Dukkha is more than suffering.


From a guy parading as a Buddhist, who sells 'as seen on t.v' crap to those who cling to attachments. He frequented pill mills because his knees hurt, until his governor shut them down.

Suffering/impermanence indeed.
*a silly ad hom. from a silly mind.

'as seen on t.v' crap to those who cling to attachments.
buying/selling consumer products i.e. consumerism does not lead to clinging to attachments.

*It might lead to a nice meal in an overpriced air-fryer oven, but that's the extent of it..*


Silly fool
I've done quite a bit of work at meditation ashrams. Far and away,
there are more thieves parading as enlightened ones at these places, than any place I've worked.
" Trust the person who seeks truth and mistrust the person who claims he has found it " - Buddha.
Was the Period that the Buddha became revered (promoted) a time of Rebellion?
Siddhartha the prince grew up in his father's kingdom of the city state period of India

the Buddha or 'awakened one'.

A life of luxury.
Siddhartha Gautama was born around the year 580 BCE in the village of Lumbini in Nepal.
Lumbini was in Sakya territory and Sakya territory is split between present day India and Nepal. 2500 years ago there was neither India nor Nepal so Buddha was neither Indian nor Nepalese.

He was born into a royal family, and his privileged life insulated him from the sufferings of life; sufferings such as sickness, age and death.

Discovering cruel reality. One day, after growing up, marrying and having a child, Siddhartha went outside the royal enclosure where he lived. When he went outside he saw, each for the first time, an old man, a sick man, and a corpse. This greatly disturbed him, and he learned that sickness, age, and death were the inevitable fate of human beings - a fate no-one could avoid.

Becoming a holy man. Siddhartha had also seen a monk, and he decided this was a sign that he should leave his protected royal life and live as a homeless holy man. Siddhartha's travels showed him much more of the the suffering of the world. He searched for a way to escape the inevitability of death, old age and pain first by studying with religious men. This didn't provide him with an answer.
"It is exactly like a Car ---the parts may wear down and the car dies--- the driver gets out and gets a new car."
That's YOUR THEORY. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not true. Unless you can PROVE it, it's simply ANOTHER speculation about 'what happens after death'.

The Soul keeps the body animated. [Anima = the Italian word for soul].

The body is a machine, it is animated by the soul's presence in the machine's CPU.

It is exactly like a Car ---the parts may wear down and the car dies--- the driver gets out and gets a new car.

§ Bg 2.22
"As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones."
Change of body by the atomic individual soul is an accepted fact. Even some of the modern scientists who do not believe in the existence of the soul, but at the same time cannot explain the source of energy from the heart, have to accept continuous changes of body which appear from childhood to boyhood and from boyhood to youth and again from youth to old age. From old age, the change is transferred to another body. This has already been explained in the previous verse.
"He frequented pill mills because his knees hurt, until his governor shut them down."
Thanks, Althea. That may explain his long ramblings here.


From a guy parading as a Buddhist, who sells 'as seen on t.v' crap to those who cling to attachments. He frequented pill mills because his knees hurt, until his governor shut them down.

Suffering/impermanence indeed.
Grew up in Kapilavastu (present day UP, India or Nepal)

Began his ascetic life in Rajagaha/Rajgir/Girivraj (present day Bihar, India)

Awakening/enlightenment in Bodh Gaya (present day Bihar, India)

Formation of Sangha/ met Taphussa and Bhallika in Balkh (his first lay disciples) (present day Afghanistan)

Taphussa and Bhallika were given hair from his head (relics in Shwe Dagon, Rangoon, Burma - present day Maynmaar)

Travels and teachings - (Mostly present day UP, Bihar and southern Nepal)

Mahaparinirvana (death) in Kusinara (present day Kushinagar, UP, India)
Thanks for some solid facts.

Siddhartha the prince grew up in his father's kingdom of the city state period of India

the Buddha or 'awakened one'.

A life of luxury.
Siddhartha Gautama was born around the year 580 BCE in the village of Lumbini in Nepal.
Lumbini was in Sakya territory and Sakya territory is split between present day India and Nepal. 2500 years ago there was neither India nor Nepal so Buddha was neither Indian nor Nepalese.

He was born into a royal family, and his privileged life insulated him from the sufferings of life; sufferings such as sickness, age and death.

Discovering cruel reality. One day, after growing up, marrying and having a child, Siddhartha went outside the royal enclosure where he lived. When he went outside he saw, each for the first time, an old man, a sick man, and a corpse. This greatly disturbed him, and he learned that sickness, age, and death were the inevitable fate of human beings - a fate no-one could avoid.

Becoming a holy man. Siddhartha had also seen a monk, and he decided this was a sign that he should leave his protected royal life and live as a homeless holy man. Siddhartha's travels showed him much more of the the suffering of the world. He searched for a way to escape the inevitability of death, old age and pain first by studying with religious men. This didn't provide him with an answer.
"He frequented pill mills because his knees hurt, until his governor shut them down."
Thanks, Althea. That may explain his long ramblings here.
i'll not dignify the pill mill comment, but I do take prescribed tramadol/codeine for arthritis of right knee .

Althea is Mr.Compassion. :rolleyes: He was in agreement w/ CA US Atty ( Haag) trying to close down
Harborside Medical in Ca because weed was being diverted
so to him that meant ALL MEDICAL MARIJUANA was DIVERTED ..or the banks.... or something.
it's moot by legalization now

he's not credible to discuss pain management. Enough drama yet?

as to Buddha. this was a real man - is the story of his life true?
probably there were a lot of gurus living in the forests then
(Buddha spent time in a cave during his quest..that didn't work either)
To the Uninitiated (like myself), bhaktajan seems to 'ramble', and not able to answer questions in a direct way.

i'll not dignify the pill mill comment, but I do take prescribed tramadol/codeine for arthritis of right knee .

Althea is Mr.Compassion. :rolleyes: He was in agreement w/ CA US Atty ( Haag) trying to close down
Harborside Medical in Ca because weed was being diverted
so to him that meant ALL MEDICAL MARIJUANA was DIVERTED ..or the banks.... or something.
it's moot by legalization now

he's not credible to discuss pain management. Enough drama yet?

as to Buddha. this was a real man - is the story of his life true?
probably there were a lot of gurus living in the forests and trees then
(Buddha spent time in a cave during his quest..that didn't work either)
To the Uninitiated (like myself), bhaktajan seems to 'ramble', and not able to answer questions in a direct way.

Hindu has a lot of complications - lots of gods - but karma is still key idea of both. Samsara as well.
How does your karma end if it is not perfected to release from rebirth?

over and over this karmic birth and rebirth as different beings in different dwells...it's never satisfactory
it becomes endless ..the Path is the way out.
What if you enjoy the Life you have?

Hindu has a lot of complications - lots of gods - but karma is still key idea of both. Samsara as well.
How does your karma end if it is not perfected to release from rebirth?

over and over this karmic birth and rebirth as different beings in different dwells...it's never satisfactory
it becomes endless ..the Path is the way out.
"It is exactly like a Car ---the parts may wear down and the car dies--- the driver gets out and gets a new car."
That's YOUR THEORY. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not true. Unless you can PROVE it, it's simply ANOTHER speculation about 'what happens after death'.
Correct. BUT...someone here said that religion's purpose is to prepare its followers for death. Very true, and most religions fail miserably at that. In fact, they use death as a weapon for assured compliance.

Religion has another purpose, that most fail at. Teaching a code of ethics. Just read the posts of supposed 'religious' here, and see how that's been working.

Sure...we all have our own theories about what happens after death. And that's what they are. Theories. But...some theories make for a more pleasant life.
"He frequented pill mills because his knees hurt, until his governor shut them down."
Thanks, Althea. That may explain his long ramblings here.
I've often cited that fact when he goes off in these threads...posting to himself using his various accounts. He's doing it in this thread now. Shame...he was once pretty sharp.

He's gone now.