Different Standards for Black and White Preachers

Man, is it hard, and somewhat depressing, to imagine Bush standing next to McCain at the inauguration, with his arrogant smirk.

I don't even dislike McCain, but what is he going to do? The man is clueless on domestic policy, and over-rated on foreign...
there's a fundamental truth here, that most liberals and free thinkers know, and that most bush voters know in their heart, even if they might not admit it in public.

Black americans in this country live under a cloud of suspicion.

White preachers - whatever crazy shit they might say - are generally assumed by default, to be patriotic americans, upstanding members of their community.

Black people are constantly in a position to prove their loyalty; their patriotism is not above question, hell they might even have ties to criminal elements. How do we know for sure that they're upstanding members of society?

And, while we play Pastor Wrights words, over and over and over, many white americans have questions planted in their mind about whether this guy is really a decent american, whether he is "patriotic". And why doesn't Obama "walk out" on him?

Those standards are not applied to the white preachers, to the same degree. That is undisputable.
That's because he's coming from a perspective of a Democrat cannot lose to a Republican so race becomes a convienent excuse.

Oh, please. Darla is right; it is plain as day to any intelligent, thinking individual. It is not an "excuse." It is plain, hard reality.
Oh, please. Darla is right; it is plain as day to any intelligent, thinking individual. It is not an "excuse." It is plain, hard reality.

Well that is quite a bit of hubris to state eight months before the election and before he has even won his own primary that he has locked up the Presidency.

And Darla made her comment regarding the preacher issue not him winning the election.
Oh, please. Darla is right; it is plain as day to any intelligent, thinking individual. It is not an "excuse." It is plain, hard reality.
I don't think there are enough racists to make that "The" reason. It may be "A" reason, but not "The" reason.

Is it possible that Kerry lost to Bush because more people disliked Kerry's policy more than Bush's? I definitely think that will be the most likely the reason for a loss than his skin color.
I think it will be for other reasons.

For anyone to believe that following an administration that is historically, that is HISTORICALLY disliked and unpopular with the American people, when the economy is in the shithole and the majority of Americans know it and feel it, in a time of a war that the American people have turned against…that a member of the same party, with the same ideology would be elected and it wouldn’t be because his opponent was black, is either one of two things Damo.

They are a fool. Or a liar.

Which are you?
For anyone to believe that following an administration that is historically, that is HISTORICALLY disliked and unpopular with the American people, when the economy is in the shithole and the majority of Americans know it and feel it, in a time of a war that the American people have turned against…that a member of the same party, with the same ideology would be elected and it wouldn’t be because his opponent was black, is either one of two things Damo.

They are a fool. Or a liar.

Which are you?
The reality is that Hillary was also below McCain in the polling as was every other one of the candidates you guys offered. Until Obama pulled into a statistical tie it remained that way. All of the other ones, save Richardson was white. It isn't the skin color.

If you don't look at that reality, then you are a fool. Or a liar.

Which are you?
"The reality is that Hillary was also below McCain in the polling as was every other one of the candidates you guys offered."

That's factually false.

The only reason that Hillary dipped below McCain recently, as well as Obama, is because they have been shredding each other, while he is above the fray.

He was not beating everyone in the Dem field in the polls.
The reality is that Hillary was also below McCain in the polling as was every other one of the candidates you guys offered. Until Obama pulled into a statistical tie it remained that way. All of the other ones, save Richardson was white. It isn't the skin color.

If you don't look at that reality, then you are a fool. Or a liar.

Which are you?

We're not talking about polls, which, as the primaries have proved, are meaningless.

We're talking about the election. And you know, that my post is 100% correct.

You are in such denial because you can't admit that it will be racism that puts your boy in the white house. But deep down, you know it, you just won't own it.

Enjoy living with it Damo. Because I know that you know. See, Cawacko really doesn't. And I know that too.

But you know Damo. Live with it. I wouldn't.
"The reality is that Hillary was also below McCain in the polling as was every other one of the candidates you guys offered."

That's factually false.

The only reason that Hillary dipped below McCain recently, as well as Obama, is because they have been shredding each other, while he is above the fray.

He was not beating everyone in the Dem field in the polls.
Until there were the two candidates, McCain lead in the matchup polls. In all of them. It was only recently that either of them passed him, and then it was still a statistical tie. He did lead in those polls. Shoot, we had people posting thread after thread showing those polls. WRL did "proving" that McCain was the God he wanted McCain to be.
Until there were the two candidates, McCain lead in the matchup polls. In all of them. It was only recently that either of them passed him, and then it was still a statistical tie. He did lead in those polls. Shoot, we had people posting thread after thread showing those polls. WRL did "proving" that McCain was the God he wanted McCain to be.

Bull. As recent as last week, Obama had a 9-10 point lead on McCain in some general election polls.

Both he & Edwards had healthy leads over McCain in poll matchups during the early primary season.

You don't know what you're talking about.
For all of the fuss the lefties have continued to spew forth about making Wrights comments a big issue and to let it drop......

WHY is it that the left has started about 30,000 threads on the subject?

Oh yeah, so they can make a feeble attempt to paint it as a "they FEAR the angry black man" crap.

What a bunch of friggin hypocrits. How many times have you tried to tie Enron to Bush because he was friends with Lay? How many times have you tried to tie Halliburton around the necks of Bush/Cheney because of friendships?

If this is such a non-issue for you morons, then how about you stop posting thread after thread after thread about the issue?
"The reality is that Hillary was also below McCain in the polling as was every other one of the candidates you guys offered."

That's factually false.

The only reason that Hillary dipped below McCain recently, as well as Obama, is because they have been shredding each other, while he is above the fray.

He was not beating everyone in the Dem field in the polls.

A poll taken when you have one party still split between two candidates, and the other party already coalesced around one candidate, is even more meaningless than usual.

This is another thing that Damo knows. It’s becoming clear that Damo is a classic case of projection – text book case really. The reason he always calls everyone disingenuous, is because that’s what he is. And so he assumes that everyone must be as disingenuous as he himself is.

It’s as clear as day, and he’s become very transparent. It’s a disappointment, but not one worth getting aggravated over. This is why I don’t hang around republicans in my real life though. Because deep down? They pretty much suck.
Bull. As recent as last week, Obama had a 9-10 point lead on McCain in some general election polls.

Both he & Edwards had healthy leads over McCain in poll matchups during the early primary season.

You don't know what you're talking about.

You know, this is getting just disgusting.
Bull. As recent as last week, Obama had a 9-10 point lead on McCain in some general election polls.

Both he & Edwards had healthy leads over McCain in poll matchups during the early primary season.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Several Republicans had healthy leads over McCain in the early primary season. That obviously doesn't mean much now.
That's because he's coming from a perspective of a Democrat cannot lose to a Republican so race becomes a convienent excuse.

Nope it is from observation of voters in my area. Many white voters will not vote for a black person at all. Rascism is alive and well in rural America. the urban areas are a bit different.
Bull. As recent as last week, Obama had a 9-10 point lead on McCain in some general election polls.

Both he & Edwards had healthy leads over McCain in poll matchups during the early primary season.

You don't know what you're talking about.
I do know what I am talking about. Again, WRL kept posting those polls to tout McCain as the only Candidate that could beat the Ds.