Evolution vs Creationism---Is there a God? Or is it all just random chance?

I can't imagine living a life where 5000-yo fairy tales are accepted as true, and actual truth is resigned to the same realm as Harry Potter and Little Bo Peep.

I chalk it up to a combination of factors - the way people were raised, poor levels of education, and inability to reason critically. No one should ever consider the Bible an accurate representation of historical events.

On the flip side, there is some valuable historical context in the NT. A Jewish philosopher named Jesus undoubtedly really did exist, and was crucified by the Roman governor as a threat to the State.
And I believe there are valuable ethical lessons and metaphors within the OT and the NT.

In particular, I will always cite the NT as one of the most important pieces of world literature ever created. It is arguably the first literature ever written down that treated the dispossessed, the downtrodden, prostitutes, beggars, peasants, fisherman, etc. not as objects of caricature, ridicule, or derision - but as people with souls every bit as equal, and on a par, with emperors, priests, and kings. That kind of literature, that kind of equality, was virtually unheard of in antiquity. And one can see how Christianity was so attractive to people, because it offered (in theory, if not practice) a sense of equality not found in the pagan religions and political practices of the empires of antiquity.

I mean, one can really see why Jesus is frequently portrayed as a proto-Socialist. The world's first Kenyan-Marxist, actually!
IF they existed, and IF Jesus Christ exists and is who He says He is, then eventually yes, you will see Adam AND Eve and judge for yourself; for Christ promised the resurrection of all men.

I firmly believe that I will meet Adam and Eve and these are just things I ponder over; being unknowing and inquisitive.
I chalk it up to a combination of factors - the way people were raised, poor levels of education, and inability to reason critically. No one should ever consider the Bible an accurate representation of historical events.
It's not meant to be. At best, it's a summary.
On the flip side, there is some valuable historical context in the NT. A Jewish philosopher named Jesus undoubtedly really did exist, and was crucified by the Roman governor as a threat to the State.
Prove it.
And I believe there are valuable ethical lessons and metaphors within the OT and the NT.
In particular, I will always cite the NT as one of the most important pieces of world literature ever created. It is arguably the first literature ever written down that treated the dispossessed, the downtrodden, prostitutes, beggars, peasants, fisherman, etc. not as objects of caricature, ridicule, or derision - but as people with souls every bit as equal, and on a par, with emperors, priests, and kings. That kind of literature, that kind of equality, was virtually unheard of in antiquity. And one can see how Christianity was so attractive to people, because it offered (in theory, if not practice) a sense of equality not found in the pagan religions and political practices of the empires of antiquity.
Yet declared himself the Savior of the World. He chose his own apostles, setting them as teachers over the people. He submitted to Roman authority. He said there will always be poor. What equality is He teaching?
I mean, one can really see why Jesus is frequently portrayed as a proto-Socialist. The world's first Kenyan-Marxist, actually!
He never counseled socialism. He never counseled government seizing property. He never counseled rule by force. He consistently counseled that man is free to choose his destiny, even choosing between Satan and Christ. Of course, he is NOT free of the consequences of that choice. That is more about capitalism, not socialism.
I believe that God created the beginnings of life on this planet and watched his creations evolve. When man came on the scene he created Satan to tempt man. And here we are today.

I think it is dumb to believe that man evolved from apes yet there are thousands of species of apes who.....wait for it.....never evolved? WOW!
I think it is dumb to believe that man evolved from apes yet there are thousands of species of apes who.....wait for it.....never evolved? WOW!

I'm not going to challenge your belief(s); but I will challenge the basis of your conclusion.

Why didn't bees all evolve to have the same length tongues.
<I already know the answer>
I'm not going to challenge your belief(s); but I will challenge the basis of your conclusion.

Why didn't bees all evolve to have the same length tongues.
<I already know the answer>

They didn't like the same taste of flower?

There ARE some interesting aspects of nature that are difficult to explain as something that evolved. One is our own blood.

Blood has a component in it that allows it to clot, thus sealing off the leaking vessel so we don't bleed to death. This clotting mechanism is complex. It triggers when blood comes in contact with chemicals in your skin or in the blood vessel outer walls (which generally indicate a leak!). The chemical reaction converts megakaryocytes and fibrinogen (both part of the blood) into solid fibrin strands and platelets, which serve to fill the wound. This mechanism occurs in many animals as well.

The question is: How does something like this form one step at a time? NONE of it works until all the pieces are in place. NONE of the pieces are beneficial to the animal should they develop until ALL of the pieces are in place.

Even in single celled animals (and in us!), there is a structure in some cells called the flagellum. This is essentially a powered tail that propels the cell in a liquid medium. This structure is actually quite complex,consisting of components that allow the device to act like a tiny motor, spinning a shaft. The shaft is simply flexible (the tail). Again, NONE of these components provide any benefit to the cell until ALL of the components are in place. How does something like this evolve step by step?

There are several examples like this that indicate design rather than pure randomness. Could it simply be that designs with common elements are there simply because they work?

All computers are built by us. They all have a CPU. They all have memory. They all require software. Does this mean they evolved each of these things one at a time? No. They are designed.
All road vehicles have wheels. Most have four, some have three, some have two, and a few have only one. Most use some form of pneumatic tire. Most use gasoline as 'food'. Do these common characteristics mean they evolved on their own? No. They are designed.

Okay, I hear some people say, but these are not alive. We are talking about evolution of life! To that I say, define 'life'.
Computers build computers. Is life something that reproduces? Some people are sterile. They cannot have children. They cannot reproduce. Are they alive? How does one define 'life'?
They didn't like the same taste of flower?

There ARE some interesting aspects of nature that are difficult to explain as something that evolved. One is our own blood.

Blood has a component in it that allows it to clot, thus sealing off the leaking vessel so we don't bleed to death. This clotting mechanism is complex. It triggers when blood comes in contact with chemicals in your skin or in the blood vessel outer walls (which generally indicate a leak!). The chemical reaction converts megakaryocytes and fibrinogen (both part of the blood) into solid fibrin strands and platelets, which serve to fill the wound. This mechanism occurs in many animals as well.

The question is: How does something like this form one step at a time? NONE of it works until all the pieces are in place. NONE of the pieces are beneficial to the animal should they develop until ALL of the pieces are in place.

Even in single celled animals (and in us!), there is a structure in some cells called the flagellum. This is essentially a powered tail that propels the cell in a liquid medium. This structure is actually quite complex,consisting of components that allow the device to act like a tiny motor, spinning a shaft. The shaft is simply flexible (the tail). Again, NONE of these components provide any benefit to the cell until ALL of the components are in place. How does something like this evolve step by step?

There are several examples like this that indicate design rather than pure randomness. Could it simply be that designs with common elements are there simply because they work?

All computers are built by us. They all have a CPU. They all have memory. They all require software. Does this mean they evolved each of these things one at a time? No. They are designed.
All road vehicles have wheels. Most have four, some have three, some have two, and a few have only one. Most use some form of pneumatic tire. Most use gasoline as 'food'. Do these common characteristics mean they evolved on their own? No. They are designed.

Okay, I hear some people say, but these are not alive. We are talking about evolution of life! To that I say, define 'life'.
Computers build computers. Is life something that reproduces? Some people are sterile. They cannot have children. They cannot reproduce. Are they alive? How does one define 'life'?

Nope, has nothing to do with the "taste" of the flower(s).
It's not meant to be. At best, it's a summary.

Prove it.


Yet declared himself the Savior of the World. He chose his own apostles, setting them as teachers over the people. He submitted to Roman authority. He said there will always be poor. What equality is He teaching?

He never counseled socialism. He never counseled government seizing property. He never counseled rule by force. He consistently counseled that man is free to choose his destiny, even choosing between Satan and Christ. Of course, he is NOT free of the consequences of that choice. That is more about capitalism, not socialism.

The gospel of Luke and Acts is practically the world's first Communist manifesto. The Jesus of Luke counsels rich people to share everything they have with the poor, and the first Christians in Judea lived in communes where all property and wealth was shared.
The gospel of Luke and Acts is practically the world's first Communist manifesto. The Jesus of Luke counsels rich people to share everything they have with the poor, and the first Christians in Judea lived in communes where all property and wealth was shared.

Don't tell Trump Evangelical Christians that!