Don't make me add a rule...

Yep! Jack's thing about socks and The Anonymous account thingie is esp. amusing given that on our old forum, he had at least 15 socks going AT THE SAME TIME. Some were lefties, some were righties, and they were all assholes. :laugh:

See how when I try to be nice, you become so vicious and mean spirited.
I have contacted the Moderators to Officially request you NEVER have access rights to 'The Anonymous' account because of your Anger Management problems.
(Even the Medications aren't working anymore) Sad
It's a troll playground. That "polite face" is already shed by the use of an anonymous user name. Since people can have, some some use, unlimited sock puppets, why is the Anonymous Function even necessary? No doubt the Trolls like it, but as the OP points out, it just makes more work for the mods.
I doubt they're being paid by the hour. :)

It's not unlimited socks,read the rule, "I'll allow a couple"
I'd like to learn how to use the feature!:bigthink:

Yes. So would your wench, Owl.
To maintain Order and a semblance of Peace, the Moderators have teleconferenced and decided that none of the Amazonerds will be allowed use of the Feature.
(Praise Be To Jesus, if YOU (or ThatBagWoman) got ahold of this Weapon, no telling what would happen ... it could be the End of JPP as we know it!)
If The Anonymous is banned from a thread, I have been removing the post and adding the original poster to the thread ban so they can't do that any more.

However, I don't want to spend all my time deleting a post from The Anonymous and finding the original poster and banning them too. So, pay attention, if you are going to use The Anonymous to post in a thread from which The Anonymous is banned, you may be banning yourself... and if I have to make a rule it will be even more strict.

Just quit doing it.

Thanks Damo I have never used the anonymous to post.
Yes. So would your wench, Owl.
To maintain Order and a semblance of Peace, the Moderators have teleconferenced and decided that none of the Amazonerds will be allowed use of the Feature.
(Praise Be To Jesus, if YOU (or ThatBagWoman) got ahold of this Weapon, no telling what would happen ... it could be the End of JPP as we know it!)

Said Katrina/Skip/Malik Hussein/Winston/Red/Judson Peebles/Night Train/Jasper/March/Nosam/Cindy/Captain K/Dr. X/Red/Hairy Harry/et al. w/o a trace of hypocrisy. :laugh:

Say, if it's true like your toxic skank claims and I have 1,349 socks here, why on Earth would I care about using this weird feature? I wouldn't. You just wanted another chance to exhibit your utter obsession with me. Poor Jack. I'm sorry that things are so slow down at the wharf these days. It's gotta be tough for you, what with all the sailors practicing social distancing and all.
'The Anonymous' is more than one person?

That's just weird.

I don't see any useful function there.

Everybody should pick one name and stick with it.

I came to talk about just plain politics, not all this game-playing.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion, so just post what you believe and let the discussion flow. What's with all the game-playing?

I don't need to pretend to be somebody else to state my view.

I think all this identity game playing is not good for the political discussions.

It hurts the board.

It would be better if each participant were allowed only one identity, period.

I know we don't like rules around here but we have to have a few basic ones.

Nobody gives a fuck what you think!!
Yes. So would your wench, Owl.
To maintain Order and a semblance of Peace, the Moderators have teleconferenced and decided that none of the Amazonerds will be allowed use of the Feature.
(Praise Be To Jesus, if YOU (or ThatBagWoman) got ahold of this Weapon, no telling what would happen ... it could be the End of JPP as we know it!)

Pretty damn sure Mason has used it!
Legion can be smart but sometimes he has parts that are missing. He's like this guy. Listen to what Salma Hayek tells him.

With proper guidance, he can be a great asset.