Donald Trump took a Knee ...

He can't even ban people from a handful of terrorist countries even though the law allows him to. Hillary helped overthrow the Honduran government and install a far right wing junta that will play ball with her corporate oligarchs. As far as Godwin's law, Clintons are superior players.

Well, I suppose neither of the Clintons is senile, which must help. I can't really enter into your McCarthyite godwinian fantasies: one needs deep brainwashing, which we don't get.
Well, I suppose neither of the Clintons is senile, which must help. I can't really enter into your McCarthyite godwinian fantasies: one needs deep brainwashing, which we don't get.

You clearly have Alzheimers since you have just posted like 5 posts in a row that tingles Godwin's knee.