Even trumpers do not believe trump's defense

Let's remember what trump's defense is:
he claims he never had sex with Daniels, did not pay her hush money through Cohen, and therefore did not need to have records falsified.

Does anyone believe any part of that? Of course not. The best his crazy supporters can come up with is that trump falsifying business records is somehow legal.
I feel the jury will be influenced against trump by the fact he's too much of a coward to take the stand under oath. I know they'll be instructed not to hold that against the fat pig, but the jury can't "unsee" that!
Yea, sure... Name one "independent fact checker" that meets those criteria.

You know their names just like everyone else does.

But I'll play your little game.


Trial strategy, they decided that closing argument about what a liar Cohen is would be better than a closing argument about how a document cant explain itself. Judgement call.
Idiotic judgement. It comes off as desperate. If I'm a juror all I see is a prosecutor with a hard on for the defendant.
You're suggesting "safe spaces" isn't a leftist invention? Really?
It might have been invented by people on the left, but its limited mostly to a few college campuses and is not a big thing. Conservative media found this tiny thing and made is as if it were some huge movement endorsed by the left.

You fell for it.
Trump knows he is lying.

The thing is, he has contempt for people who believe him. Yes, he has contempt for his supporters.
Trump, as usual, said he would be taking the stand. Almost no lefty thought he would. Rightys talked about how he would and would straighten everything out. This is normal. Trump lied. Trump was rallying his followers with his guarantee that he would testify and they repeated it endlessly. He will not. That will mean nothing to Trumpys.
Did Trump not testify because he had no defense, or was it because he cannot answer questions truthfully? Would his inability to speak well be on display?
But you Trumpys who said wait for Trump's testimony, and he will dominate the trial, I hope you learned something. But when you are conned, you cannot see yourself being conned.
It might have been invented by people on the left, but its limited mostly to a few college campuses and is not a big thing. Conservative media found this tiny thing and made is as if it were some huge movement endorsed by the left.

You fell for it.
LOL . If conservatives had come up with you would be all over it. It's shit like your last post that make it hard to respect you.
LOL . If conservatives had come up with you would be all over it. It's shit like your last post that make it hard to respect you.
It would be like me claiming all Conservatives support puppy murder, because some Republican governor bragged about it.
It would be like me claiming all Conservatives support puppy murder, because some Republican governor bragged about it.
That's exactly what you nitwits do. I voted for Trump. Am I a racist? A fascist? Am I white? Am I uneducated? Am I a deplorable?
Let's remember what trump's defense is:
he claims he never had sex with Daniels, did not pay her hush money through Cohen, and therefore did not need to have records falsified.

Does anyone believe any part of that? Of course not. The best his crazy supporters can come up with is that trump falsifying business records is somehow legal.
this is why you're losing.

QPeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, derp derp,derp

Safe to assume I can add you to the ever growing list of barking leftoie moonbats that think there is no need for any of the presidential candidates to take a drug test before debates?

You would be in the company of Poor anchovies, nordie, and wally so far.
So, the usual list of opinion writers who foist themselves off as "fact checkers." Got it.

So, the usual convenient bullshit denial of reality out of a sad Trumper cultist who knows he shills for a criminal traitor but doesn't have the spine to admit it. Got it.