Do the Classics promote White Privilege?

It's disappointing to see so many triggered here, I think this is an important conversation to have but whatever, keep being dispshits.

If there was ever a subject for a tangent that rates as more important than what ever the thread topic is it is lying.

As you were supposed to know.

Apparently you dont know.

If there was ever a subject for a tangent that rates as more important than what ever the thread topic is it is lying.

As you were supposed to know.

Apparently you dont know.





Padilla believes that classics is so entangled with white supremacy as to be inseparable from it. “Far from being extrinsic to the study of Greco-Roman antiquity,” he has written, “the production of whiteness turns on closer examination to reside in the very marrows of classics.”

This guy is way out in left field. Pretty dumb to impose 21st century values on the Hellenistic and Roman worlds of 2,500 years ago.

No university is going to stop teaching Sophocles, Homer, or Virgil. And it would be stupid to do so.

Given the diversity of modern western society, it undoutedly would behoove our educational institutions to pay more attention to the Baghavad Gita, Genji, The Zhuangzi, other world literature from antiquity.
This guy is way out in left field. Pretty dumb to impose 21st century values on the Hellenistic and Roman worlds of 2,500 years ago.

No university is going to stop teaching Sophocles, Homer, or Virgil. And it would be stupid to do so.

Given the diversity of modern western society, it undoutedly would behoove our educational institutions to pay more attention to the Baghavad Gita, Genji, The Zhuangzi, other world literature from antiquity.

The concept of Whiteness probably wasn't even around much, if at all during ancient Greece & Rome.
This guy is way out in left field. Pretty dumb to impose 21st century values on the Hellenistic and Roman worlds of 2,500 years ago.

No university is going to stop teaching Sophocles, Homer, or Virgil. And it would be stupid to do so.

Given the diversity of modern western society, it undoutedly would behoove our educational institutions to pay more attention to the Baghavad Gita, Genji, The Zhuangzi, other world literature from antiquity.

I thought it ironic that a privileged guy at Princeton was making a living criticizing his own department.
Yes, I'll admit Blacks are superior in many physical activities.

Other activities not so much.

Aren't the rest competing against a whole lot more white people then? They've been doing well on average from what I've seen. And a lot of Dr's have dark skin, and they're good. They are building quality hot rods.
Aren't the rest competing against a whole lot more white people then? They've been doing well on average from what I've seen. And a lot of Dr's have dark skin, and they're good. They are building quality hot rods.

A lot of Doctors who are dark, are Hindu Brahmins.

They're more like Caucasians genetically than Africans.