Destruction of the modern Republican party!

This is a bullshit statement. In Obama's book and during the campaign he has talked about what faith means to him. The problem with you Religious Righties is that unless someone covers themselves in sack cloth and ashes they aren't good enough for you. Gotta be all public about it and everything. Forgetting entirely that He said, Matthew 6:6

Relax dude, I was just f'ing around with Cypress's comment.
Soc, I can vouch for cawacko not being a religious righty.

If he lived in a state that outlawed contraception and abortion, he'd be making a beeline as fast as he could, to move to a blue state. :)
Soc, I can vouch for cawacko not being a religious righty.

If he lived in a state that outlawed contraception and abortion, he'd be making a beeline as fast as he could, to move to a blue state. :)

HaHa, I'd be doing the world a favor if there were a bunch of little Cawacko's running around. It's the whole getting laid thing that prevents it.

1) Iowa is more religious in orientation than most states, they are going to lean hard for whomever they deem "most Christian".... Huckabee winning there means little.

2) Wait till the 5th... he will get his ass kicked on super tuesday.

3) I hate when the networks project winners when only 15% have reported. I know statistically it is possible to do it within an acceptable margin of error.... but it is still annoying. Let the state report finish its reporting. This "I have to be first to project the winner" crap is getting old. We can see the numbers..... Do they really win new viewers or advertisers by doing this? Or is it simply for ego.

Whether Huckabee wins anymore or not, that still does not change the fact that republicans are in miserable shape and hold little to no hope of winning in '08.

1) Iowa is more religious in orientation than most states, they are going to lean hard for whomever they deem "most Christian".... Huckabee winning there means little.

2) Wait till the 5th... he will get his ass kicked on super tuesday.

3) I hate when the networks project winners when only 15% have reported. I know statistically it is possible to do it within an acceptable margin of error.... but it is still annoying. Let the state report finish its reporting. This "I have to be first to project the winner" crap is getting old. We can see the numbers..... Do they really win new viewers or advertisers by doing this? Or is it simply for ego.

By this logic since Obama also won in Iowa..I suppose this means 'little'!
HaHa, I'd be doing the world a favor if there were a bunch of little Cawacko's running around. It's the whole getting laid thing that prevents it.


Cawacko, it’s possible that if you didn’t get shit-faced every time you went out, you’d get a little luckier.