Donald Trump took a Knee ...

Meh, I don't know. It might have been as shitty for him to show his face there as it was for him to show it in P'burgh after one of his culture warriors blasted up the synagogue.

I am really disgusted and ashamed that Trump is president.. and I'm not alone.
So you are a Nazi in Wales? You confuse me even more. I know Wales is like the West Virginia part of the UK, so I am not quite clear where you are coming from.

You are sozzled. Trump is of the same nationality as his Great Model, German, and regards Americans merely as usable clowns. Have you heard of Hitler? My Father was apparently on one of his death lists, but fortunately, despite America-firsters like your goodself, he never got here.
You are sozzled. Trump is of the same nationality as his Great Model, German, and regards Americans merely as usable clowns. Have you heard of Hitler? My Father was apparently on one of his death lists, but fortunately, despite America-firsters like your goodself, he never got here.

Trump's nationality is American.
He is a typical fascist demagogue, chosen by people who are too eaten up with hate to accept democracy, as you know.

Trump was anti-establishment. Clinton was all establishment. It is not about fascism. Marginalized feeling people are not fans of the establishment.
Trump is a nationalist. He was lectured in Europe about the fact nationalism is anathema to Patriotism. True' Trump is against the American system. He has shown plenty of Nazi/Fascistic tendencies. Just glad that Trump will be out in 2 years. The American experiment may be able to survive that long with Daffy.
Trump is a nationalist. He was lectured in Europe about the fact nationalism is anathema to Patriotism. True' Trump is against the American system. He has shown plenty of Nazi/Fascistic tendencies. Just glad that Trump will be out in 2 years. The American experiment may be able to survive that long with Daffy.
Let's not forget that Bannon was trump's mentor.
Obama spent Veterans Day honoring the dead soldiers at Arlington. Trump did not. He sat around tweeting. Arlington is down the street from the Whitehouse. He skipped an event in France to honor the American vets who died in WW1.Every other world leader in attendence was there.. That is OK. Its Trump. Whatever he does is just the best .
At least trump went to Afghanistan and saw the troops. OOps. no he hasn't done that either. he does know what a soldier looks like doesn't he. Anything he could have and other presidents have done ,to honor and respect the military, Trump has not done. Figure it out folks, Trump does not care about anyone but himself.
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Trump was anti-establishment. Clinton was all establishment. It is not about fascism. Marginalized feeling people are not fans of the establishment.

In exactly the same way Hitler was anti-establishment: he wanted to be dictator, and needed the mugs to support him!
You don't have to be an American to file taxes. As for his birth certificate, you will have to get that yourself.

Makes you understand, though, why this German made so much fuss about President Obama's American birth certificate. My own notion is that trumpf was a product of those SS Aryan breeding centres and is lying about his age. Interesting, for instance, to see how he hates France and German democracy! :)
Makes you understand, though, why this German made so much fuss about President Obama's American birth certificate. My own notion is that trumpf was a product of those SS Aryan breeding centres and is lying about his age. Interesting, for instance, to see how he hates France and German democracy! :)

He can't even ban people from a handful of terrorist countries even though the law allows him to. Hillary helped overthrow the Honduran government and install a far right wing junta that will play ball with her corporate oligarchs. As far as Godwin's law, Clintons are superior players.