Everyone Hates J.D. Vance: Poll J.D. Vance’s popularity levels have taken an embarrassingly brutal hit.

I noticed that she ran away once her lie was exposed. Or passed out, more likely. Vance did indeed say that Trump might be "America's Hitler." But now that's he's been washed clean in the River of Orange Koolaid, his sins are forgiven and he's welcomed into the fold of Trumpanzee sheeple. Hallelujah!
I told you, you stupid POS , do a simple search , " did Trump say take their guns away and we will deal with due process later"
it is that easy and you will see it is all there.
but again you show us your are either to lazy or just to stuoid to be able to do one
and it will also show you Biden didn't say anything like what Trump said , " take their guns away "
Have a nice day moron
"I like taking guns away early," Trump said. "Take the guns first, go through due process second."
Whatever you say dickdrizzle
OH so you can't admit YOU are WRONG and Trump DID say take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later.
just HOW many times do people have to post links showing you he DID say it before you admit it?
Whatever you say dickdrizzle
well YOU keep saying Trump didn't say it but people keep posting links that shoe he DID , and you can't admit it let alone apologize for being WRONG and calling people bad names.
have a nice day dick face
JD didn't say or write what I posted...thanks for the confirmation...and the gifts...;)
JD did Not say or write what I quoted...;) ("Tump" and TOP Derangement Syndrome rules....🤣)
It turns out I have pent up frustrations from moderated places like FB where I can't get things off my chest. I didn't really come here to try to play nice with you leftist fools. Gave up on that a while back. No point in trying to have a conversation because you people are too fucking stupid anyway. Can't wait for this country to splinter into two.
Thank you for admitting you're just another ignorant troll, unable to discuss the issues and only here to throw your feces at others.

Everyone Hates J.D. Vance: PollJ.D. Vance’s popularity levels have taken an embarrassingly brutal hit.​

Yes, Sarah Palin is having a sigh of relieve now that she is no longer the worst VP pick ever!
Thank you for admitting you're just another ignorant troll, unable to discuss the issues and only here to throw your feces at others.
The leftist parasites aren't here to debate issues who the fuck do you think you're kidding?
Trump would have done better to choose someone more moderate like Rubio, to appeal to the independent and middle-of-the-road (R) voters. Instead, he chose a MAGAT mini-me to appeal to the evangelists and other Trump voters who were already going to vote for him even if he'd chosen Satan. lol

trump is still trying to win over his base... Which is strange, because his base will support him no matter what. He is a weird fellow, who will defeat himself.