Do most Christians even understand their own religion?

Hello Cypress,

Do most Christians even understand their own religion?

No. I don't get that they do.

What I see is people who want to pick and choose which parts of the Bible they want to follow, and they like to cherry-pick passages to support whatever they want to believe anyway.
Ethics has been around long before the Christians who worship Jesus. A shame we need to idolize Middle East Jews and their bizarre beliefs.
Great post.

In the ancient world of violence and subsistence living, where was time for discussion of philosophy and spiritual matters, namely "why are we here?" type questions.

Philosophy would offer moral codes such as the Jainism rules....which seem a little extreme to me as the link notes. Siddhartha experimented with asceticism before passing on it.

I read a great book about the Axial Age, approximately 800 to 400 BCE when humans transitioned from thinking in collective terms of what was best for the clan, to starting to think individually about personal ethics and personal salvation, if it exists.
Aristotle's "Ethics" is not religion. Cypress clearly never read philosophy.
I was extremely careful how I chose my words.

I said a religious moral vision is considered binding and non-negotiable by it's community at large.

Individuals like Aristotle, Epicurus, Kant, and Cicero can each individually write their own books giving their opinion on ethics.
I was extremely careful how I chose my words.

I said a religious moral vision is considered binding and non-negotiable by it's community.

Individuals like Aristotle, Epicurus, Kant, and Cicero can each individually write their own books giving their opinion on ethics.

And you give your opinions about religion. I will take Aristotle.
I was extremely careful how I chose my words.

I said a religious moral vision is considered binding and non-negotiable by it's community.

Individuals like Aristotle, Epicurus, and Cicero can each individually write their own books giving their opinion on ethics.

Agreed you were. BP is young, female and overly emotional. I think she's smart enough to outgrow it but she seems to be going through a rough patch in her life.
I read a great book about the Axial Age, approximately 800 to 400 BCE when humans transitioned from thinking in collective terms of what was best for the clan, to starting to think individually about personal ethics and personal salvation, if it exists.

I presume that went hand-in-hand with cities and domestic agriculture vs 150,000 years of nomadic tribes?
Yes, the afterlife is conjecture.

If there is an ultimate guiding principle to the universe, it is incomprehensible to us.

IMO, whether or not one likes Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, Christianity, the key thing about them is they establish a consist moral vision on how to live this life which is considered binding and non-negotiable by it's community.

We could just say everyone figure out moral awareness independently on your own, but that probably leads to people like Donald Trump. He may seem immoral to us, but in his mind he probably doesn't think he is doing anything wrong.

And he would not be the first. The Melian debate in Greek history is infamous for showing the Greeks thought might makes right.

I don't do that...and while I agree that we opinion is that we SHOULD NOT DO IT INDIVIDUALLY.

We should do it collectively.

The reason for an ethical/moral code is to make civilization make community possible.

Anything about ethics or morals that goes outside something that probably should be done away with.
I presume that went hand-in-hand with cities and domestic agriculture vs 150,000 years of nomadic tribes?
I think Karen Armstrong's thesis was that the Axial Age began on the heels of a particularly violent and chaotic period of human History.

There was a late Bronze Age collapse of civilization in the Eastern Mediterranean. The catastrophic Greek Dark ages were just ending. The Kingdom of Israel had been overrun by Babylonians. . China was in the middle of the chaotic Spring and Autumn period, and on the cusp of the Warring States period.
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skipping straight to the punch line...

He didn't need to say anything about it as it was already defined an sin as was so much else.
He didn't invent Christianity because he was a jew and made no effort to be anything other than a jew.
But he did claim to be the Messiah the jews were waiting for.
They were not ok with this. Their reasons were their own.
The rest is history.

All the various denominations and sects have their problems mainly because they all have their own take on things. The one thing many fail to account for is that none of them are necessary as salvation comes solely from Christ Jesus, not from any man, idol, building or rite.

So put your faith in the Savior, ascribe to any sect that is comfortable for you (or none at all) and you will be in good hands.

That's your spin!
My understanding is that Christianity is not a religion about Jesus' Jewish heritage.

It is about what Jesus 'life meant.

In that sense, Christianity is the religion of Paul, Augustine, and the early church fathers. Specifically, how they interpreted Jesus 'life and revelation.

To emulate Jesus meant to practice charity, mercy, humility, non-violence, pacifism, and universal love.

Salvation depends on faith and grace. Not on following the Jewish law of Torah.

In early Christianity, there was even a question whether the Jewish Tanakh even was to be considered canonical scripture.

The Jewish bible was ultimately accepted as scriptural, largely because it supposedly prophesized the life of Jesus, and because having ancient scripture as part of your new religion gave Christianity legitimacy in a Roman Empire which tended to view novel new religious cults with suspicion.

According to Paul, there was no expectation for gentiles to follow the Jewish law, even though Tanakh had good ethical wisdom in it.

Everyone of your post excludes the most important thing that came from Jesus sacrifice,24/7 access to the Holy Spirit that can and will translate scripture and much,much more do a believer.