Does monotheism cause violence? New book says, yes.

you suck at logic and thinking.
Sez the patsy who believes Jews are running the world and supports the violent overthrow of the US by the same people who will leave him holding the bag. :rofl2:

do you recall ever hearing anyone on either side of that war using religious doctrine as an argument in favor of the actions they were taking?......ironically, while claiming that religion is the cause for the war in Bosnia you can simultaneously argue that Christianity in Europe has become meaningless as only 22% attend church services once a month or more.......
you are trying to retroactively go back and change/modify/edit the question you asked.

You asked if a Christian community engaged in mass violence in the last century.

Cross vs. Crescent; The Battle Lines Are Being Redrawn In Bosnia Along Old Religious Scars
Kim is critical of much of traditional Christian theology — and of monotheism in general. He endorses the critique of the so-called “Mosaic distinction” between true and false religion, which was proposed by Jan Assmann. The famous Egyptologist accused biblical narratives concerning Moses of introducing for the first time in history a sharp distinction between true and false religion — or true and false gods. He charged that such a distinction encouraged hostility to the worshipers of gods in other traditions, and alleged that biblical monotheism was uniquely culpable for religious violence.

OP is a retard. Most likely sub-100 IQ.

Kim can go jump off a cliff. The Kim you reference, not the ones I knew. They were very good to me and both were blonde and pretty.

The one Kim taught me how to ride a bike. We did things back in the day. Even fixed up a bike for the girl with the weird mother. Yes, a blonde girl (the one that taught how to ride a bike) and me cobbled a bike together for this other girl that had

nothing. That Kim was awesome! The other one I went to school with, and she was the oldest sister of like..5. She had to do it all, Idk about the parents. OMG, she was so sweet, too.

The principal, who was my loved one's best friend grabbed her ear like that gets done to the bad ones and she fainted dead away. I can't blame her. She did nothing wrong. It was a mistake.

That was wrong of my loved one's best friend. She should not have done that.
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Sez the patsy who believes Jews are running the world and supports the violent overthrow of the US by the same people who will leave him holding the bag. :rofl2:


Jews are not running the world.

it's a diverse group of fucktards.....

you are generally wrong on everything.
you are trying to retroactively go back and change/modify/edit the question you asked.

You asked if a Christian community engaged in mass violence in the last century.

Cross vs. Crescent; The Battle Lines Are Being Redrawn In Bosnia Along Old Religious Scars

not changed......the problem is you are trying to pretend that just because a population historically has roots in a particular religion it is still motivated by religious beliefs rather than by its history and ethnicity.......
not changed......the problem is you are trying to pretend that just because a population historically has roots in a particular religion it is still motivated by religious beliefs rather than by its history and ethnicity.......

Religion doesn't operate in a vaccum. All conflicts in the Balkans, in the Middle East, in Palestine, in Kashmir in Myanmar are a deadly mixture of politics, culture, religion.

You asked if there were any examples of Christian communities engaging in mass violence in the last century. Full stop.

There were.

The genocide committed by Christians against Muslims in the Balkans. That was a deadly mixture of religion, politics, culture.
you can't even say insurrection.

in your little reversal you can't say the lie.

Sure I can. There is no "reversal." Those involved in the militia groups were involved in an insurrection--or seditious conspiracy according to the DOJ because of all the evidence obtained about those groups that does not exist on most of the others.

You don't think a violent riot is worse than a peaceful protest? Or, in Ted Cruz's words, a terrorist attack.

Why do you defend a violent assault on the Capitol and police officers?
Sure I can. There is no "reversal." Those involved in the militia groups were involved in an insurrection--or seditious conspiracy according to the DOJ because of all the evidence obtained about those groups that does not exist on most of the others.

You don't think a violent riot is worse than a peaceful protest? Or, in Ted Cruz's words, a terrorist attack.

Why do you defend a violent assault on the Capitol and police officers?

No they weren't.
what the fuck does ALISSA J. RUBIN know about it?......

just tell us, which religious doctrine was the spark the triggered the war in Bosnia........was it infant baptism?......transubstantiation?......a video depicting Mohammed as a pedophile?......

So you first asked if in the last century a Christian community engaged in mass violence. Full stop.

The answer was yes.

Then you tried to retroactively edit and modify your question about whether religion actually played a role in the violence.

The answer was still Yes. Religion played a role.

Now for a third time you try to retroactively backtrack to edit, modify, and change your question.