Devastating poll numbers for Trump

trump tried to lose in '16, but even screwed that up. Now he HAS to win in order to avoid prison.

That aside, trump views elections as money making opportunities. Nothing more.

He views being in office as a way to sell foreign/domestic policy to the highest bidder.
the only way to avoid prison is to beat the charges. a president can't pardon state charges.

as usual, what you say is not based on reality
Do you like Trumop trying to destroy NATO? Do you like his tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations that grew the debt bigly? Do you like his unilateral ending of the Iran nuke deal? Do you like his moving away from our long-term allies and growing closer to dictators? Do you like his destruction of environmental laws?
He inherited a growing economy from Obama and stalled it. Then his incompetence in handling Covid made a real mess.
I guess a scofflaw president appeals to you. Screw the law, make as much money as you can.

No president in my lifetime has made this country look weak among the world powers more than Biden. Try and deny that.
A president pardoning himself has never been tested constitutionally, and I doubt that is what the framers of the constitution intended.
As with everything trump does, he would (if elected) attempt to pardon himself and then go all the way up to 'his' Supreme Court in order to get a favorable ruling
the only way to avoid prison is to beat the charges. a president can't pardon state charges.

as usual, what you say is not based on reality
As usual, your hysterics cloud your judgement. You must be hormonal again.

As Barr showed, a trump Justice Dept. would not allow a sitting POTUS to be in court for crimes he perpetrated.

Do try and keep up.
Unfortunately "sane Republicans" are in the minority, but I certainly hope that they do vote for someone besides Crazy Trump.
They are the ones who know that if they don't get rid of trump immediately, the party might be doomed for decades.
As usual, your hysterics cloud your judgement. You must be hormonal again.

As Barr showed, a trump Justice Dept. would not allow a sitting POTUS to be in court for crimes he perpetrated.

Do try and keep up.
the only way to avoid prison is to beat the charges or die. POTUS would only delay

wake up shitskin
I'm curious.....there's no link and a glance at RCP doesn't show any approval polls from the Associated Press in the last three you have a link to give some context to your post?......
It's not rocket science, Pmp. Even teenagers can do it.
GOP 'quietly panicking' over 'devastating' poll numbers on Trump crimes: Morning Joe
"This is what Republicans have quietly been panicking about," Scarborough said. "You look at these numbers -- 64 percent in the [Associated Press] poll, 64 percent say they're not going to support Trump next year. I actually saw people connected with Mitch McConnell and other Republicans tweeting that out, that this is devastating. That's who the Republicans are moving towards putting up. He has a 33-percent approval rating, a favorable rating in that poll. The majority believe what he did was illegal, and there are so many other polls that came out yesterday that are showing the same thing. Independents breaking dramatically away from Donald Trump. Independents saying he should have been indicted, independents saying overwhelmingly that what he did was illegal."
No president in my lifetime has made this country look weak among the world powers more than Biden. Try and deny that.

What do you base that on? His support for Ukraine over Russia? Is it his strengthening of our allies and NATO that seems weak to you? Bien is in good graces around the world, except for Trump's buddies Kim, Putin, and Xi.
they didn't link to the poll either.....I like to check to see the independent's opinion.....I did see that they reported the result of Demmycrats was 87% and Republicans 24%.......that must leave independents close to 50/50.....

Did you know who mostly makes up the so called Independents.

These are the wives of most Republican men who believe their wives are Republicans, who go out and vote for whoever they want in the general election based upon the needs of women and family values!

No president in my lifetime has made this country look weak among the world powers more than Biden. Try and deny that.

That is easy to deny.

Trump made us look way more weak. He got laughed at UN by our peer nations who saw him as a joke. He sucked up to Putin in a way that made him look like Putin's puppet. When Turkey started to attack our ally the Kurds, and the US tried to stand up all Erdogan had to do was threaten Trump tower Istanbul and suddenly Trump sold out ally and let Turkey kill them. He abandoned another ally Qatar and supported them being attacked by Saudi to get Jared his loans. He fell in love with Lil Kim making us a laughing stock.

I understand you guys fetishize over Trump and seem him as a cosplay super hero with Ab's, but there is nothing strong about this person.
Donald Trump may have finally reached a tipping point with voters after his fourth indictment, and MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said Republicans were "quietly panicking" about their 2024 chances.

The "Morning Joe" host pointed to new poll numbers that show few Americans believe he did nothing wrong.

"This is what Republicans have quietly been panicking about," Scarborough said. "You look at these numbers -- 64 percent in the [Associated Press] poll, 64 percent say they're not going to support Trump next year. I actually saw people connected with Mitch McConnell and other Republicans tweeting that out, that this is devastating. That's who the Republicans are moving towards putting up. He has a 33-percent approval rating, a favorable rating in that poll. The majority believe what he did was illegal, and there are so many other polls that came out yesterday that are showing the same thing. Independents breaking dramatically away from Donald Trump.

Polls found voters are most hostile to Trump for his actions in Georgia than the election interference case brought by special counsel Jack Smith, and even more voters believe he broke the law by hoarding classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

The polls also found 64 percent of Americans say they would not support Trump for a second term, while 54 percent say he threatened democracy itself, and Scarborough said very few people believe his actions were merely unethical.

What a bunch of bullshit.