Dukkha is more than suffering.

Hey Child, Listen up I gonna school you right now, Child!

Many people don't realize that their own stomachs contain acid that's powerful enough
to destroy metal.
Sure, we know all about stomach acid and how it helps us digest food,
but it's certainly not that powerful, is it? You bet it is!

Stomach acid, sometimes called gastric acid, consists of potassium chloride, sodium chloride,
and hydrochloric acid. The concentration of hydrochloric acid in your stomach varies between 5,000-10,000 parts per million.

So exactly how strong is that stomach acid? Acids are measured on a scale known as the pH scale.
The pH scale goes from 0 to 14, with 0 being the most acidic, 7 being neutral, and 14 being the most alkaline or basic (non-acidic).

Stomach acid is very acidic, with pH measurements generally ranging from 1 to 3.
Those measurements put stomach acid in the same approximate category as battery acid!
In fact, if you were to put a drop of stomach acid on a piece of wood, it would eat right through it.

With such powerful acid in our stomachs, what prevents it from eating a hole right through us?

Continued ... for those that can learn...

That doesn't back up your claim, dipshit.

Chemical-based decomposition isn't the same thing as combustion-based decompostion.

Please be far, far less of a retard.
That doesn't back up your claim, dipshit.

Chemical-based decomposition isn't the same thing as combustion-based decompostion.

Please be far, far less of a retard.

The Chinese took urine and poured it on a pile of hay repeatedly and later collected the crud at the bottom of the heap and got gun powder.

Your bile is backed up in your gall bladder..dredge it out.
You're also possessed by the Demon of Irrelevancy.

That crosses my mind when I see youth dressing like hippies and growing "Hip"beards and playing gutars in a band ---thinking they are doing something new.

OshKosh Overalls
Zoot Suits,
Big Band,
swing dance bobby soxers,
Berets & goatees,
Bell bottoms Mop tops,
Flower power granny dresses
Quote Originally Posted by bhaktajan View Post
Astral projection is a term used in esotericism to describe a willful out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an "astral body" that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it throughout the universe. Wikipedia

The Human body is made of 8 elements:


The 1st five are the gross body.
The last 3 are the subtle body.

The example is:
When sudden death kills the body [I refer to instantaneous death ie car crash, explosion etc]
the subtle body remains and can witness. The mechanism of how it can discern gross
activity is a specific mystery to me. But it is explained in the Sanskrit texts that Ghosts
are example of the subtle body existing and waiting for its natural karma to run out
[after which it will take an new birth etc].

So if sudden death occurs the subtle body remains and can "somehow" witness the environs...
nut it cannot "act".

Furthermore, a subtle body [aka ghost] that lingers too long will yearn to "act" ---weak willed people,
or impaired/intoxicated people can become possessed by a roaming ghost that will then "act-out".

FYI: the recitation of the Lord's name usually is enough to send an astra-body on it way somewhere else.

Beyond the 8 elements of the body [which is the same for all living creatures up to the point of their own station in life]


Wow. You're really quite fucking stupid.
Chapter 7 TEXT 4

Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego—altogether these eight comprise My separated material energies.

The science of God analyzes the constitutional position of God and His diverse energies.
Material nature is called prakrti, or the energy of the Lord...
This material world is a temporary manifestation of one of the energies of the Lord.
Generally one who does not know the science of God (Krishna) assumes that this material
world is for the enjoyment of the living entities and that the living entities are the causes,
controllers and enjoyers of the material energy. According to Bhagavad-gita this atheistic
conclusion is false. In the verse under discussion it is stated that Krishna is the original
cause of the material manifestation. The ingredients of the material manifestation
are separated energies of the Lord.

Even the brahmajyoti effulgence, which is the ultimate goal of the impersonalists,
is a spiritual energy manifested in the spiritual sky. There are no spiritual diversities
in brahmajyoti effulgence as there are in the Vaikuntha-lokas, and the impersonalist
accepts this brahmajyoti effulgence as the ultimate eternal goal.

In the material energy, the principal manifestations are eight, as above mentioned.
Out of these, the first five manifestations, namely earth, water, fire, air and sky, are
called the five gigantic creations or the gross creations, within which the five sense
objects are included. They are the manifestations of physical sound, touch, form,
taste and smell. Material science comprises these ten items and nothing more.
But the other three items, namely mind, intelligence and false ego, are neglected
by the materialists. Philosophers who deal with mental activities are also not perfect
in knowledge because they do not know the ultimate source, Krishna .
The false ego-"I am," and "It is mine," which constitute the basic principle of
material existence-includes ten sense organs for material activities.

Therefore from the eight separated energies of the Lord are manifest the
material world, which are the subject matter of sankhya atheistic philosophy;
they are originally offshoots from Krishna's energies and are separated from Him,
but atheistic sankhya philosophers with a poor fund of knowledge do not know
Krishna as the cause of all causes. The subject matter for discussion in the
sankhya philosophy is only the manifestation of the external energy of Krishna,
as it is described in the Bhagavad-gita.

{edited for brevity by Bhaktajan for assassins on the go}


NOTE: sankhya is the intellectual study of the physics in Hindu scriptures.
Last edited:
The Chinese took urine and poured it on a pile of hay repeatedly and later collected the crud at the bottom of the heap and got gun powder.

Your bile is backed up in your gall bladder..dredge it out.

And yet there is no gunpowder or anything flammable in the human body.

yUo = taRd
Chapter 7 TEXT 4

Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego—altogether these eight comprise My separated material energies.

The science of God analyzes the constitutional position of God and His diverse energies.
Material nature is called prakrti, or the energy of the Lord...
This material world is a temporary manifestation of one of the energies of the Lord.
Generally one who does not know the science of God (Krishna) assumes that this material
world is for the enjoyment of the living entities and that the living entities are the causes,
controllers and enjoyers of the material energy. According to Bhagavad-gita this atheistic
conclusion is false. In the verse under discussion it is stated that Krishna is the original
cause of the material manifestation. The ingredients of the material manifestation
are separated energies of the Lord.

Even the brahmajyoti effulgence, which is the ultimate goal of the impersonalists,
is a spiritual energy manifested in the spiritual sky. There are no spiritual diversities
in brahmajyoti effulgence as there are in the Vaikuntha-lokas, and the impersonalist
accepts this brahmajyoti effulgence as the ultimate eternal goal.

In the material energy, the principal manifestations are eight, as above mentioned.
Out of these, the first five manifestations, namely earth, water, fire, air and sky, are
called the five gigantic creations or the gross creations, within which the five sense
objects are included. They are the manifestations of physical sound, touch, form,
taste and smell. Material science comprises these ten items and nothing more.
But the other three items, namely mind, intelligence and false ego, are neglected
by the materialists. Philosophers who deal with mental activities are also not perfect
in knowledge because they do not know the ultimate source, Krishna .
The false ego-"I am," and "It is mine," which constitute the basic principle of
material existence-includes ten sense organs for material activities.

Therefore from the eight separated energies of the Lord are manifest the
material world, which are the subject matter of sankhya atheistic philosophy;
they are originally offshoots from Krishna's energies and are separated from Him,
but atheistic sankhya philosophers with a poor fund of knowledge do not know
Krishna as the cause of all causes. The subject matter for discussion in the
sankhya philosophy is only the manifestation of the external energy of Krishna,
as it is described in the Bhagavad-gita.

{edited for brevity by Bhaktajan for assassins on the go}


NOTE: sankhya is the intellectual study of the physics in Hindu scriptures.

Thanks for admitting that there is no fire or ether in the human body, Arjuna boy.
LOL A thread topic in which never the twain shall meet. Kinda funny how all this imaginary stuff comes to seem important. It is estimated there are 4200 religions in the world today, and probably even more have gone to their grave and yet people debate and believe and follow. In a sense one can believe anything at all, just don't hurt other people who believe or don't believe some other magical explanation for existence.

"To sum up: 1. The cosmos is a gigantic fly-wheel making 10,000 revolutions a minute. 2. Man is a sick fly taking a dizzy ride on it. 3. Religion is the theory that the wheel was designed and set spinning to give him the ride." H. L. Mencken

Some spend MORE time worrying about the NEXT Life, rather than being concerned about THIS Life.
Jack: "Can YOU prove 'Life After Death' ?"
Bhaktajan: "Life and death is the same as Death and life."

Hmmmm ... in that case, kill yourself and continue posting.

What makes you so cock-sure there is death after life?

What assures you that you will die?

Because you are at one end of the spectrum now?

Like what goes up must come down?

So once down...you're cock-sure...there ain't no gettin up again?

It's polar opposites in a world composed of polar opposites.

Once your rich, you can't be poor again? They live side by side inseparably.

Life and death is the same as Death and life.
Jack: "Can YOU prove 'Life After Death' ?"
Bhaktajan: "Life and death is the same as Death and life."

Hmmmm ... in that case, kill yourself and continue posting.

The Soul keeps the body animated. [Anima = the Italian word for soul].

The body is a machine, it is animated by the soul's presence in the machine's CPU.

It is exactly like a Car ---the parts may wear down and the car dies--- the driver gets out and gets a new car.

§ Bg 2.22
"As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones."
Change of body by the atomic individual soul is an accepted fact. Even some of the modern scientists who do not believe in the existence of the soul, but at the same time cannot explain the source of energy from the heart, have to accept continuous changes of body which appear from childhood to boyhood and from boyhood to youth and again from youth to old age. From old age, the change is transferred to another body. This has already been explained in the previous verse.
This sounds a little like "The Last shall be First, and the First shall be Last". Trying to sooth the Unfortunates into accepting their Fate. Or the one about the Rich Man going to Heaven would be like a Camel going through the Eye of a Needle.
Was the Period that the Buddha became revered (promoted) a time of Rebellion?

The clinging to attachments is what causes the suffering - you want it back, or you want what you don't have
From a guy parading as a Buddhist, who sells 'as seen on t.v' crap to those who cling to attachments. He frequented pill mills because his knees hurt, until his governor shut them down.

Suffering/impermanence indeed.
Modern People accept that you are Born, ... you Live, ... you Die. Period.
YOU ... are being controlled by others because they promise you Eternal Life ... somewhere.
Correct. Death scares the shit out of him.
Please explain how you see "morality/moral sphere." I see it as intrinsically linked to behavior, rather than a philosophy of mind. IOW, to me "morality" is how I think of and treat other living beings. As for the impermanence of things, to consider this is uplifting and freeing, to me. I'll only be here for but a brief blip of time; better make something of that time. I'm a grain of star dust in the universe; there are untold exponents of 10 billions more sharing this realm. This is freeing. Everything dies. New life arises. So I think it's good to love hard, love long, don't be afraid to express how you feel to a friend or loved one. Honor and cherish your own life and all life that connects you with this planet. Fight hard against that which dishonors and hates life. I don't know what "philosophy" this fits under, it just is how I see and it and live it. Seems maybe that it's similar to what you are saying?
I've done quite a bit of work at meditation ashrams. Far and away, there are more thieves parading as enlightened ones at these places, than any place I've worked.

Further, the devotees are some of the most uptight people I've ever been around. I guess the journey is tougher for some, than others.
As for me, I don't know one way or the other after the nature of an afterlife, or if there is one. I also don't understand the anger and fear that various believers have towards others' beliefs regarding that. I kind of figure that whatever happens after death (If anything other than lights out) happens to us all regardless of what we believe, or don't believe. What do you think?
Acceptance is important. Those who fight the thought of passing, tend to be restless souls in the afterlife. Those who doubt in this life, will certainly be a little more enlightened in the next one.
Acceptance is important. Those who fight the thought of passing, tend to be restless souls in the afterlife. Those who doubt in this life, will certainly be a little more enlightened in the next one.

Like when the Police shoot first and get sued later cases?