Dukkha is more than suffering.

As for the afterlife, who knows? Different religions teach different outcomes. I have a friend who experienced a near-death event during the birth of her first child. It was the classic NDE. She saw her body on the delivery table, being zapped with the defibrillator. Then she went down the hall of the hospital and saw other women in other rooms, and then the journey to the light through a tunnel. A being of light, who she took to be an angel of some sort, stopped her and told her that it wasn't her time yet. She asked some questions, including what is the meaning of life. All knowledge of everything was instantly transferred into her mind, then she was traveling backwards back into her body. She said the only thing she could ever recall about it was that life is "everything over and over again." She interprets that to mean that reincarnation is real. Two things happened because of her experience. 1) She no longer fears death, and 2) she is no longer a devout and practicing Baptist.

Astral projection is a term used in esotericism to describe a willful out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an "astral body" that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it throughout the universe. Wikipedia

The Human body is made of 8 elements:


The 1st five are the gross body.
The last 3 are the subtle body.

The example is:
When sudden death kills the body [I refer to instantaneous death ie car crash, explosion etc]
the subtle body remains and can witness. The mechanism of how it can discern gross
activity is a specific mystery to me. But it is explained in the Sanskrit texts that Ghosts
are example of the subtle body existing and waiting for its natural karma to run out
[after which it will take an new birth etc].

So if sudden death occurs the subtle body remains and can "somehow" witness the environs...
nut it cannot "act".

Furthermore, a subtle body [aka ghost] that lingers too long will yearn to "act" ---weak willed people,
or impaired/intoxicated people can become possessed by a roaming ghost that will then "act-out".

FYI: the recitation of the Lord's name usually is enough to send an astra-body on it way somewhere else.

Beyond the 8 elements of the body [which is the same for all living creatures up to the point of their own station in life]

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As for me, I don't know one way or the other after the nature of an afterlife, or if there is one. .... I kind of figure that whatever happens after death (If anything other than lights out) happens to us all regardless of what we believe, or don't believe. What do you think?

The world is for living and consciousness and to be in pastimes with others.

Funny that well laid inert bricks can stand for centuries doing a good job for the living beings.

If we elected to be bricks we could live for thousands of years.

But the stones and mountains etc exists for eons ---all the while the same pastime occurs ...every living being seeks the fellow being to repose with.

DYK that the God is "eternal" ---so a 1000 years on Earth is a milli-second to God's time...I mean this literally.

I one prays for a pink Cadillac in the morning and God answers your Prayers in the afternoon ---that's a lot of waiting time. That's all.
...and lands at the right hand of the father.

That's what "Avataras" do.

Translation: "I can't answer any of those questions, but I do feel like being Superior and All Knowing.

Can YOU prove there is 'Life after Death'?
... or, an easy one, did Eve come from Adam's Rib?
I don'r consider christianity a "cult" it's a major world religion with a message of love unlike Islam for ex,
the Evangelical preaching though is annoying when trying to talk about stuff not Xtian related

Dukkha: "I don'r consider christianity a "cult" it's a major world religion with a message of love unlike Islam for ex,"
Jack: What do you call the Spanish Inquisition? Do you consider the Caliphate in Rome spreading it's Love throughout South America an example?
Translation: "I can't answer any of those questions, but I do feel like being Superior and All Knowing.

Can YOU prove there is 'Life after Death'?
... or, an easy one, did Eve come from Adam's Rib?

Why do men have nipples,is the proof,woman came from a man
Why do men have nipples,is the proof,woman came from a man

"All humans begin life in the womb as females. If no Y chromosome is present in the foetus, then the embryo will continue to develop as and be born as a female. If there is a Y chromosome present in the embryo, the male sex hormone testosterone restricts the full development of breasts to just nipples, the labia fuse to become the scrotum and clitoris develops fully to become a penis. If the Y chromosome prevails in producing a male, this is not done without a fight. Male babies are weaker as a result than female ones, occounting for the slightly higher death rate in male babies."
God is "eternal" ---so a 1000 years on Earth is a milli-second to God's time...I mean this literally.

There is such a thing as an "absolute" [a singular unified self-effulgent penultimate par excellence]**
In-Absolute [myriads of endless trans-morphing configurations of 'stuff' ad infinitum (and this is an absolute too)]

**Would such a 'absolute' likely to be some geometric looking thing? An asymmetrical Rubic's cube?

I digress,

My mental picture I want to convey is this simply logic as follows
[Approx #'s not important, but the ratio is the main point]:

If God is eternal, then 1 minute of God's time =
Nine-hundred and ninety-nine Billion-Quad-trillion Giga-billion "Big-Bang-events" of our earth years.

We have experience when one thinks of how a human's life is 10 times longer than a dogs life.

Small frenetic animals like birds and quick re-acting insects appear to be rushing [like there running]
A bird flapping their wings at 20 flaps per second whilst sucking honey. A Frog's snatching tongue. A fly's maneuvering u-turns.
These animals are operating on time scales different from Humans.

Eternal vs the Life Span of the earthings is real and is ---an quagmire.

Being a spirit soul in the material world is [at worst] like being a crashed plane pilot afloat at sea ---and being sure to await calmly until the rescue fleet arrives to take you back home.
'Life after Death'?

The Rib thing requires Hebrew etymology expertise.
You realise that every Holy Book that you have ever read a word from was
a translation of a translation?

That 3rd hand pass me downs. If you take the word of the translator as good...that translator is defacto, your Guru.

If your a Plumber and Bob taught you every thing you know about plumbing, Bob would be you Guru, sensei, Sifu, Drill-Instructor.

I digress,

Life after Death are the complete deal.

You buy one you get the other.

Pay taxes and die there is no escape.

Am I correct so far? Three absolute facts of life? Yes?

After Life and Death
is finished
it goes back to
Death and Life.

Death has no escape from Life,
Life has no escape from death.

We are Spirit souls in the material world
"All humans begin life in the womb as females. If no Y chromosome is present in the foetus, then the embryo will continue to develop as and be born as a female. If there is a Y chromosome present in the embryo, the male sex hormone testosterone restricts the full development of breasts to just nipples, the labia fuse to become the scrotum and clitoris develops fully to become a penis. If the Y chromosome prevails in producing a male, this is not done without a fight. Male babies are weaker as a result than female ones, occounting for the slightly higher death rate in male babies."

How is that relevant to Adam
Translation: "I can't answer any of those questions, but I do feel like being Superior and All Knowing.

1. I am a fool.
2. As an enlightened quasi-self-actualized wog tax paying rat-racer ---I know all suffering. I see suffering. I have started threads about lawfully codifying "STUPID" as a crime.
Your Honor my client is simply guilty of Stupidity 3rd degree. Hitler was stupid. Terrorist are stupid. Have you seen "Stupid Criminal Videos"? Victims of crimes are victims of stupid people.
TV's Funniest Videos are full of Stupid Pet Tricks and folks nearly breaking their necks. From Superman's Bizarro world to Superman's real life suicide followed by another Superman's crippling to 911's large and small along the way ---shall we meet at a Paris cafe and talk philosophy?

PS: Avatar is a Sanskrit word meaning a Visiting Incarnation of Godhead descending to be among the mortals in order to bring the Dharma as would ie a Bodhisattva would do.
is this dukkha ? it is relative to who you are, where you are, and what time it is.https://www.bing.com/videos/search?...A27B0DE499377D3103BCA27B0DE499377D3&FORM=VIRE these people are as we the people, yet, their faith is wrong. open sewers. this is Hinduism/ buddhism faithless shitholeism. I think this remedy https://www.biblehub.com/kjv/romans/8.htm for "dukkha" is superiolr, right, true, just and mathematically correct. I have learned from this thread and have better understanding of the antichrist spirit of buddhism/ Hinduism. I shall continue to study. I already know the result. Lucifer has screwed these people over for a long long time. these things must be...
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is this dukkha ?

dukham means sorrow, "suffering", "pain", "unsatisfactoriness" or "stress".

The 1st Nobel Truth is Like is suffering.

Life is a series of embarrassing suffering.

The Lord's Prayer says all the mysteries of life.

Chant the Lord's Prayer one trillion times. That is why the Lord prescribed the Lord's Prayer, it contains all the mysteries that must be learnt. Don't try to out do the Master's instructions. Take his instructions.

Stop Crucifying the least of His brethren.

PS: Hey Sargent! Gomer is a Homosexual!
Not that there's anything wrong with that? Congrats!?!

Stan Cadwallader married to his long-term boyfriend, Jim Nabors who is actor, singer, and comedian. The duo got married on January 15, 2013, at Seattle, Washington's Fairmont Olympic Hotel after a month later the same-sex marriage became legal in the USA.Nov 1, 2018
Astral projection is a term used in esotericism to describe a willful out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an "astral body" that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it throughout the universe. Wikipedia

The Human body is made of 8 elements:



The 1st five are the gross body.
The last 3 are the subtle body.

The example is:
When sudden death kills the body [I refer to instantaneous death ie car crash, explosion etc]
the subtle body remains and can witness. The mechanism of how it can discern gross
activity is a specific mystery to me. But it is explained in the Sanskrit texts that Ghosts
are example of the subtle body existing and waiting for its natural karma to run out
[after which it will take an new birth etc].

So if sudden death occurs the subtle body remains and can "somehow" witness the environs...
nut it cannot "act".

Furthermore, a subtle body [aka ghost] that lingers too long will yearn to "act" ---weak willed people,
or impaired/intoxicated people can become possessed by a roaming ghost that will then "act-out".

FYI: the recitation of the Lord's name usually is enough to send an astra-body on it way somewhere else.

Beyond the 8 elements of the body [which is the same for all living creatures up to the point of their own station in life]


Wow. You're really quite fucking stupid.
Dukkha: "I don'r consider christianity a "cult" it's a major world religion with a message of love unlike Islam for ex,"
Jack: What do you call the Spanish Inquisition? Do you consider the Caliphate in Rome spreading it's Love throughout South America an example?
an aberration done by ignorant men.
In Christianity Jesus is divine, but men are still men
The entire universe and all that occurs within it are, together, no more than the random confluence of sub-atomic particles floating in infinite space.

Try to attribute more meaning to life than that and we go off track.
that is the mechanism of life, the universe etc.
But life is not the same as simple matter - it replicates itself ( there is chi to do so)
and has a sentient aspect.

Once that is established, then you can wonder if living is more then just biological functions.
I'm not arguing - no point in arguing the unknowable, but food for thought
Wow. You're really quite fucking stupid.

Aww you say that to all your assassinations.

You reminded me:

