Donny Dumb is at it again

Listen like it or not....nobody gets to the white house, EVER...WITHOUT BLACK WOMEN AND MINORITY VOTES.​

Trump has 'em.

...and I just don't see it with Trump, I could be wrong...​

You are wrong. Ignoring what is or making an argument of ignorance won't help you.

.I'm hoping the Democrats voice loud and clear to voters that the WH is nothing without a majorities of both houses...​

Really? YOU consider the President a king. He doesn't need congress!
if they hark on that and stay true to those lines....I see a future for this country.
You don't want a future of the United States. You want to replace the United States with The Oligarchy. DON'T TRY TO HIDE BEHIND THE CONSTITUTION THAT YOU DESPISE!
We must address immigration
Trump is going to do just that...the largest deportation program in history, he said. It is DEMOCRATS that opened the border to invasion (an act of treason). It is Kamala that was the "border czar" that helped to do it!
and we must let voters know, that a GOP win is the ABSOLUTE END TO NATO,
NATO is a treaty. If Trump wins, that does not affect the NATO treaty in any way.
Right now, there is basically a 50/50 chance that Harris will win. If trump can control himself during the debates, that might get a little worse, but if he can't control himself, then Harris' chances of winning will shoot up. mean the guy that wiped the floor with Biden? That got Biden kicked out by The Oligarchy from running?
Have we ever known trump to be able to control himself?
You don't get to dictate control over people.
Right now, there is basically a 50/50 chance that Harris will win. If trump can control himself during the debates, that might get a little worse, but if he can't control himself, then Harris' chances of winning will shoot up.

Have we ever known trump to be able to control himself?
Math errors: Failure to declare boundary. Failure to declare randX.

Argument from randU fallacy. Making up numbers and using them as "data" gets you nowhere.
Will the voters vote for the ugly vision of America that Trump wants?
Yup. They already have. That vision is only ugly to you and other Democrats.
Will his retribution draw voters?
What "retribution"???
Will his Project 2025 increase his following?
Not his, Sybil. I've already told you this, and who is behind project 2025 (much of which I agree with, BTW!).
Will his gloom and doom scenarios draw votes? Is that what Trumpys want?
Trump is a serious threat to the continuation of the American experiment. Do rights want it to end and a despotic leader makes them happy?
Trump offers that same old stale shit he has been shoveling since 2016.
I do not see Trump expanding his base. He is leaking voters.
Because you don't see anything.
they are sent away with bad trade deals.
Whiner. Start your own company like I did. Go get a job. There are plenty of them out there!
all markets are moderated by trade agreements for various purposes.
Markets aren't moderated. Fascism is not capitalism. Redefinition fallacy.
there are many modern day regulations on trade, rightfully so.
What right? Please describe this right. What about tariffs is 'modern day'???
you're just a selfish prick
Jealousy. My company survives (and thrives!) because I serve others...namely my clients.
willing to sell other ameericans down the toilet because some globalist mason deep stater told you it was noble.
Buzzword fallacies. Did you know that toilets are made in America? They are also made in Canada and Mexico. How does export destroy America?
well go shrug, Atlas, then go fuck yourself.
You obviously never read that book. It IS a rather long one. I think she could have made her point without all the fluff. I don't consider it her best writing, but it IS her best point.
why do you support trump?
Because he supports the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions, and because he is a capitalist.
you;re actually a romneyite neocon fuckhole.
I don't support Romney. He's a RINO chameleon.
just go vote Kamala and be who you are.
I don't support Kamala either. I'm voting for Trump.
Whiner. Start your own company like I did. Go get a job. There are plenty of them out there!

Markets aren't moderated. Fascism is not capitalism. Redefinition fallacy.

What right? Please describe this right. What about tariffs is 'modern day'???

Jealousy. My company survives (and thrives!) because I serve others...namely my clients.

Buzzword fallacies. Did you know that toilets are made in America? They are also made in Canada and Mexico. How does export destroy America?

You obviously never read that book. It IS a rather long one. I think she could have made her point without all the fluff. I don't consider it her best writing, but it IS her best point.

Because he supports the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions, and because he is a capitalist.

I don't support Romney. He's a RINO chameleon.

I don't support Kamala either. I'm voting for Trump.
Trump has 'em.

You are wrong. Ignoring what is or making an argument of ignorance won't help you.

Really? YOU consider the President a king. He doesn't need congress!

You don't want a future of the United States. You want to replace the United States with The Oligarchy. DON'T TRY TO HIDE BEHIND THE CONSTITUTION THAT YOU DESPISE!

Trump is going to do just that...the largest deportation program in history, he said. It is DEMOCRATS that opened the border to invasion (an act of treason). It is Kamala that was the "border czar" that helped to do it!

NATO is a treaty. If Trump wins, that does not affect the NATO treaty in any way.


The fact Harris is a woman of color, may in fact keep her out of the White House, I have to ponder that reality...But never ever think for a second, Trump is qualified to a President of anything, let alone this country. These constant word salads of bullshit nonsense has the world on edge bc of his stupidity and ignorance. The way he shits on this country, shits on veterans, shits on our allies, his convictions, the man is a moronic simp who should be behind bars pondering his life and why he's so gotdamn stupid!!"​

You used to be able to get cereal for 20, 30 bucks a pound. Now it's at least a hundred dollars a pound, probably. They debit it straight from your account when you show them your grocery ID."1723914073256.png


Donald fuckin Trump is a gotdamn idiot and Republicans have a nitch for brain dead white men, who don't know their ass ho's from arm pits. As long as its white, has a penis and worships money, Botoxed white bitches and the Klan, they love it. But here's the deal.....every single time one of these motherfuckers get the white house, they blow up the deficit...Trump is now the biggest spending president in US history, and all these conservative voters RUN FEET FIRST TO THE FIRST DEMOCRAT THAT'S RUNNING FOR OFFICE....these are facts and no matter how loud or how often you repeat the lies, IT DOESN'T MAKE YOU RIGHT!!​

Yup. That "red wave" that occurred and that you STILL deny will occur again.
Yes...that's a prediction (I suppose it belongs in the "prediction" threads!), but I travel across the States from time to time. I see the revolt against the Democrats from every place I visit.

Oh, I absolutely positively believe you. I am the first to agree that JOE BIDEN, who thank God is no longer running for President, was a huge disappointment when it comes to Immigrants and Israel, Ukrane and our economy...that I will give you and anybody hating on the Dems. He left Harris with a lot of fucked up shit he did. But make no mistake, Trump is to unhinged, mentally deranged and is not fit to be President of anything, let alone this country and idiots who think this crazed lunatic who stresses over crowd sizes and show so much contempt for this country and our men and women in gonna somehow save the day, keep fuckin dreaming and vote for the clown. His first order if elected, is to destroy his enemies, next rape our Treasury, converse with our enemies and then if he's not busy, WORRY ABOUT THE FOOLS THAT GOT HIM ELECTED...YOU NUTS HAVE BEEN WARNED!!​

Whiner. Start your own company like I did. Go get a job. There are plenty of them out there!

Markets aren't moderated. Fascism is not capitalism. Redefinition fallacy.

What right? Please describe this right. What about tariffs is 'modern day'???

Jealousy. My company survives (and thrives!) because I serve others...namely my clients.

Buzzword fallacies. Did you know that toilets are made in America? They are also made in Canada and Mexico. How does export destroy America?

You obviously never read that book. It IS a rather long one. I think she could have made her point without all the fluff. I don't consider it her best writing, but it IS her best point.

Because he supports the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions, and because he is a capitalist.

I don't support Romney. He's a RINO chameleon.

I don't support Kamala either. I'm voting for Trump.
macro conditions do matter.

you just like them in favor of corporations over working people.

everyone during the depression era wasn't just losers. the great depression was an attack on Americans by the financial sector, and we can get into that if you want.

The fact Harris is a woman of color,​

What color does she believe she is today? She can't seem to make up her mind!

may in fact keep her out of the White House,​

Nah. She's IN the White House, carrying messages from the Oligarchy to Biden.

I have to ponder that reality...But never ever think for a second, Trump is qualified to a President of anything, let alone this country.​

If the electoral college votes for him, he's qualified. He's already served one term as President already, dope. A damn fine one too!

These constant word salads of bullshit nonsense has the world on edge bc of his stupidity and ignorance.​


The way he shits on this country, shits on veterans, shits on our allies,​


his convictions,​


the man is a moronic simp who should be behind bars pondering his life and why he's so gotdamn stupid!!"​

What crime?

You used to be able to get cereal for 20, 30 bucks a pound. Now it's at least a hundred dollars a pound, probably. They debit it straight from your account when you show them your grocery​

The current price of wheat is $0.102875 / lb.
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