election not a Primary. Also there they vote party, the party then puts in those they want from the party in the positions.

You continue to confuse what stages of the process we are talking about, as well as the differences in our process to those of other places.
I was just watching Buchanan and he was talking about Phylis Schlafly saying she does not like Huckleberry but that so many social conservatives don't know where to cast their votes. Any of you that are socially conservative, what do you think? Where DO you cast your vote? Who is socially conservative enough yet also fiscally conservative enough for you to vote for. The national review hates Huckelberry cause they don't like his populist tendancies and feel he is too liberal.
Huckbee cant win a general election.

None of the current R field can

But Hillary and John Edwards can win a general election? You live in Vegas how much money do you want to wager on that?

And Hucklebee isn't going to win the Republican Primary let alone the general election.
So its the God hating Athiests of the Democratic Party vs. the Theocrats of the Republican Party. Excellent.

Are we getting a little tipsy? I have to catch a flight back to Hawaii at the crack of dawn, so I had to start buzzin earlier than usual.

But the Democrats in terms of religion, to me are more trustworthy than the Republicans. If Republicans are pimps, Jesus is their whore, and they make no bones about it. But Democrats are more like bouncers at the brothel, they play the game, but not so much. Frankly, I prefer a more secular government.
Are we getting a little tipsy? I have to catch a flight back to Hawaii at the crack of dawn, so I had to start buzzin earlier than usual.

But the Democrats in terms of religion, to me are more trustworthy than the Republicans. If Republicans are pimps, Jesus is their whore, and they make no bones about it. But Democrats are more like bouncers at the brothel, they play the game, but not so much. Frankly, I prefer a more secular government.

I had a couple of beers out tonight but didn't have much energy so I turned in early.

I pay far more attention to economic issues than many of the social ones. But I was just f*ckin around with what Cypress wrote.
No, I meant we should elect theocrats. Put them in office and let people see the destruction they bring. For even more time, that is. We don't want America to forget soon.
I had a couple of beers out tonight but didn't have much energy so I turned in early.

I pay far more attention to economic issues than many of the social ones. But I was just f*ckin around with what Cypress wrote.

Foreign Policy is my gig.

OT - Do you know what a 60-70 year old, unopened bottle of guinness beer is worth?
No, I meant we should elect theocrats. Put them in office and let people see the destruction they bring. For even more time, that is. We don't want America to forget soon.

Ah, the "Bring It On" mentality. I used to think that way, but it is so defeatist that you only end up fucking yourself.

Its like the "starve the beast" mentality of the current republicans. Its a race to the bottom to prove a point, and the point ends up being that they're all idiots.