Does anybody remember that death estimate....


Staff member
During the campaign there was released a "study" (found to be paid for by Soros) that was posted consistently saying that since the US invasion (at that time) there was over 600K deaths in Iraq?

You know, this study:

Well, the World Health Organization, rather than George Soros, gives us a different number more than a year later. In fact one so different it gives me pause....

Exaggeration for effect? I mean, less than 1 in 5 and almost two years later?

155,000 dead. And the report informs us that 9 of 10 are caused by Iraqi on Iraqi violence.... And the numbers of Iraqi civilians killed by our bombs? Well, they have to number in the 15,500 that could be killed by US troops. Yes, somewhere under 15,500. That is one very careful "carpet" bombing, considering that there must be high numbers of combatants killed by direct fire.

I have seen on this board posts stating that the US has killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children. Not so unless every single person killed by violence, whether caused by the US or not, was a child. Then it still isn't "hundreds of thousands". The idea was to give a picture of the nasty US troops outright targeting and killing as many civilians possible and purpusefully dismissing the accuracy of the arms used in Iraq.

While I think the invasion was wrong, I think it is also wrong to pretend our way into hating the troops because they "kill indiscriminately with bombs" when it now becomes clear that they don't at all kill indiscriminately, even with bombs. The numbers do not support that at all. Not even close. The US isn't going in and slaughtering people without regard to their action, and that is reflected by this new study.

This brings estimates to a totally different figure. Still terrible but certainly not the huge exaggerated number given us by Soros' marked "study" that just happened to appear just in time for the election, and is still erroneously repeated on here as if it is sooth.

I present this not as evidence that the war was the right thing to do, but as evidence that the troops are certainly not the uber-ignorant ruthless killers that they have been painted to be, that the US did not "indiscriminately" fire at any time, even during "Shock and Awe" we were clearly very careful, as careful as possible to not kill indiscriminately. As a whole the military deserves our respect and, IMO, admiration for the amazing job they have done regardless of being led by a President who promised no Nation Building but has led us into two such wars in as short a period as I have ever seen all without ever declaring that we were at war....

Keep the troops in mind, give them a bit of the benefit of the doubt.

May the Grand Architect of the Universe keep the troops safe during a dusty, and according to reports from our own Marine, boring war.
This should be the argument Bush uses when Satan is deciding which circle of hell to send him to:

"I was only directly responsible for 40,000 deaths! The rest where caused by a civil war that no one could have predicted!"
Yep both estimates are far higher than the official Bush count.

Bush has ensured that no one will really know the total body count.
This should be the argument Bush uses when Satan is deciding which circle of hell to send him to:

"I was only directly responsible for 40,000 deaths! The rest where caused by a civil war that no one could have predicted!"
Amazingly, you guys set that bar so low through expectations....

Running around saying that we "killed hundreds of thousands of children" as I have seen on this board certainly doesn't make the reality seem better... does it?

However, this thread wasn't about Bush being right, it was about how we have demonized a group of people.

We have spoken how they "just follow orders" how they are criminals who have "murdered" hundreds of thousands of people.... (while pretending that using the word "murder" is only for Bush, it is they who do the deed.)

How amazingly "rare" that Cypress would miss the point of the thread.... :rolleyes:
Amazingly, you guys set that bar so low through expectations....

Running around saying that we "killed hundreds of thousands of children" as I have seen on this board certainly doesn't make the reality seem better... does it?

Since the Iraq invasion was based on lies and deception by our own govt, 1 person killed was too many.
"We have spoken how they "just follow orders" how they are criminals who have "murdered" hundreds of thousands of people.... (while pretending that using the word "murder" is only for Bush, it is they who do the deed.)"

Who speaks that way, outside of a very small fringe?

I never blame the soldiers for any of this, in any way, shape of form. This is Bush's baby.
Since the Iraq invasion was based on lies and deception by our own govt, 1 person killed was too many.
And I pointed that out in the first post. Taking "disingenuous" lessons from Cypress now? At least read the post, then comment. The attempt to make this about Bush is spin.
And I pointed that out in the first post. Taking "disingenuous" lessons from Cypress now? At least read the post, then comment. The attempt to make this about Bush is spin.

I did not mention Bush at all in that post Damo. Do you have a guilty concience ?
Note, from the first post: "admiration for the amazing job they have done regardless of being led by a President who promised no Nation Building but has led us into two such wars in as short a period as I have ever seen all without ever declaring that we were at war...."

It seems that I did mention Bush after all....
15,000 killed by the US in more than 4 years of war where we have dropped more tonnage than in all of WWII is stupid as fuck and only the Bushistas believe that buillshit.

We've falsely invaded an innocent nation and blasted innocent people, including thousands of women, children, and babies into puzzle pieces .. we refused to count any of them .. but grope for a "reasonable" number to avoid looking in the mirror at a monster.


15,000 killed by the US in more than 4 years of war where we have dropped more tonnage than in all of WWII is stupid as fuck and only the Bushistas believe that buillshit.

We've falsely invaded an innocent nation and blasted innocent people, including thousands of women, children, and babies into puzzle pieces .. we refused to count any of them .. but grope for a "reasonable" number to avoid looking in the mirror at a monster.


and what part did your daughter play in this scenario...after all you said she was serving in country...:rolleyes:
15,000 killed by the US in more than 4 years of war where we have dropped more tonnage than in all of WWII is stupid as fuck and only the Bushistas believe that buillshit.

We've falsely invaded an innocent nation and blasted innocent people, including thousands of women, children, and babies into puzzle pieces .. we refused to count any of them .. but grope for a "reasonable" number to avoid looking in the mirror at a monster.

So, the WHO is Bushists?
So, the WHO is Bushists?

Um, you probably want to be careful Damo. I know you are trying to pass this bs number off in a sad attempt to justify something, what it might be I neither know nor care, and I also know that a lot of your comments on this thread are directed at me.

But his daughter is in Iraq. So before you attempt to slander anti-war people by claiming they have called the troops murderers, you probably want to stop and think who you are talking to.

I really don’t give a fuck what you say about me, for the record.

I see that we are going into Iran to murder God only knows how many more, and any abitlity I had developed to get along with cons over the past several years is fading fast.

But my disgust and contempt at the miniscule value they place on the human lives of “others”, is coming back stronger than ever.

I would never defend myself against your charges because Damo…I don’t give a fuck. I know who I’m right with. You worry about who you’re right with. I think you have a lot of worrying to do, but I don’t care.
15,000 killed by the US in more than 4 years of war where we have dropped more tonnage than in all of WWII is stupid as fuck and only the Bushistas believe that buillshit.

We've falsely invaded an innocent nation and blasted innocent people, including thousands of women, children, and babies into puzzle pieces .. we refused to count any of them .. but grope for a "reasonable" number to avoid looking in the mirror at a monster.


You really wonder what kind of mental and moral vegetable you’d have to be in order to even swallow this swill to begin with, I know.

Well you know, we’ve got a war on Iran to rev up for, we can’t have people, most especially ourselves, believing we and they have murdered untold numbers. That could take the shine off the new and improved war! 25% less air. You get more war for your money, so get in line to get your war on, today
Um, you probably want to be careful Damo. I know you are trying to pass this bs number off in a sad attempt to justify something, what it might be I neither know nor care, and I also know that a lot of your comments on this thread are directed at me.

But his daughter is in Iraq. So before you attempt to slander anti-war people by claiming they have called the troops murderers, you probably want to stop and think who you are talking to.

I really don’t give a fuck what you say about me, for the record.

I see that we are going into Iran to murder God only knows how many more, and any abitlity I had developed to get along with cons over the past several years is fading fast.

But my disgust and contempt at the miniscule value they place on the human lives of “others”, is coming back stronger than ever.

I would never defend myself against your charges because Damo…I don’t give a fuck. I know who I’m right with. You worry about who you’re right with. I think you have a lot of worrying to do, but I don’t care.
However, the World Health Organization is unlikely to be Bushists. Which is the point I was making.

There is no way that Bush has made himself all lovey-dovey with them.

And lastly, I mentioned my contempt for the war itself, what I promote here is the idea that the soldiers themselves are worthy of a bit more respect than what they get.

I have heard how they just randomly drop bombs and easily just "fly away" as if they are unhuman. It isn't true. I can describe many times that I have heard their actions called "murder" (again in the context that Bush was a murderer for their more direct action, as if it never associates to the people who actually do rather than order).