Dukkha is more than suffering.


Mañjuśrī, the bodhisattva of wisdom. China, 9th–10th century
you will die, interested or not in doing so

That is true, very true. And not just for me but all of us. So, you know what? That's why I don't spend any time thinking about it. I spend my time, as an Epicurean, seeking Pleasure, Satisfaction, and Happiness.
That is true, very true. And not just for me but all of us. So, you know what? That's why I don't spend any time thinking about it. I spend my time, as an Epicurean, seeking Pleasure, Satisfaction, and Happiness.
Hard to be a hypocrite, which is refreshing when discussing beliefs.
Or pretend that Buddhism is the only 'way'. Not very Buddhist in practice.
Buddhism is the Path -it is the well worn trail that leads to self actualization if not enlightenment.

I don't expect you to get it -you're too much of a coward to even debate much less understand.

But go ahead and make an ass of yourself with your "I think i've lived many lives before" :palm:
-it's a brain fart like deja vu.

If you had any self awareness you would look at that first unless you claim Hinduism *look! it's magic"
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That is true, very true. And not just for me but all of us. So, you know what? That's why I don't spend any time thinking about it. I spend my time, as an Epicurean, seeking Pleasure, Satisfaction, and Happiness.
give yourself some credit.
The fact you have any interest is pretty good considering modern western man lacks any spiritual values/awareness
Or pretend that Buddhism is the only 'way'. Not very Buddhist in practice.
more gross stupidity.
Taoist claim no karma, nothing more then "man is one of the 10,000 things of the universe" we are just natural animals

You certainly are any going to get anywhere if you rely on compassion! :palm:

I've known you far too long to see you aren't much more then a sociopath - completely without empathy!
You are just a vile piece of tit for tat revenge, and that over fucking politics!
give yourself some credit.
The fact you have any interest is pretty good considering modern western man lacks any spiritual values/awareness

I'm not debating about a 'Spirit'. I think we all accept that the physical body dies and deteriorates. So the question becomes 'Do we have a 'Spirit' that survives the Death of the Body'. I, Jack, personally DON"T KNOW. I could SPECULATE, but that's all it would be. So, all I, Jack, know is that I'm here on the Planet. And, I, Jack, get to choose what I want to concentrate on, what I want to focus on, what I, Jack, want to do with THIS Life here, THIS Life now. I, Jack, right or wrong, have chosen to live THIS Life, here and now, seeking contentment, pleasure, and happiness.

IF, ... If I have a 'Spirit' and it moves 'on', I, Jack, will confront the 'Next Reality' and deal with it as it is dealt out to me. If I'm a Dog, if I'm a Human, if I'm with 72 Virgins, if I'm in Hell with the Porn Stars, if I'm an exact replica of myself in a Parallel Universe, or if I'm in Heaven playing a Harp, ... I, Jack, will confront THAT Reality and decide MY best course of action AT THAT TIME.

I would be a Lunatic trying to guess the Next Reality, THEN ... live THIS Life. ... in preparation for the NEXT Life. (Does that make sense?)
I'm not debating about a 'Spirit'. I think we all accept that the physical body dies and deteriorates. So the question becomes 'Do we have a 'Spirit' that survives the Death of the Body'. I, Jack, personally DON"T KNOW. I could SPECULATE, but that's all it would be. So, all I, Jack, know is that I'm here on the Planet. And, I, Jack, get to choose what I want to concentrate on, what I want to focus on, what I, Jack, want to do with THIS Life here, THIS Life now. I, Jack, right or wrong, have chosen to live THIS Life, here and now, seeking contentment, pleasure, and happiness.

IF, ... If I have a 'Spirit' and it moves 'on', I, Jack, will confront the 'Next Reality' and deal with it as it is dealt out to me. If I'm a Dog, if I'm a Human, if I'm with 72 Virgins, if I'm in Hell with the Porn Stars, if I'm an exact replica of myself in a Parallel Universe, or if I'm in Heaven playing a Harp, ... I, Jack, will confront THAT Reality and decide MY best course of action AT THAT TIME.

I would be a Lunatic trying to guess the Next Reality, THEN ... live THIS Life. ... in preparation for the NEXT Life. (Does that make sense?)
it does coming from a hedonist - and I never make value judgments about religion or a lack of.
Still you are aware of other possibilities and keep an open mind.
For example you might want to live a "moral life" - and then the awareness comes into a practice
Buddhism is the Path -it is the well worn trail that leads to self actualization if not enlightenment.

I don't expect you to get it -you're too much of a coward to even debate much less understand.

But go ahead and make an ass of yourself with your "I think i've lived many lives before" :palm:
-it's a brain fart like deja vu.

If you had any self awareness you would look at that first unless you claim Hinduism *look! it's magic"

I literally just talked to the Buddha.

Said you're full of shit and you enjoy burping up other peoples' farts.
discrimination of the self from matter.

I spend my time, as an Epicurean, seeking Pleasure, Satisfaction, and Happiness.

Is this an ORIGINAL idea?

Is that called the Anthony Bourdain path?


As long as the material body exists, one has to meet the demands of the body,
namely eating, sleeping, defending and mating.

Extravagance in the matter of eating, sleeping, defending and mating—which are
demands of the body—can block advancement in spiritual life.

There are various grades of men, and out of many thousands, one may be sufficiently
interested in transcendental realization to try to know what is the self, what is the body,
and what is the Absolute Truth. Generally mankind is simply engaged in the animal
propensities, namely eating, sleeping, defending and mating, and hardly anyone is
interested in transcendental knowledge. The first six chapters of the Gītā are meant
for those who are interested in transcendental knowledge, in understanding the self,
the Superself and the process of realization by jñāna-yoga, dhyāna-yoga and
discrimination of the self from matter.

One who does not develop knowledge through the authorities or scriptural injunctions
has knowledge that is limited to the body. He is not concerned about acting in terms
of the directions of scripture. For him God is money, and knowledge means the
satisfaction of bodily demands. Such knowledge has no connection with the
Absolute Truth. It is more or less like the knowledge of the ordinary animals:
the knowledge of eating, sleeping, defending and mating.

Eating, sleeping, defending and mating are the four principles of material bodily
which are common to both the animals and human society.
to distinguish human society from the animals there is the performance of religious
activities in terms of the social statuses and orders of life.


"Buddha described the human mind as being filled with drunken monkeys,
jumping around, screeching, chattering, carrying on endlessly. We all ..."

"The Buddha coined the term 'kapacitta' to describe this restless,
agitated, incessant movement of the mind. "

Mind monkey or monkey mind, from Chinese xinyuan and Sino-Japanese shin'en 心猿
[lit. "heart-/mind-monkey"], is a Buddhist term meaning "unsettled; restless;
capricious; whimsical; fanciful; inconstant; confused; indecisive; uncontrollable".
Your loud monkey mind can wreak havoc with your sense of peace

If only it weren’t so hard to ignore the loud monkeys in our mind. But it is hard. Just off the top of my head I know that a busy mind can result in:

Feelings of depression
A low mood
Anxiety and anxious thoughts
Insomnia! It’s like the monkeys are jumping on your actual bed
Feeling sick in the pit of your stomach
Racing heart and sweaty palms
Here’s a full list of symptoms

The loudest monkey becomes the leader of the troop (official word for a group of monkeys).

Usually this monkey’s name is Fear. His best friends are worry, anxiety, and stress. They have loud bouncy demands and they will keep screeching until your nerves are frayed, you feel sick with stress, or just so anxious or blue you can’t get out of bed…

Until you notice and listen and work with them.

Unfortunately again, you can’t notice, listen, and then stuff a sock in their mouths. It just doesn’t work like that. You also can’t stuff earplugs in to sleep through the monkey parade.

Monkeys can only be silenced one way. Luckily managing your monkey mind isn’t rocket science. You probably already know how to do it, you just need some practice.
Silence your monkeys by interrupting them

To feel calmer, you need to separate yourself from the monkey chatter in your mind.

I am facing a line cut metric Monday. I'm pretty sure I'll make the cut; I'm doing well,
but there is that nagging "what if"

the "What if's"are the anxieties trying to take over your thoughts -
once the "what if"s take over then the next step is FEAR.

"what if I lose my job"/ becomes the FEAR of "how will i pay my bills"/ how will I pay my bills becomes
"what if I have to sell my house" / what if if I have to sell my house becomes " / where will i live" etc.

Now you probably won't lose your job and have to sell your house but...."what if"?

So stop the what if's and tell yourself.
"I'm OK at work,there is nothing that actually ill cost my job I can put my finger on" and the monkey wllretreat in the background and you will sleep better and do your job better as well
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