Donald Trump took a Knee ...

How stupid is trump? Well, if a person doesn't know which number of WW ceremony he is attending it leaves little doubt that he a complete Moron.
Next time there is a ceremony they will have to spot trump a II. Here's hoping there won't be a next time.

Trump, you asshole, stop embarrassing America!

His disrespect towards Senator McCain will live in infamy.
So he might risk going out in it to show respect to his dead betters, I suppose. But, as I say, they were Americans, and on the other side.

So you are a Nazi in Wales? You confuse me even more. I know Wales is like the West Virginia part of the UK, so I am not quite clear where you are coming from.
That's fine, but the democrats have gotten lost in their own strawman. The WH said he didn't go because he didn't want to mess up traffic for people. I guess the weather made flying in undesirable.
LMAO. The WH said trump doesn't know Whitaker.

And trump didn't know about payments to his concubines.

And that trump had no intention of firing Granny Clampett.
You are exposed to too much liberal media. Trump isn't even conservative or a republican. He is playing yet another role. Anything for the money.

He is a typical fascist demagogue, chosen by people who are too eaten up with hate to accept democracy, as you know.
He's not just selfish.. he's also stupid.. He should have attended the ceremony.

Meh, I don't know. It might have been as shitty for him to show his face there as it was for him to show it in P'burgh after one of his culture warriors blasted up the synagogue.