Does anyone agree with the $700 bailout?

True... which is why they cannot go "broke". But if you raise our nations debt continuously then eventually it will be dropped as the reserve currency. So for short term needs, we can print as much as we want. But we cannot do so endlessly. Which is why we need to see a return on cash flow.... either through deals like this or through increased revenues that will lead to no further increases in our national debt.

Any future projects MUST be at worst neutral to debt.
But just for the future. going forward. This clusterfuck MUST HAPPEN. you dishonest hack.
yes Desh... now READ what I wrote carefully... I think you will notice this line.....

"It was the POLITICIANS that REMOVED the regulations."


Now tell me who were this guys who deregulatated us into a snake pit?

Idiots who actually thought the market would run better without laws and cops.

That idea is now completely dead because the history is just too overwhelming in example that it is an idiots persuit.
Nice return for the taxpayer LOL. These bad loans now have a "multiplier' effect. LOL

Did we or did we not make money off the S&L 'bailout'???

Will the equity valuations in the banks/brokerages go up or down when their balance sheets are suddenly clean?

Do you actually beleive that out of all the mortgages pricing at 15-30 cents on the dollar that ALL of them will go bad?

Hint... if you buy assets for an average of 25 cents on the dollar... what percentage need to pay off their debt for the overall deal to recoup costs?
True... which is why they cannot go "broke". But if you raise our nations debt continuously then eventually it will be dropped as the reserve currency. So for short term needs, we can print as much as we want. But we cannot do so endlessly. Which is why we need to see a return on cash flow.... either through deals like this or through increased revenues that will lead to no further increases in our national debt.

Any future projects MUST be at worst neutral to debt.

any future ones ? But what about this one ?
You have been topld repetedly.
And it's idiocy every time you repeat it.
80% of the loans are good and will remain good if we stop the tighting of the money markets by putting the full faith of the US behind them.
But the good ones will not be sold to the government. Full faith of the us governement? THis is the people's money.
We make this dog stop fucking the little guy and rewrite the loans to keep as many in their houses as we can. We free up the money market to grease the wheels so they keep moving instead of fsitting back like assholes and watch the whole damned thing grind to a holt.

But they're not going to do those things.

Stop listening to your significant other or whoever is putting this shit in your head.

Now tell me who were this guys who deregulatated us into a snake pit?

Idiots who actually thought the market would run better without laws and cops.

That idea is now completely dead because the history is just too overwhelming in example that it is an idiots persuit.

LMAO... yes Desh, that is what politicians REMOVING regulations means... it means deregulation... thanks for catching up.

I have told you 1000 friggin times where this deregulation began. Glass Steagall began being dismantled under the first Bush in 1992 (Dem Congress). It continued under Clinton in 1995 (rep Congress). It was completely eliminated in 1999 under Clinton (Rep Congress) on a bill that passed the Senate 90-8. NINETY to EIGHT. Which means BOTH parties caused this. All in the name of getting more people to own homes.

Then in 2001-2005 Greenspan and the FED kept interest rates artificially low. This allowed anyone and everyone to 'qualify' for a loan (many using ARMs and I-onlys). Lenders and borrowers took advantage of the low rates under the idiotic assumption that real estate values would continue up forever and ever. Idiots who somehow came to believe that with interest rates at historical LOWS... that rates would not increase or that the could 're-fi later when their equity in their home went up'
True... which is why they cannot go "broke". But if you raise our nations debt continuously then eventually it will be dropped as the reserve currency. So for short term needs, we can print as much as we want. But we cannot do so endlessly. Which is why we need to see a return on cash flow.... either through deals like this or through increased revenues that will lead to no further increases in our national debt.

Any future projects MUST be at worst neutral to debt

Thank you.

That, is how they will privatize the new deal and the great society across the board.

I appreciate your help.
Some of us have, some of us work directly in these markets, some of us understand this is a free lunch plan doomed to fail. Easy credit is a major reason were in this mess, making it easier to get it is not the answer.

I agree that easy credit was a huge part of this problem. Which is why Glass Steagall should be re-implemented as well. Credit lending standards have to be put back in place. No question.

But this is the best solution to the current problem. At least the best solution I have heard. If you have another one... please put it forth for discussion.
LMAO... yes Desh, that is what politicians REMOVING regulations means... it means deregulation... thanks for catching up.

I have told you 1000 friggin times where this deregulation began. Glass Steagall began being dismantled under the first Bush in 1992 (Dem Congress). It continued under Clinton in 1995 (rep Congress). It was completely eliminated in 1999 under Clinton (Rep Congress) on a bill that passed the Senate 90-8. NINETY to EIGHT. Which means BOTH parties caused this. All in the name of getting more people to own homes.

Then in 2001-2005 Greenspan and the FED kept interest rates artificially low. This allowed anyone and everyone to 'qualify' for a loan (many using ARMs and I-onlys). Lenders and borrowers took advantage of the low rates under the idiotic assumption that real estate values would continue up forever and ever. Idiots who somehow came to believe that with interest rates at historical LOWS... that rates would not increase or that the could 're-fi later when their equity in their home went up'

And wallstreet fascists paid them to do it every step of the way.
Thank you.

That, is how they will privatize the new deal and the great society across the board.

I appreciate your help.

you lost me....

HOW does that make them "privatize" ANYTHING?

Saying that it needs to be net neutral to debt??? That is just common friggin sense. If we cannot afford something long term... we don't get it.
Thank you.

That, is how they will privatize the new deal and the great society across the board.

I appreciate your help.

apparently SF is one of those who thinks we should bankrupt the USA so we can't fund any social programs.
I agree that easy credit was a huge part of this problem. Which is why Glass Steagall should be re-implemented as well. Credit lending standards have to be put back in place. No question.

But this is the best solution to the current problem. At least the best solution I have heard. If you have another one... please put it forth for discussion.

The best solution is to allow the market to fully correct, and for americans to barter with each other, exchanging items of actual value and actual work instead of allowing a totalitarian fascist banking regime to control growth with their fiat currency scam.
you lost me....

HOW does that make them "privatize" ANYTHING?

Saying that it needs to be net neutral to debt??? That is just common friggin sense. If we cannot afford something long term... we don't get it.

Except this bailout for irresponsible shitheads. This we need. You're really a total joke. You have no credibility, and are a fool.
The best solution is to allow the market to fully correct, and for americans to barter with each other, exchanging items of actual value and actual work instead of allowing a totalitarian fascist banking regime to control growth with their fiat currency scam.

Run our entire society on barter?

How in the hell does a farmer who grows food to feed hundreds of people barter for his crop?

How does a teacher barter for teaching students? Do we not teach kids to read if their parents haven't got anything to barter?
you lost me....

HOW does that make them "privatize" ANYTHING?

Saying that it needs to be net neutral to debt??? That is just common friggin sense. If we cannot afford something long term... we don't get it.

Right. That's how it'll start. Health care off the table. Then, we won't be able to afford the increasing costs of medicare, or SS.

This is exactly what they set out to do. Believe it or not, I don't care, but I said this six years ago, after reading a couple of the intellectual founders of these creeps - norquist was one I forgot the other. It was so transparent, and gleefully so.

So, considering that? Sorry, but you're not going to change my mind. If it's any consolation - no, I don't believe you know about it.
apparently SF is one of those who thinks we should bankrupt the USA so we can't fund any social programs.

I don't know. I know he doesn't want to fund any social programs. But I doubt he wants to bankrupt us. That's why it's so hard for him to believe any of them wanted to.

But they did.