Do You Think The Rich Should Be Taxed More?

Almost all my statements were accompanied by supporting information. You give me cases in which laws were struck down, not real examples of people of people who could not get a voter ID.

Also, my comments were in reference to current voter laws (IDs) and do not refer to actions in FL in 2000. We could both list numerous examples of cases in which election officials made it harder to vote for one party or even committed fraud.

When the Democratic party controlled Texas those voting in the Republican primary (parties hold their primaries separately) had maybe one precinct to vote while Democrats used all the same locations as the general election. So, when somebody showed up to vote at their general election precinct they were voting in the Democratic primary. Many did not realize there was a separate Republican primary location. So, both parties use the same methods and techniques to "suppress" votes.

I just viewed this as those Republican voters being uninformed, not suppressed.

the courts determined they were unconstitutional because they harmed voters

and here you are lying about the facts
I never disputed that notion. There is a difference between a state ruling as socialist and founders utilising some principles of socialism within a document.

stop making socialism a demon

Democracy can employ socialistic ideas and remain a Democracy and a capitalistic nation
Apparently you have never had a spouse to ask, "Does this outfit make me look fat?"

the answer is always no

its not the outfit that will make someone look fat

Its the fat that make you look fat

If you love your spouse you can get creative and say things like "you could never look too fat for me"

or "if you feel good wearing that, you cant help but look beautiful in it"

or "I pefer you naked"
Apparently you have never had a spouse to ask, "Does this outfit make me look fat?"

Usually it comes in the form of, "Does this outfit make my ass look fat."

My answer of, "No! Your ass makes your ass look fat."...has never been popular for some reason.
Usually it comes in the form of, "Does this outfit make my ass look fat."

My answer of, "No! Your ass makes your ass look fat."...has never been popular for some reason.

What I have discovered is that if you are honest, they will still wear it anyway and then just be pissy at you so the best answer is, "No, it gives you curves"
You provided the link in all those court cases you listed. In some of them the court just made a few modifications to allow the voter ID to continue. They were required in the 2016 election.


and some were out right halted
the courts determined they were unconstitutional because they harmed voters

and here you are lying about the facts

"Appeals court, 2-1, gives Texas OK to use new voter ID law"

"A divided federal appeals court has stayed a lower judge's ruling barring Texas from implementing a revised version of its voter identification law.
A panel of the New Orleans-based 5th Circuit Court of Appeals voted, 2-1, to allow Texas to use the revised voter ID measure known as SB 5 beginning next year. In the meantime, interim rules used in 2016 will be in effect, the appeals court declared."

"In light of recent revisions to the state’s voter ID law, two judges on the three-judge panel of the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals raised questions about claims that lawmakers intentionally discriminated against voters of color when they passed rules on which photo IDs can be presented at the polls. That intentional discrimination claim, which a lower court affirmed this year, is key to the case over the state voter ID restrictions.

“If there is nothing that says we are trying to advantage white voters ... isn’t that proof that there wasn’t discriminatory intent?” Judge Edith Jones, a Reagan appointee, said of the plaintiffs’ lack of a smoking gun to prove purposeful discrimination by lawmakers, despite thousands of pages of memos and transcripts of debates over the voter ID requirements.

“You have nothing,” she later added. “Not one stray word reflecting a racially bias motive appears.”
I guess the Bat Shit Crazy in your avatar should have been a clue, but I assumed you were a man.
I changed it, I only posted it to irritate a poster, now I’m over it. Thanks for the reminder. My new avatar is a hibiscus from my garden.
I changed it, I only posted it to irritate a poster, now I’m over it. Thanks for the reminder. My new avatar is a hibiscus from my garden.

Well now it irritates me. Hibiscus just remind me of when I used to keep having to bring one in every winter only to have white fly infestations in the house. I conveniently kept it a secret that the cat had started peeing in that pot every time it had to go and feigned I had no clue as to why it was dying LOL.
stop making socialism a demon

Democracy can employ socialistic ideas and remain a Democracy and a capitalistic nation

How so??

I am simply stating socialism didn't work as a proper structure in society and is not compatible with modern times, thus according to you if someone dislikes or finds something didn't work it is making something out as a demon.

There are socialist states within our world today but they are not exercising pure socialism just as Soviet Russia didn't exercise pure communism because it is near impossible and is not likened by many factions of the population.

To your last point, never denied that notion.
Well now it irritates me. Hibiscus just remind me of when I used to keep having to bring one in every winter only to have white fly infestations in the house. I conveniently kept it a secret that the cat had started peeing in that pot every time it had to go and feigned I had no clue as to why it was dying LOL.
Lol, that hilarious. White flies are irritating, but I spray mine with peppermint, critters hate it.