Evolution vs Creationism---Is there a God? Or is it all just random chance?

You willfully ignore that I cited the writings of Luke which includes the Gospel and Acts

"In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus brings good news to the poor and oppressed and tells rich people to sell their possessions. In Acts, early christians live out that vision by sharing their property and wealth with the poor and with each other. Luke tells us believers retained no private property but they held everything in common."

- Dr. David Brakke, PhD, professor of religious history, Ohio State University

No he didn't; because he was reciting a parable to his disciples.
What? That wasn't a disciple, that was a rich man, a ruler, asking how to be more Christ like in front of others. The rich man says I have followed all the rules but how do I guarantee I get into heaven?

It is you that is lying about the contents. Read for yourself Luke 18:18-29 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+18&version=NIV

and is it your understanding that Christianity teaches that anyone who gives away all that he has to the poor is guaranteed to go to heaven?......the key to that passage is that human perfection is unattainable......it is only through God that it is possible......

26 Those who heard this asked, “Who then can be saved?”

27 Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”
You willfully ignore that I cited the writings of Luke which includes the Gospel and Acts

"In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus brings good news to the poor and oppressed and tells rich people to sell their possessions. In Acts, early christians live out that vision by sharing their property and wealth with the poor and with each other. Luke tells us believers retained no private property but they held everything in common."

- Dr. David Brakke, PhD, professor of religious history, Ohio State University

My, how things have changed, haven't they? Now American Xtians (many of them, not all) say "I got mine so screw the poor." Oddly, they say this at the same time they insist that it's not the government (i.e., the ppl) place to provide a social welfare safety network -- let the poor rely on charity.
God says you are? You talking to God Joan of Arc style?

if Joan of Arc read the same Bible that I did then yes.......do you have a problem with people who read the Bible?.....God told me a lot in John chapter 3......are you familiar with it?......if not, here...

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

God has told me that if I believe in him I am not condemned.......are you prepared to contradict that?.....if so, back it up with your divine authority......
Quote: When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” - Luke 18:22
This was not at all Jesus telling rich people to share everything they have with the poor. Like many people do, you are taking a single Bible verse out of context.

The full context is contained in Luke 18 verses 18-30. The story starts off with a ruler asking Jesus what he needs to do to gain eternal life (a question everyone should ask at some point in their lives, in my opinion). Then Jesus notes that the man knows the 10 commandments, and then the man proudly proclaims that he has kept them from his youth and up. Then comes the verse that you mention, the verse where Jesus points out the one thing that this man lacks. Here, Jesus tells the man to "go sell everything that you have and follow me" as a way to drive home the point to the man that the man values his earthly treasures more than he does heavenly treasures.

The main lesson here is not that rich people absolutely must share everything they have with the poor, but rather that we need to place God above our Earthly wealth, not letting our Earthly wealth get in the way of our relationship with God. Even more-so, we need to realize that we can't save ourselves.
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You willfully ignore that I cited the writings of Luke which includes the Gospel and Acts

"In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus brings good news to the poor and oppressed and tells rich people to sell their possessions. In Acts, early christians live out that vision by sharing their property and wealth with the poor and with each other. Luke tells us believers retained no private property but they held everything in common."

- Dr. David Brakke, PhD, professor of religious history, Ohio State University

Dr. David Brakke is not the writings of Luke, and he largely misses the main points of those two books.
not familiar with any party that says that......I am familiar with demmycrats who lie though.........might this be an example of that?.....

No I don't think it's the party the supports gay marriage and abortion that I'm talking about. If you've never heard of the Religious Right then you're not qualified to be talking about political and ideological demographics.

if Joan of Arc read the same Bible that I did then yes.......do you have a problem with people who read the Bible?

Joan of Arc probably read the same book, she was also probably burned by people who read the same book too. My problem is when people think their opinions are more valid and true because they claim it comes divine interpretation.
This was not at all Jesus telling rich people to share everything they have with the poor. Like many people do, you are taking a single Bible verse out of context.

It's literally a direct quote, you adding context does not negate the original meaning.

The main lesson here is not that rich people absolutely must share everything they have with the poor, but rather that we need to place God above our Earthly wealth, not letting our Earthly wealth get in the way of our relationship with God. Even more-so, we need to realize that we can't save ourselves.

Uh huh, and where do massive tax cuts for the rich and cutting social welfare programs for the poor fit in with this? If Jesus came back today who among the rich would he say "yea you did enough, keep your exorbitant riches"? This passage wasn't the only time Jesus talked about earthly nature of wealth and how one shouldn't gripe about paying taxes.
If you've never heard of the Religious Right then you're not qualified to be talking about political and ideological demographics.

if you think the "Religious Right" says to represent both billionaires and God, you're not qualified to be talking about anything......

My problem is when people think their opinions are more valid and true because they claim it comes divine interpretation.

its okay if you have that problem.......I don't actually give a fuck what your problems are........meanwhile my opinions are more valid and true.......but its not because of divine interpretation......its because your opinions are suck ass stupid........
It's literally a direct quote, you adding context does not negate the original meaning. .

but your ignoring of the context negates your understanding of the original meaning.......on the one hand you have two thousand years of Christianity teaching the meaning of the passage........on the other hand we have an atheist without a clue........I wonder who has it right........

where do cutting social welfare programs for the poor fit in with this?

if wonder if you even realize that social welfare programs have actually increased every year, even when demmycunts whine about how much they get cut......