Destruction of the modern Republican party!

So its the God hating Athiests of the Democratic Party vs. the Theocrats of the Republican Party. Excellent.

Obama, Edwards and Hillary aren't aetheists. You know that of course. :):)

But they don't wear their religion on their sleeve, they think the earth is more than 6,000 years old, and they don't think our constitution is based on the ten commandments.

I can live with that.
I was just watching Buchanan and he was talking about Phylis Schlafly saying she does not like Huckleberry but that so many social conservatives don't know where to cast their votes. Any of you that are socially conservative, what do you think? Where DO you cast your vote? Who is socially conservative enough yet also fiscally conservative enough for you to vote for. The national review hates Huckelberry cause they don't like his populist tendancies and feel he is too liberal.
Yeah, Bush with a hound dog face and an ability to speak articulately. I'm not a social conservative so you got me there.
I'll trust you know far more than me who's more progressive out of Edwards and Obama. Since I'm prob left of Edwards on most things I'll be pulling for him. They both showed they are to be taken serious and may have cut Hillary off at the knees. They both have twice the charisma that she has and it was apparent change over experience won out. She is really in a pickle now.

Yeah if you combine the Edwards and Obama votes, you get one thing for certain; the democratic base does not want Hillary. We’ll see if she can rebound in New Hampshire, Bill is already there, I don’t discount him, her, or their organization.

I don’t think Obama will ever be as liberal as Edwards, but that doesn’t mean I won’t vote for him if he is the nominee. I’m afraid to get too invested in him though. I am afraid he’s going to be killed. I know we are all supposed to hold hands now and sing together, we have overcome! But I grew up in the most segregated suburb in America, and it’s not in the South. It’s in New York. I know a lot of racists. I’ve known a lot of racists my whole life. But I do take heart, big time, in the turnout of the young, and how they went for Obama. Maybe they are going to end it.
Listen Cawacko, please don't be a Topper-head and ignore all known facts. All polling has shown that Edwards is unbeatable in a General. The R's don't want to run against him, period. There is a reason you never hear Rove or his ilk mention Edwards name ok?

Hillary may very well be unelectable Cawacko. 50% of Americans say they will not vote for her under any circumstances. Can you tell me how you get around that? And as for Obama...well, all I can say is be white on Long Island and let me know then if you think he can win a general. He might be stronger than Hillary, but I don't know if it puts him over the top.

Um.... wrong on the bolded part. While he certainly polls ahead of most by a wide margin (I say most because McCain polled ahead of Edwards in the most recent Zogby poll... though I am not a fan of Zogby so we will call that one a tie) but he is statistically in a tie with McCain and Rudy. So saying he is unbeatable is a bit of a stretch.
It's funny that's what I fear, but I heard Joe Scarborough last night, who knows a thing or three about Florida, saying he thinks that Huckabee can take Florida.

He certainly has polled closer to Rudy recently, but I think it is just because Rudy hasn't been out in front of the cameras as much as Huckabee. Rudy is saving his push for Florida and after NH, I think you will see him widen that gap again. ESPECIALLY if McCain does not do well in NH.
Um.... wrong on the bolded part. While he certainly polls ahead of most by a wide margin (I say most because McCain polled ahead of Edwards in the most recent Zogby poll... though I am not a fan of Zogby so we will call that one a tie) but he is statistically in a tie with McCain and Rudy. So saying he is unbeatable is a bit of a stretch.

Yeah, with Rudy sinking like a stone as only a few of his scandals surface, I’m not worried about whatever poll you saw that shows him within a few points of Edwards. Do polls show Edwards as beating the R’s by the widest margin? The answer is yes they do. Why do you have to be such a nitpicker? Did you take a class in nitpicking?
He certainly has polled closer to Rudy recently, but I think it is just because Rudy hasn't been out in front of the cameras as much as Huckabee. Rudy is saving his push for Florida and after NH, I think you will see him widen that gap again. ESPECIALLY if McCain does not do well in NH.

Well, my personal opinion is that the money boys in the R party are going to put the hit on Huckabee now, because they shit their pants last night. They will take him out. But, there’s going to be a price for that guys. And the price is the breakup of the Reagan coalition. And that hurts you in the generals. In fact, if your Christian base stays home, you might not be able to win, period.
He certainly has polled closer to Rudy recently, but I think it is just because Rudy hasn't been out in front of the cameras as much as Huckabee. Rudy is saving his push for Florida and after NH, I think you will see him widen that gap again. ESPECIALLY if McCain does not do well in NH.

McCain continues to have a residual aura of good will, mainly propped up by the media punditry, but also related to his (now extinct) tradition of maverick independent. Chris Mathews nearly wants to have sex with the guy.

It wouldn't hold up for the fossil, under the bright lights of a general election. Edwards and Obama would beat him.
Yeah, with Rudy sinking like a stone as only a few of his scandals surface, I’m not worried about whatever poll you saw that shows him within a few points of Edwards. Do polls show Edwards as beating the R’s by the widest margin? The answer is yes they do. Why do you have to be such a nitpicker? Did you take a class in nitpicking?

yes, both nitpicking 101 and 201. Both great courses. Although the professor in 201 was a bit of an ass. Always criticizing every little detail about the way I looked and acted. I just didn't understand why he was like that.
Well, my personal opinion is that the money boys in the R party are going to put the hit on Huckabee now, because they shit their pants last night. They will take him out. But, there’s going to be a price for that guys. And the price is the breakup of the Reagan coalition. And that hurts you in the generals. In fact, if your Christian base stays home, you might not be able to win, period.

I agree that they will put the hit on huckabee now. But not because of last night. Iowa traditionally goes for the most RR type. I think they are far more concerned about Huckabee's surge in Florida than they are about a bunch of conservative white christians in Iowa nominating a conservative white christian.
I agree that they will put the hit on huckabee now. But not because of last night. Iowa traditionally goes for the most RR type. I think they are far more concerned about Huckabee's surge in Florida than they are about a bunch of conservative white christians in Iowa nominating a conservative white christian.

Yeah that's probably true. You might be right, for once!
Did anyone catch Rush Limbaugh on Fox last night? He sounded absolutely morose.

The GOP has always had a tenuous relationship with their evangelical base; they appease them during campaigns & with gay marriage prohibitions, then ignore them & even treat them with disdain when governing. They have always relied on them to win elections, however.

Now, that's all coming home to roost, and a more deserving comeuppance I cannot think of, at least at the moment. That base is going to bite them in the arse.

This is real trouble for the Republicans, now. We could be talking about a primary fight that goes all the way to the convention, and truly splinters the party in a damaging way.

As my buddy Rush always says, "It's fun to watch...."
Did anyone catch Rush Limbaugh on Fox last night? He sounded absolutely morose.

The GOP has always had a tenuous relationship with their evangelical base; they appease them during campaigns & with gay marriage prohibitions, then ignore them & even treat them with disdain when governing. They have always relied on them to win elections, however.

Now, that's all coming home to roost, and a more deserving comeuppance I cannot think of, at least at the moment. That base is going to bite them in the arse.

This is real trouble for the Republicans, now. We could be talking about a primary fight that goes all the way to the convention, and truly splinters the party in a damaging way.

As my buddy Rush always says, "It's fun to watch...."

"Did anyone catch Rush Limbaugh on Fox last night? He sounded absolutely morose."

I thought he sounded sedated. Oxycontin?
Did anyone catch Rush Limbaugh on Fox last night? He sounded absolutely morose.

The GOP has always had a tenuous relationship with their evangelical base; they appease them during campaigns & with gay marriage prohibitions, then ignore them & even treat them with disdain when governing. They have always relied on them to win elections, however.

Now, that's all coming home to roost, and a more deserving comeuppance I cannot think of, at least at the moment. That base is going to bite them in the arse.

This is real trouble for the Republicans, now. We could be talking about a primary fight that goes all the way to the convention, and truly splinters the party in a damaging way.

As my buddy Rush always says, "It's fun to watch...."

LOL, yep it sure is.
I was just watching Buchanan and he was talking about Phylis Schlafly saying she does not like Huckleberry but that so many social conservatives don't know where to cast their votes. Any of you that are socially conservative, what do you think? Where DO you cast your vote? Who is socially conservative enough yet also fiscally conservative enough for you to vote for. The national review hates Huckelberry cause they don't like his populist tendancies and feel he is too liberal.

I believe I can answer these questions. For me, a conservative democrat, Huckabee stands pretty much where I stand on a lot of issues. I am for doing the right thing and making some sort of transition towards legality for "illegals" that have lived here for so long, many of them with children and grandchildren born here. I am for some sort of efforts on the part of government towards trying to get more people health care coverage but am not for full blown "government healthcare." I am for making sure that everyone pays their fair share in taxes and that includes corporations moving thier businesses overseas for cheap labor. I am for beefing up the education of our kids but don't want many of the "throw money at the problem" soultions that some of the leading democratic candidates espouse. I am for (and this worries me with Obama and Edwards) keeping our military the strongest in the world but at the same time being more diplomatic in our foreign relations efforts. All of this but at the same time I am adamantly opposed to abortion and thus am concerned about the make-up of the Supreme Court, I am adamantly opposed to any further measures of gun control, and I am for stiff penalties for violaters of law, the latter being an issue of departure from Huckabee. I really think that this is why he has broad appeal beyond just those of us who are "wacky" religious folks.
Its shows how even the religious base will pick someone who is in line with Dem policies as long as they are seen as religious.

Abortion will never be illegal again in the US. The sooner all who feel like you do realise this the better off you will be.