Everyone Hates J.D. Vance: Poll J.D. Vance’s popularity levels have taken an embarrassingly brutal hit.


“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”

Just when J.D. Vance thought his polling numbers couldn’t get worse, they have.

Vance’s net negative favorability rating was a major topic of discussion during a Tuesday night CNN roundtable. According to this week’s ABC News/IPSOS polling, Donald Trump’s running mate is polling at a staggeringly low minus 15 points.

“It’s the worst vice presidential pick of my lifetime,” said CNN’s Harry Enten. Last week, coming out of the Republican National Convention, Vance had a negative six-point favorability rating that has more than doubled this week. According to the Enten, the senator is the first vice presidential candidate to average a net negative favorability rating.
Lots of people like JD... becasue they actually listen to what he has to say...and the points he's making...
People who dislike him or are offended by what he says (and they're offended by Everything) hate that he makes sense...so they kick and scream...
Let's see...Hurt feelings or four more years of disaster...there's your choice, America....
Lots of people like JD... becasue they actually listen to what he has to say...and the points he's making...
People who dislike him or are offended by what he says (and they're offended by Everything) hate that he makes sense...so they kick and scream...
Let's see...Hurt feelings or four more years of disaster...there's your choice, America....
Listen to what he says like, "Tump is America's Hitler"....

Not only that he is a raging racist and bigot. Best to put on ignore.
He like most other MAGAS say they stand up for the CONSTITUTION but then they back a felon that WANTS to TAKE left leaning peoples CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS away from them.
Trump has said take their guns away first then we will deal with the due process thing later, taking peoples second Amendment rights away.
and just WHO decides when LATER IS?
and I ask again isn't later like tomorrow it never comes, it is always today / now.
and he wants the DOJ to go after left leaning MSM outlets , stomping on peoples first Amendment rights.
YEP they want their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS but want Trump to stomp on left leaning peoples CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, really GREAT AMERICANS aren't they?
I still have not got an answer to my question, what will they do when Trump is done taking the Constitutional rights away from the left leaning people then turns and starts taking THEIRS away?
watch out what you wish for because when it turns on you and bites you in the ass it is too late to turn back.
Trump wants all the power he can get and if he can become the first dictator of the USA he will and he does NOT give a shit about anybody but himself.
he has even told his stupid MAGA followers he doesn't give a shit about them he only want their vote, and money.
and what is his shit about you will ONLY have to vote for me now and you won't have to vote again. sounds like he is planning to try to become Americas first DICTATOR.
Have a nice day
well he did .
The claim was true. In a 2016 text message to his former law school roommate, Vance wrote: "I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical a****** like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler. How's that for discouraging?"
JD did not say what I posted....and obviously he's changed his mind...
I really like him...you will too...;)
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You guys don't like JD? Well he and I don't care for you either.

Big deal. Shut the fuck up and get back to fucking each other in the ass.
You and your fellow Jews can go suck each other off at cost.
You forgot misogynist. I really don't like noisy feminist cunts like you.
He comes off as just an unhappy guy who found a place, this forum, to dump some of his grief.

Joe reminds me of another Joe, who was the main character in a 1970 movie about a raging bigot who eventually goes on a killing spree.

Played by Peter Boyle, best known as the monster in Young Frankenstein and Frank Barone in Everybody Loves Raymond, he was the character that inspired the creation of Archie Bunker.


I'm guessing this is the Joe that the JPP Joe took his name from.