Dukkha is more than suffering.

The Rib thing requires Hebrew etymology expertise.
You realise that every Holy Book that you have ever read a word from was
a translation of a translation?

That 3rd hand pass me downs. If you take the word of the translator as good...that translator is defacto, your Guru.

If your a Plumber and Bob taught you every thing you know about plumbing, Bob would be you Guru, sensei, Sifu, Drill-Instructor.

I digress,

Life after Death are the complete deal.

You buy one you get the other.

Pay taxes and die there is no escape.

Am I correct so far? Three absolute facts of life? Yes?

After Life and Death
is finished
it goes back to
Death and Life.

Death has no escape from Life,
Life has no escape from death.

We are Spirit souls in the material world

No. You sound like a Spin Doctor. ('Woman' didn't come from a Rib)
Is this your answer to my question about "Can YOU prove 'Life After Death' ?"

1. I am a fool.
2. As an enlightened quasi-self-actualized wog tax paying rat-racer ---I know all suffering. I see suffering. I have started threads about lawfully codifying "STUPID" as a crime.
Your Honor my client is simply guilty of Stupidity 3rd degree. Hitler was stupid. Terrorist are stupid. Have you seen "Stupid Criminal Videos"? Victims of crimes are victims of stupid people.
TV's Funniest Videos are full of Stupid Pet Tricks and folks nearly breaking their necks. From Superman's Bizarro world to Superman's real life suicide followed by another Superman's crippling to 911's large and small along the way ---shall we meet at a Paris cafe and talk philosophy?

PS: Avatar is a Sanskrit word meaning a Visiting Incarnation of Godhead descending to be among the mortals in order to bring the Dharma as would ie a Bodhisattva would do.
an aberration done by ignorant men.
In Christianity Jesus is divine, but men are still men

"an aberration"
An entire Continent with millions of People, ... that are all Roman Catholic and speak Spanish now.. Their native religions, their native tongues, all vanquished by the Conquistadors.
More like a Christian Reign of Terror. Submit, ... or die.
"If God is eternal, then 1 minute of God's time =
Nine-hundred and ninety-nine Billion-Quad-trillion Giga-billion "Big-Bang-events" of our earth years."

Is there any proof that 'God' exists, or is this like some Harry Potter Movie that you've just made up?

There is such a thing as an "absolute" [a singular unified self-effulgent penultimate par excellence]**
In-Absolute [myriads of endless trans-morphing configurations of 'stuff' ad infinitum (and this is an absolute too)]

**Would such a 'absolute' likely to be some geometric looking thing? An asymmetrical Rubic's cube?

I digress,

My mental picture I want to convey is this simply logic as follows
[Approx #'s not important, but the ratio is the main point]:

If God is eternal, then 1 minute of God's time =
Nine-hundred and ninety-nine Billion-Quad-trillion Giga-billion "Big-Bang-events" of our earth years.

We have experience when one thinks of how a human's life is 10 times longer than a dogs life.

Small frenetic animals like birds and quick re-acting insects appear to be rushing [like there running]
A bird flapping their wings at 20 flaps per second whilst sucking honey. A Frog's snatching tongue. A fly's maneuvering u-turns.
These animals are operating on time scales different from Humans.

Eternal vs the Life Span of the earthings is real and is ---an quagmire.

Being a spirit soul in the material world is [at worst] like being a crashed plane pilot afloat at sea ---and being sure to await calmly until the rescue fleet arrives to take you back home.
looks like this has become a Bhagavad Gita thread.. Buddhism comes from Hinduism so that's fine

It looks like it is a discussion on Religion. Gomer is as convinced of his 'God' and 'Everlasting Life' as Bhaktajan is about his 'God' and the 'Eternal Rebirth', things that happen AFTER DEATH ... that we CAN NOT PROVE.
"no point in arguing the unknowable"
It's fun to SPECULATE. I also think that some people need a 'soft landing' when it comes to Death. Why take that away from people?

that is the mechanism of life, the universe etc.
But life is not the same as simple matter - it replicates itself ( there is chi to do so)
and has a sentient aspect.

Once that is established, then you can wonder if living is more then just biological functions.
I'm not arguing - no point in arguing the unknowable, but food for thought
"an aberration"
An entire Continent with millions of People, ... that are all Roman Catholic and speak Spanish now.. Their native religions, their native tongues, all vanquished by the Conquistadors.
More like a Christian Reign of Terror. Submit, ... or die.

What "Christian reign of terror. Submit,...or die" are you speaking of?
What "Christian reign of terror. Submit,...or die" are you speaking of?

Did you read the short Reply?

"An entire Continent with millions of People, ... that are all Roman Catholic and speak Spanish now.. Their native religions, their native tongues, all vanquished by the Conquistadors."

Someone called it an "Aberration". I call it a well thought out Plan to insure Wealth flows to the Caliph in Rome. Even to this day, the Tithes of the Multitudes end up in the Coffers of the Christian Caliphate in Rome.
LOL A thread topic in which never the twain shall meet. Kinda funny how all this imaginary stuff comes to seem important. It is estimated there are 4200 religions in the world today, and probably even more have gone to their grave and yet people debate and believe and follow. In a sense one can believe anything at all, just don't hurt other people who believe or don't believe some other magical explanation for existence.

"To sum up: 1. The cosmos is a gigantic fly-wheel making 10,000 revolutions a minute. 2. Man is a sick fly taking a dizzy ride on it. 3. Religion is the theory that the wheel was designed and set spinning to give him the ride." H. L. Mencken
"an aberration"
An entire Continent with millions of People, ... that are all Roman Catholic and speak Spanish now.. Their native religions, their native tongues, all vanquished by the Conquistadors.
More like a Christian Reign of Terror. Submit, ... or die.
age of Exploration Jack. It's how the entire world was back then,not just the Spanish/Christians
It looks like it is a discussion on Religion. Gomer is as convinced of his 'God' and 'Everlasting Life' as Bhaktajan is about his 'God' and the 'Eternal Rebirth', things that happen AFTER DEATH ... that we CAN NOT PROVE.
Religion isn't about proving what happens when we are dead.
If you are looking fort hat, you might as well read ghost stories. It;'s about what we are as humans and what meaning is thede to or lives beyond the basic mundane

The beauty of Buddhism though is that it's a solid philopsophical guide for living as well with concepts like mindfulness and the Path -useful tools for living
Did you read the short Reply?

"An entire Continent with millions of People, ... that are all Roman Catholic and speak Spanish now.. Their native religions, their native tongues, all vanquished by the Conquistadors."

Someone called it an "Aberration". I call it a well thought out Plan to insure Wealth flows to the Caliph in Rome. Even to this day, the Tithes of the Multitudes end up in the Coffers of the Christian Caliphate in Rome.

This happened when? After our country was founded? Lately?
Aww you say that to all your assassinations.

You reminded me:



The human body is not made of fire and 'either'.

Sounds like you're possessed by the Demon of Tard.
LOL A thread topic in which never the twain shall meet. Kinda funny how all this imaginary stuff comes to seem important. It is estimated there are 4200 religions in the world today, and probably even more have gone to their grave and yet people debate and believe and follow. In a sense one can believe anything at all, just don't hurt other people who believe or don't believe some other magical explanation for existence.

"To sum up: 1. The cosmos is a gigantic fly-wheel making 10,000 revolutions a minute. 2. Man is a sick fly taking a dizzy ride on it. 3. Religion is the theory that the wheel was designed and set spinning to give him the ride." H. L. Mencken

love it midcam

no matter what you ponder about existence it doesn't change existence

deal with what is real

Live from the heart

without human love the human race would have been a blip in the earth story

the power of love created us

the power of compassion

the power of caring

the power of cooperation

the power of the pack acting as one

Love makes the human word go round

every once in awhile some evil heartless human decides there are too many humans for their liking

Then they figure out a way to get us killing each other

don't fall for it
Hey Child, Listen up I gonna school you right now, Child!

The human body is not made of fire and 'either'.

Sounds like you're possessed by the Demon of Tard.

Many people don't realize that their own stomachs contain acid that's powerful enough
to destroy metal.
Sure, we know all about stomach acid and how it helps us digest food,
but it's certainly not that powerful, is it? You bet it is!

Stomach acid, sometimes called gastric acid, consists of potassium chloride, sodium chloride,
and hydrochloric acid. The concentration of hydrochloric acid in your stomach varies between 5,000-10,000 parts per million.

So exactly how strong is that stomach acid? Acids are measured on a scale known as the pH scale.
The pH scale goes from 0 to 14, with 0 being the most acidic, 7 being neutral, and 14 being the most alkaline or basic (non-acidic).

Stomach acid is very acidic, with pH measurements generally ranging from 1 to 3.
Those measurements put stomach acid in the same approximate category as battery acid!
In fact, if you were to put a drop of stomach acid on a piece of wood, it would eat right through it.

With such powerful acid in our stomachs, what prevents it from eating a hole right through us?

Continued ... for those that can learn...
"Can YOU prove 'Life After Death' ?"

What makes you so cock-sure there is death after life?

What assures you that you will die?

Because you are at one end of the spectrum now?

Like what goes up must come down?

So once down...you're cock-sure...there ain't no gettin up again?

It's polar opposites in a world composed of polar opposites.

Once your rich, you can't be poor again? They live side by side inseparably.

Life and death is the same as Death and life.