Doesn't the manner of Joe's handing over to the Cackler seem extremely weird?

There is zero doubt in my mind that this was a deep state hit on Trump. I suspect that one of the agents in the room took the shots. Crooks was a patsy like Oswald.

Either this was a planned assassination by the deep state or it was a monumental incompetent failure necessitating the disbanding of teh entire Secret Service.
I will likely be moving my 95% confidence that it was a Regime hit up soon.....the new cell phone tracking evidence that the shooter had a lot of contact with the FBI is the main reason.....there is almost no separation now between the FBI and CIA....and the cabal that runs America is lead by the CIA.
There is zero doubt in my mind that this was a deep state hit on Trump. I suspect that one of the agents in the room took the shots. Crooks was a patsy like Oswald.

Either this was a planned assassination by the deep state or it was a monumental incompetent failure necessitating the disbanding of teh entire Secret Service.
You are absolutely insane.
It's the manner of his going, shit for brains. All very underhand and secret squirrel like.

:rolleyes: True Progressives, liberals and Independents were questioning Biden's mental and physical health by the 2nd year of his term. The MSM gave them scant notice as did the MAGA/GOP noise machine who wailed and railed on the subject for 3 years.

Biden, like all politicians, let his massive ego lead the way and stubbornly refused common sense. It was not until his major donors pulled the plug in conjunction with party heavy weights pushing for his stepping down did he finally concede the obvious, and then threw his endorsement to Harris. Now since he WAS NOT YET CONFIRMED BY CONVENTION AS THE OFFICIAL DEM CANDIDATE FOR POTUS, he was well within his legal rights to decline seeking re-election and to endorse another POTENTIAL candidate. All above board and legal, which has hack lawyers like Speaker Johnson all flustered. Filing frivolous lawsuits and launching (yet another) circus congressional hearing by the clowns Jordan & Comer just wastes taxpayers money.

Now what has the MAGA/GOP throwing a hissy fit is that they KNOW the Dump/Little Dump ticket is in serious trouble, because Harris (whether you like her or not) is MORE than capable of dismantling Dump's rapid fire falsities and Little Dump's documented history of extreme misogyny and general hypocrisy. All their ammo to run against Biden goes out the window and their nasty little diatribes will be exposed via an intelligent woman of mixed race/ethnicity before the general public.

So Dippy, as the old saying goes one should be careful for what one wishes for. The MAGA/GOP got their wish....Biden is out. Now they must deal with reality.

We live in interesting times, n'cest pas?