Devastating poll numbers for Trump

Donald Trump may have finally reached a tipping point with voters after his fourth indictment, and MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said Republicans were "quietly panicking" about their 2024 chances.
Let me get this right ... you are citing Joe Scarborough as speaking for Republican voters? Do I have this correct?

The "Morning Joe" host pointed to new poll numbers that show few Americans believe he did nothing wrong.
This is the same Morning Joe who rode the polls of Hillary winning, who will cling to any polls that say Trump is bad or is going to lose ... and you cite him as speaking for Republican voters, yes?

That reminds me to put "nuts" on my shopping list.


someone who can beat Biden.....that reduces the field to about 17.......

I only see 4 candidates that have a shot to beat Biden, and those are the only 4 candidates that appeal to some Democrats.

Because who ever wins the race will need some votes coming from the other side to win, in such a polarized society. Even the Democrats will need some Republican help to get elected again.

Take Asa for one, he is a guy that is very hard to dislike no matter what side of the aisle you are on. BECAUSE HE IS A DECENT MAN AND HAS MORALS. He is like Biden in most every way but policy.

Crisp Crispy is another candidate that has the experience and charisma to be a president. He comes with a great resume! He also has the chance to win over the Independents and women voters on both sides of the aisle!

Will Hurd, is another talented, experienced hopeful. Hurd isn't the only Trump critic in the race, but his experience as a CIA officer and tenure as a border-district congressman give him unique national security and immigration credibility.

Then you have Mike Pence, who is now a national Hero in the eyes of many Americans on both sides of the aisle. Because, Mike Pence single handily saved Democracy in America by standing up to Donald Trump. So he already appeals to every Democracy lover in America. He is definitely electable!

The other candidates are just not appealing to anyone really! And I don't say this in poor disregard for them. I just see them as weak because they will not stand up to Trump or his base of reckless idiots! THEY ARE JUST WEAK AND MISGUIDED Candidates who have not a clue on how to appeal to the masses.
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What do you base that on? His support for Ukraine over Russia? Is it his strengthening of our allies and NATO that seems weak to you? Bien is in good graces around the world, except for Trump's buddies Kim, Putin, and Xi.

Joe's kissing China's ass. Don't be dumb.
Trump isn't buddies with Kim, Putin, and Xi,
that is just ludicrous, psychobabble at best.

Nato? What did Biden do? Give them another $billion or two?
He's given Ukraine a lot of cash, I merely would like to know where it's going.
And the news is telling the world we can't build weapons fast enough. WTF!
If we can't build them fast enough for a war we are not in, how in the hell
are we gonna produce enough for us in the event we get into another war?

That is easy to deny.

Trump made us look way more weak. He got laughed at UN by our peer nations who saw him as a joke. He sucked up to Putin in a way that made him look like Putin's puppet. When Turkey started to attack our ally the Kurds, and the US tried to stand up all Erdogan had to do was threaten Trump tower Istanbul and suddenly Trump sold out ally and let Turkey kill them. He abandoned another ally Qatar and supported them being attacked by Saudi to get Jared his loans. He fell in love with Lil Kim making us a laughing stock.

I understand you guys fetishize over Trump and seem him as a cosplay super hero with Ab's, but there is nothing strong about this person.

I quit reading after "Putin's puppet."
Who do you want your candidate to be?

Are you afraid to say? Are you afraid of your own party? :laugh:

I haven't heard enough to make a determination.

No. Why would I be afraid? I'll vote for whoever runs on what I think is important. Why is that funny, Mr. Lizard?
I only see 4 candidates that have a shot to beat Biden, and those are the only 4 candidates that appeal to some Democrats. one would pick a candidate that would appeal to you degenerates........Republicans, libertarians and independants are face the fact that over half of demmycrats don't want Joe to run again......and that most purple states passed laws prohibiting unsupervized drop boxes and ballot harvesting.......remember when you moved the All Star game out of Georgia because it passed those "racist" voter election laws......the ones the court upheld as not racist? short Joe won't be getting 8 million votes in 2024.....he certainly won't get the 45,000 in three states that put him in the Oval Office.....

so let's be realistic......everyone can beat Joe Biden in 2024......a hamster could.....and would probably be a better president as well.......
Last edited: one would pick a candidate that would appeal to you degenerates........Republicans, libertarians and independants are face the fact that over half of demmycrats don't want Joe to run again......and that most purple states passed laws prohibiting unsupervized drop boxes and ballot harvesting.......remember when you moved the All Star game out of Georgia because it passed those "racist" voter election laws......the ones the court upheld as not racist? short Joe won't be getting 8 million votes in 2024.....he certainly won't get the 45,000 in three states that put him in the Oval Office.....

so let's be realistic......everyone can beat Joe Biden in 2024......a hamster could.....and would probably be a better president as well.......

You're an idiot! You have no sense of reasoning what-so-ever!

But, that's OK, I'll be here on election night to prove it to you all over again- LIKE LAST TIME! And the time before that- And the time before that!

I haven't heard enough to make a determination.

No. Why would I be afraid? I'll vote for whoever runs on what I think is important. Why is that funny, Mr. Lizard?

I don't think you even have the guts to say who you want to be president- YOU ARE TOO CONCERNED WHAT YOUR TRUMPTARDED ASSHOLE BUDDIES HERE IN THE FORUM MIGHT THINK OF YOU! :laugh: THAT is what's funny! Hilarious!
I don't think you even have the guts to say who you want to be president- YOU ARE TOO CONCERNED WHAT YOUR TRUMPTARDED ASSHOLE BUDDIES HERE IN THE FORUM MIGHT THINK OF YOU! :laugh: THAT is what's funny! Hilarious!

Whatever you say, Mr. Lizard. Whatever you say :palm:
Donald Trump may have finally reached a tipping point with voters after his fourth indictment, and MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said Republicans were "quietly panicking" about their 2024 chances.

The "Morning Joe" host pointed to new poll numbers that show few Americans believe he did nothing wrong.

"This is what Republicans have quietly been panicking about," Scarborough said. "You look at these numbers -- 64 percent in the [Associated Press] poll, 64 percent say they're not going to support Trump next year. I actually saw people connected with Mitch McConnell and other Republicans tweeting that out, that this is devastating. That's who the Republicans are moving towards putting up. He has a 33-percent approval rating, a favorable rating in that poll. The majority believe what he did was illegal, and there are so many other polls that came out yesterday that are showing the same thing. Independents breaking dramatically away from Donald Trump.

Polls found voters are most hostile to Trump for his actions in Georgia than the election interference case brought by special counsel Jack Smith, and even more voters believe he broke the law by hoarding classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

The polls also found 64 percent of Americans say they would not support Trump for a second term, while 54 percent say he threatened democracy itself, and Scarborough said very few people believe his actions were merely unethical.

Fake news. Bogus made up numbers. Trump is the only Republican who can win in 2024.
Donald Trump may have finally reached a tipping point with voters after his fourth indictment, and MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said Republicans were "quietly panicking" about their 2024 chances.

The "Morning Joe" host pointed to new poll numbers that show few Americans believe he did nothing wrong.

"This is what Republicans have quietly been panicking about," Scarborough said. "You look at these numbers -- 64 percent in the [Associated Press] poll, 64 percent say they're not going to support Trump next year. I actually saw people connected with Mitch McConnell and other Republicans tweeting that out, that this is devastating. That's who the Republicans are moving towards putting up. He has a 33-percent approval rating, a favorable rating in that poll. The majority believe what he did was illegal, and there are so many other polls that came out yesterday that are showing the same thing. Independents breaking dramatically away from Donald Trump.

Polls found voters are most hostile to Trump for his actions in Georgia than the election interference case brought by special counsel Jack Smith, and even more voters believe he broke the law by hoarding classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

The polls also found 64 percent of Americans say they would not support Trump for a second term, while 54 percent say he threatened democracy itself, and Scarborough said very few people believe his actions were merely unethical.

Morning Joe????? LMFAO