Eastern philosophy says the self is an illusion

Your projections of emotional instability aside, Perry, why did you run from your Gaugin claim? Do you think running makes you look like a poltroon? A craven liar?

I never ran from it. YOU made it into something huge which I still don't understand. Not sure what it was about that that really CAUGHT your interest but it sure did make you look a bit "obsessed" with it all.

Not sure what that was all about.
When you scream at me in large font, all caps bold red text, you are obviously capable and unremorseful of indulging anger and letting rage control your actions.y

While I agree, in Perry's case, I'm certain he lacks the ability to control himself. Like the other bipolars on JPP, specifically Mason and Jack, it's not a matter of choice with them.

Notice who was against Free Will and who supported it. Then compare the emotional stability of those who were against it to those who supported Free Will. There's a correlation.

Also note that Zenmode has disappeared. Members come and go, but when they come and go only in specific areas and curiously timely in their appearances, then I begin to suspect they are disingenuous posters.

In his case, he last posted on the 4th but last visited yesterday @ 02:48 PM, presumably to check his messages and alerts before switching accounts.
Now you sound like Mason....again.

Nah, I'm an atheist. But it doesn't take a lot of religious faith to see people who mouth the words without understanding. The hypocrite stands in the public square that he may be seen for his piety and morality by others. He talks long about "morality" while having none himself.
While I agree, in Perry's case, I'm certain he lacks the ability to control himself. Like the other bipolars on JPP, specifically Mason and Jack, it's not a matter of choice with them.

Notice who was against Free Will and who supported it. Then compare the emotional stability of those who were against it to those who supported Free Will. There's a correlation.

Also note that Zenmode has disappeared. Members come and go, but when they come and go only in specific areas and curiously timely in their appearances, then I begin to suspect they are disingenuous posters.

In his case, he last posted on the 4th but last visited yesterday @ 02:48 PM, presumably to check his messages and alerts before switching accounts.

You sure do track people closely on this forum don't you?
I never ran from it. YOU made it into something huge which I still don't understand. Not sure what it was about that that really CAUGHT your interest but it sure did make you look a bit "obsessed" with it all.

Not sure what that was all about.
Soooo.....you've lied before but now you're being honest, Perry? :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Again, Perry, I forgive you. You're obviously sick and can't help yourself. Jack was like you except he drank a lot to self-medicate. I repeatedly told him that I was trying to help him but that if he didn't want to listen then I'd lead him to a cliff and watch him step off.

He didn't listen and ended up in a 3-month 12B ban. He wasn't pushed, he leapt off all by himself. Why? Because, like you, he was emotionally unstable and unwilling to get himself help....so I helped him the best way I could. I'm going to do the same for you, Perry Phd. :thup:

Jack 12b
3 months, multiple 12b violations.
Soooo.....you've lied before but now you're being honest, Perry? :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

Again, Perry, I forgive you.

I don't need your forgiveness. I would have to have even a modest amount of respect for you to even ask it. Since I don't you can keep it.

You're obviously sick and can't help yourself. Jack was like you except he drank a lot to self-medicate. I repeatedly told him that I was trying to help him but that if he didn't want to listen then I'd lead him to a cliff and watch him step off.

Your fantasies about other people harming themselves are interesting.

He didn't listen and ended up in a 3-month 12B ban.

This topic really gets you going, doesn't it? Really amps you up. Take a break. Take a breath. Control the thoughts as you and Cypress discuss all the time.
Nah, I'm an atheist. But it doesn't take a lot of religious faith to see people who mouth the words without understanding. The hypocrite stands in the public square that he may be seen for his piety and morality by others. He talks long about "morality" while having none himself.
You're an expert on hypocrisy, deceit and lying, Perry.
Ahh, charmer. Nice to be recognized by a pro.
Let's compare who's the pro:


Time until Perry labels me a pedo, a stalker or a pedo stalker: 10...9...8...LOL
Let's compare who's the pro:

I don't know if you know this but on this forum it isn't a violation of any rule to change your handle.

It's a great case of moral relativism which is something you and Cypress should understand explicitly. There is nothing wrong with doing it. In fact I promise you I will do it again. You know why? Because it doesn't matter. It literally doesn't matter.

(Hey, but kudos on showing us how important stalking is to you that you have these things handy! Have you noted the cleverness of the names I choose? Bet you missed most of them.)
Perry lies a lot but I forgive him because he can't help himself.

Like Jack, I'm going to help you, Perry, whether you want my help or not. :thup:

You are incapable of "helping" anyone. If anything you make the world just a bit worse for everyone around you. You can be a better person if you tried.
I don't know if you know this but on this forum it isn't a violation of any rule to change your handle.

It's a great case of moral relativism which is something you and Cypress should understand explicitly. There is nothing wrong with doing it. In fact I promise you I will do it again. You know why? Because it doesn't matter. It literally doesn't matter.

(Hey, but kudos on showing us how important stalking is to you that you have these things handy! Have you noted the cleverness of the names I choose? Bet you missed most of them.)
I never said it was, Perry. I said you were liar, which isn't against the rules. Once again you prove how craven and irrational you are. Once again, I forgive you for that very reason. You can't help yourself so I'm going to do my best to help you. :)

What is against the rules is you calling me a pedophile. I forgive you for that too, but it's a weakness of yours which I will exploit at the appropriate time.
Let's try to remember that we're speaking of highly esoteric but marginally relevant [at best] things

on the planet's least relevant forum--the fucking internet!

Lots of people are fulfilled just watching football, taking vacations at Pensacola, and exchanging pumpkin pie recipes, and there's nothing wrong with that.